I had, earlier this morrning, posted to the message board asking if anybody had tried this new app that I learned about via MFP. ( Is the address to view the original article and also the comments that followed. I was finally able to install the app on my phone and upon my own personal review - found some information that I want to share, check it out!
This is my comment which I posted on the article.

"jilliangetsit wrote a few seconds ago:
I was really interested in SAGA when I first read this article about a week ago. I even went to the length of updating my IOS (I haven't bothered to do that in over a year and a half) just to be able to download this app. I appreciate the idea of this app and the benefits it could possess...and normally I'm not paranoid about things like "big brother" but some of the information provided from Andy Hick (CEO of A.R.O., the company that makes Saga) is either unintentionally/intentionally confusing, misleading in terms of verbiage, or conflicting with what the app displays when establishing your profile. Example: Above (in comments), Andy says, "Your data is yours. Want us to delete it? Hit the button in our app, and we'll do it. Want to download all the data we've recorded? Contact us, and we'll give it to you in any format you'd like. "

I had set the app up to incorporate date from MFP - no problem, but when I went to do the same for my RunKeeper app - I was taken to a permissions screen that said, "Saga by A.R.O, INC would like the ability to:
*Access and update your profile and settings
*Access and update your friends
*Post new activities and measurements
*Read your activity and measurement history
*Edit existing activities and measurements

It's the last *point in CAPS that, to me is, misleading/confusing/conflicting. After disconnection?
I understand that retaining my information could be beneficial for the purpose of study etc. and because of the way this is phrased, I can consider that it means - permission to retain my activity history after I close the app in multi-tasking, log out of the app, or delete my account completely. I just don't feel comfortable with the idea because the verbiage is so vague. Again, I like the idea but I'd rather not continue with Saga until this information is clarified/more personal reviews of the app and it's functions become available. Yadda yadda - that is all. :)


  • saturnmaiden
    saturnmaiden Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah.. that is odd. I always get a bit paranoid with downloading apps anyway on my phone because I don't really understand sometimes what they are asking permission for! lol
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
