New to site

I am new to this site. My goal is to lose 20-25 pounds and keep it off. I know I just have to work hard and be patient and it will happen.


  • Damage483
    Welcome to the site and to a big family. Best of luck to you on your goals. :)
  • dlm1212
    dlm1212 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank You. Its not easy, but it will be worth it in the end
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Not much in life worth having is easy. But it makes you apreciate it more when you get there. Welcome to MFP. Stick with it.
    Good luck
  • Amyrical
    I am new to the site and I am sooooo very excited to stick with something that I feel very positive about. It's difficult being an athlete all of my life to find myself sitting on the other side of out of shape. This is going to be very tough and also very rewarding...I encourage all of you!

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