Ladies - a different "monthly" question

I know most of us experience a gain, or at least a stall on the scale during our time of the month. But I'm wondering, when do you see that gain go away and see a loss again? Do you gain before AF arrives and then lose once it starts? Do you not lose until it's completely over?

I'm just curious about what to expect. I recommitted to my journey a little over a week ago. And of course it's already time for AF. I don't want to be discouraged by what happens on the scale. I want to be able to say "it's ok, don't worry, this is temporary".


  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    If you're worried don't weigh yourself till a few days after your period, or weigh yourself and take note of how it fluctuates for the next month and then you'll know what to expect the next time.
    I must be a lucky one who doesn't gain, I've been loosing weight for 3 months now and had no weight gain during periods in fact I've lost consistently.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    My weight gain comes before, and stays till a few days after. I just don't log it, and don't let it bother me.

    Since I started weight training, I am used to seeing the scale go up and down, especially after a good work out. So I have got in the habit of only logging a weight when it is a new low for me that is consistent over 2-3 different weigh ins. This same principle applies to tom weigh in also.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I picked one day a week usually three or four days after I start.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I only weigh once every 3-4 weeks and not near that time of the month. The fluctuations drive me crazy, so it's better for my sanity to not weigh very often.
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    i actually begin to see less weightloss during my mid-cycle, when i ovulate and im hungrier then too. I then see a higher weightloss a couple of days after my period. Overall throughout the month, i'm averaging 1lbs a week loss
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I lose on the 3rd day or something, then I keep losing for about a week. Then nothing until AF comes back (I typically regain a lb or 2 in that time). Frustrating but I guess I've got used to it, sort of.
  • wanderingarcher
    wanderingarcher Posts: 694 Member
    I don't weigh myself from about 4 days before AF is due, until after it is over. But I'm not a once-a-week weight logger, either. I just don't like the discouragement from all the fluctuations caused by female hormones!
  • Skinand
    Skinand Posts: 16
    I try not to weigh myself for the few days before. I also don't weight myself until a couple days after when I start losing it again. I mostly retain water during this time so the weight I put on is gone rather quickly (usually over night). But I have learned not to let it bother me. I only do my weigh ins when I have reached a new low for me.