Problems with cutting the Yummy treats. Help!

Hi everyone,
I'm having a few problems and I'm looking for some tips to help me cut the chocolaty treats. I know I should just throw them all away but its not that simple I'm only holiday with the family and my father is a big sweets addict and my grandmother is to so the house is always full of it. I don't know what to do!!! If anyone has got any ideas feel free to comment on this post
Thanks! :smile:


  • darlingyellow
    darlingyellow Posts: 22 Member
    I love to crub those chocolate cravings with -this cool little thing called "full bar"

    I found a link for other products, but I've only eaten the bars

    Yes it's a little high in calories (160)but it will FILL YOU UP and fix that sweet tooth :)

    Fav= Double Chocolate
  • darlingyellow
    darlingyellow Posts: 22 Member
    oh, I swear I'm not a sales rep or something...I just found these at my local Dollar Tree of ALL PLACES and I'm in love . lol
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    Hey. I hear ya. I'm generally not too bad on sweets but go through stages where I crave. I always try to keep healthy snacks like carrots celery and fruit on me to help with any temptations
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Have one treat a day if you can enjoy just one.

    Otherwise, say "no thank you."

    If you want permanent change, then you have to make the decision to change and stick with it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I generally have one treat thing per day. Lately it's been more because I've been doing a lot of baking. :laugh:

    If you can do it I recommend taking an 80/20 policy with your diet. Make 80% of it nutrient dense foods and use the other 20% as discretionary calories to spend on the treat of your choice.
  • Amber1silver
    Thanks for the tips everyone! Much appreciated!:smile:
  • mjschumacher100
    Don't cut them out. Fit them into your calorie and macro allowance. There's no reason at all to cut out any kind of tasty snack.
  • shannonpatterson87
    Have one treat a day if you can enjoy just one.

    Otherwise, say "no thank you."

    If you want permanent change, then you have to make the decision to change and stick with it.
  • AgnesXNitt
    I suffer from this problem myself so I empathise!
    I have found that a Cadbury's Freddo Frog (milk chocolate or caramel = 95kcals) or a Cadbury's Curly Whirly - chilled (115 kcals) helps considerably when I just have to have chocolate! Alternatively, a Slim Fast 'treat' bar of Chocolate Caramel or their Nougat one are very nice too (95 kcal) - my Mum found me those :)
    For ice cream, Wall's do a Soft Scoop Vanilla light, 2 scoops for 60kcals or Carte D'or, 2 scoops for 70 kcals, with a mini flake (they sell them in boxes of 16) for 45 kcals is good too. Ice cream and some chopped strawberries this way is about 100kcals, or ice lollies - here in the UK, Tesco Finest Valencia Orange Lollies are lovely for 70kcals.
    Hope this helps!!
  • NightSoldier
    I love chocolate! I could never give it up.
    I had a similar problem with chocolate and I wouldn't suggest cutting it out of your diet. It's a mistake that I made and one day I had some and totally just ended up pigging out.

    I'm not sure if you like dark chocolate but, if you want to still eat chocolate with it being healthy I would suggest eating dark chocolate that has at least 60-70% cocoa in it. It may take some time to find a brand that you like but it's well worth it since it's actually really healthy to eat.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I guess I would say that if you are on holiday, then this is a temporary situation and you shouldn't overly stress out about it. Indulge a little if you can and enjoy yourself. Get a little extra movement in. Get back full force when you get back home. Good luck!
  • Amber1silver
    Wow thanks it really does help :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Try to have one. Then tell yourself over and over that you can't have more... they'll still be there tomorrow and you can have another one then. Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself why you're doing this... Eating a chocolate lasts 10 seconds. It's not worth it!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    My personal preference (and I'm not affiliated in any way except as a long time customer) is for 100 calorie chocolate vitatops. I eat one at lunch and one at dinner about every single day (I only ate one yesterday, but some days I have more than two, so it all evens out). Whatever my calorie budget is, I take 200 calories off the top because I automatically know that I will be eating those 200 calories of chocolatey-muffin goodness. And I almost never have any other kind of "treat". So my suggestion is, find the thing that fits into your budget that you like so much you'd rather have it than any other treat. Then make sure you get it.
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    Chewing gum helped me. They're sweet, LOW cal, sugar free, and helped cut my sugar cravings.
  • lindenc
    lindenc Posts: 7 Member
    Chewing gum helped me. They're sweet, LOW cal, sugar free, and helped cut my sugar cravings.

    This sometimes helps me, but it also creates the problem of super bloatedness/gas (if I have too much of the gum)...
    I personally have trouble trying to have just the one small treat, and either crave it for days after until I binge, or binge immediately (great...). I'm trying to cut it down by setting avoidance goals (does that make sense?), while also trying to change my attitude!! Exercise helps SO MUCH to reduce cravings.
  • FreakoMarco
    Chewing gum helped me. They're sweet, LOW cal, sugar free, and helped cut my sugar cravings.

    THIS. I chew the same piece for gum for as long as 8 hours some day. Sounds disgusting but it reduces my appetite