5 foot 1 I Lost 42 pounds... and still obese.



  • ambickford
    I'm 5'4 and lost over 100 in 2009-2010. No matter what I can't get out of the 152 range...the highest I should be is 151 for a "healthy" weight. I know it's not the same but I've been trying to get out of the 150's for THREE YEARS! It's still not enough, and I'm still overweight. I'm lifting heavy weights, so I know it plays a part, but it's still frustrating seeing the "overweight" or "obese" sign when you've clearly busted your booty to get where you're at. :(
  • holagatita
    holagatita Posts: 1,785 Member
    Yep. Im 5"3ish and lost about 48lbs and still fall in that category. I have to be 115-136lbs to be "normal" my goal is actually 144 so I may never be "normal" =/
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    BMI and weight
    Was he basing it off of BMI or Body Fat %?
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    I know this may sound like a pity party, so give the disclaimer right now! =-) I went to the doctor earlier this week for my monthly check up and was disappointed, ok crushed when I was told that I was doing such a great job if I keep up the good work then by the next visit I would “surely be out of the obese category.” I have lost 42 pounds and i am 5 foot 1 (in about 4 months) and I have worked my butt of literally no quick fixes, no crazy fad diets, or medical procedures. I have worked hard the good old fashion way by: watching my food intake, increasing my exercise/overall activity level, and really trying to focus on adopting this idea of a lifestyle change. My brain was just beginning to finally recognize in the mirror that changes were really taking place, I was feeling less winded going up stairs, and even feeling kind of cute when going shopping. But when he told me that my now comfortable size 10 body wasn’t even good enough to be NOT obese it really crushed me. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? How about mixed messages as I know I have plenty more to go but am already warned about “losing too much” by loved ones and friends. How do you handle feelings of disappointment around these issues?

    Oh yeah I feel your pain.....

    I am 5 1 and 1/2 ...don't forget the 1/2!...i have lost 15lbs since Nov...but I am still overweight!!! I am 141lbs and size 6/8 but according to the stupid thing on my phone I need to be 114lbs to be my ideal weight....Since my personal ideal is 125..this was exceedingly depressing.....I just want to be in the healthy category....and a size 4...how is that not ideal????? So yes, we all have those moments, minutes and hours....

    I can now shop and dress and feel cute ...but still have a long way to go to be healthy...according to the darn scale..about 5-8 lbs and so much more to be my "ideal"...ugh...getting annoyed just thinking of it.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    First congrats on your 85 pounds weight loss. Second, I care...if I didn't I would not have written this post. I agree and I am proud but I still don't want to be obese.
    Who cares if you're classified as "Obese" when you look fine. Accept that you lost those 42 pounds and be proud of yourself cause that is an achievement that is very hard to accomplish.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    LOL! Hey ya! I imspire you? Aw, I had no idea!!! I really appreciate it! Girl, I totally just drank water for 30 seconds straight a good 10-11oz! =-P
    Girl, you are doing an amazing job!!! Don't get upset or depressed (and I do know that it is easier said then done), stand back and look at where you started 4 months ago, and where you are now... Absolutely amazing A-FREAKIN-MAZING... You have become my inspiration for more water and to get up and move no matter what.


    WATER BOMB! :wink:
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    I'm also 5'1 and currently weigh 155, I started at 175. I'm still classified as "obese" and by the sounds of it I think you weigh less then me! I'm not in the size 10 yet, I'm almost there...of course that might be because of my breasts lol. I have definitely felt better about my body, I don't care if I'm still in the "obese". I've been dieting and working out like crazy and I've seen the results, I'll eventually get there. The important thing is that your working to get there and that you feel good and more healthy. I've actually been struck around 153-156 for about 2 months now but I don't let it discourage me. I'm doing this to be more healthy and to feel better.
    Also, losing 41 pounds in 4 months is GREAT!!! I wish I could do that. You're really doing an awesome job
  • dichrodiva
    All us shorties have the same problem. I'm 5'2" and am in the 155 to 160 range on any given day. Started losing after I attained a weight of 210. To be "normal" under government and insurance standards ( and these were established in the 50s for insurance purposes) I'd have to get to 110. At 59, this is not realistic. My goal is 140 and I don't know if I will get there and right now I feel pretty good at 160.This is still just under the government standard of obese and still overweight. I feel pretty good and am very active.

    So losing 42 lbs. and still trying is fantastic. Everyone is different and a lot has to do with family body type. Just look around and see how many different shapes of people there are.

    You are doing this for yourself and don't let anyone talk you out of it. Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one. Doesn't mean they are correct.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    141 and size 6/8 congrats girly! Now, may I ask why oh why is size 4 your "it" place to be? Were you there before and just felt better? Who said your ideal weight is 114? Even my "jerky" doctor said he'd be ideally happy if I stayed under 140 anything under that is 100% up to me.

    Weight is so much irrational, illogical...so little of it is actually about what REALLY is healthy and so much is tied into culturally what we "think: is appropriate, normal, or acceptable. I know I am one to talk as the author of the original post. But I guess I can point it out in others much easier than self =-( It's just so said the women (especially) seem to have so much external and internal pressure on this perceived standards of beauty...not healthy.
    Just sad.

    Oh yeah I feel your pain.....

    I am 5 1 and 1/2 ...don't forget the 1/2!...i have lost 15lbs since Nov...but I am still overweight!!! I am 141lbs and size 6/8 but according to the stupid thing on my phone I need to be 114lbs to be my ideal weight....Since my personal ideal is 125..this was exceedingly depressing.....I just want to be in the healthy category....and a size 4...how is that not ideal????? So yes, we all have those moments, minutes and hours....

    I can now shop and dress and feel cute ...but still have a long way to go to be healthy...according to the darn scale..about 5-8 lbs and so much more to be my "ideal"...ugh...getting annoyed just thinking of it.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    Hi! i honestly think going by body fat percentage might be better. I'm 5'1" and also lost 42 lbs . YOu look great, if you feel healthy and fit i really believe that's all that matters!
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    Hey girl! I have had the same thing happen to me by two of my doctors (my gyno and my regular doctor). I'm 4'11" and I weighed 160 pounds when I first began losing weight a little over two years ago. When I first started I hadn't been to the doctor in about a year (because of being away for college), so I really just started for myself. I met my goal weight of 140 (lost 20 lbs. in 5 months) and was comfortable staying at that weight until 6 months later when I went to the doctor for the first time in 2 years and they told me I was still considered "obese" according to my BMI and I need to lose another 20lbs. It really threw me for a loop because everyone around me said I looked great and I had asked the people closest to me if they thought I should lose more even before I went to the doctor and they all said "no, you look healthy". So, under doctors orders this time around I lost 17 pounds (which now took me 8 months to lose because my heart really wasn't in it for the right reasons). Around this time, I went to the gyno and heard the same thing, but this time my gyno told me that "to be safe you need to weight between 105-115lbs...honestly I can't imagine being that small ever...and I frankly I don't want to lose my boobs and my butt. After that appointment I had some health problems and completely gave up on losing, I tried maintaining but I really had a "I don't care" attitude between my health problems, grad school, and working. So, in July I decided to restart my losing again because I gained 10 lbs back and was super pissed at myself and came to the conclusion that 120 is a comfortable weight for me to live at, FOR ME, not for my doctors. So, that's where I'm at right now. Having professionals tell me these things was very counterproductive because I felt better in my health and my body than ever before, but I realized that they were just doing their jobs and it's really up to me in the end, what I want to do. Don't let it discourage you! Do what you need for yourself and for your health! Best of luck! (Feel free to add me if you like!)
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    girl you have lost 42 pounds - congrats!!
    Those damn BMI charts are not accurate. I wouldn't focus on that. Athletes are considered "obese" because of their weight but they have less than 10% body fat - the BMI doesn't take that into consideration. You are healthier and you have lost a TON of weight. Good for you!!!
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I am not a petite person at 5'9" but I can so relate. Right now I am 209, I have lost around 30 pounds (some before starting MFP). According to the BMI charts, I am still obese, and this is stopping me from being able to be listed for an organ transplant. My body fat% is 30% which, while not where I would like it to be is considered normal and healthy for my age (40). I don't understand how Doctors, who should know better, still use this chart to determine an individuals level of fitness.

    Regardless, you have lost 42 freakin pounds!!! You have made awesome positive changes in your life and should be epically proud of your self :drinker: Keep doing what you are doing!!!!!
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    I am 5'1 too. I am 238 and if I were to lose 42 pounds I'd still be obese. Damn, even if I were lose 100 POUNDS I'd still be overweight.

    But I am not going to let BMI get me down. I know after every pound I were to lose I would look and feel even better than before. BMI does not tell the entire story, so don't let it get you down. You have lost 42 pounds and you should be very proud.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    You guys all may feel better with this article I just saw today:

    "For nearly 1 in 5 Americans, BMI may tell the wrong story"

    BMI is an adequate measure of populations, but when it comes to individuals, body fat % is a much better measure.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    First, thanks so much for sharing...it really helped. Its almost as if I saw the next year of my life fast forwarded if I don't "get a grip" right now! What you first described is VERY similar to what I am going through right now. I am getting positive feedback out the wazoo from my friends, family, and co-workers and what you described when going to the doctor was me to a T! Thanks you so much for sharing!

    Second, congrats on your weight loss and finding a weight YOU are happy with, you look amazing!
    Hey girl! I have had the same thing happen to me by two of my doctors (my gyno and my regular doctor). I'm 4'11" and I weighed 160 pounds when I first began losing weight a little over two years ago. When I first started I hadn't been to the doctor in about a year (because of being away for college), so I really just started for myself. I met my goal weight of 140 (lost 20 lbs. in 5 months) and was comfortable staying at that weight until 6 months later when I went to the doctor for the first time in 2 years and they told me I was still considered "obese" according to my BMI and I need to lose another 20lbs. It really threw me for a loop because everyone around me said I looked great and I had asked the people closest to me if they thought I should lose more even before I went to the doctor and they all said "no, you look healthy". So, under doctors orders this time around I lost 17 pounds (which now took me 8 months to lose because my heart really wasn't in it for the right reasons). Around this time, I went to the gyno and heard the same thing, but this time my gyno told me that "to be safe you need to weight between 105-115lbs...honestly I can't imagine being that small ever...and I frankly I don't want to lose my boobs and my butt. After that appointment I had some health problems and completely gave up on losing, I tried maintaining but I really had a "I don't care" attitude between my health problems, grad school, and working. So, in July I decided to restart my losing again because I gained 10 lbs back and was super pissed at myself and came to the conclusion that 120 is a comfortable weight for me to live at, FOR ME, not for my doctors. So, that's where I'm at right now. Having professionals tell me these things was very counterproductive because I felt better in my health and my body than ever before, but I realized that they were just doing their jobs and it's really up to me in the end, what I want to do. Don't let it discourage you! Do what you need for yourself and for your health! Best of luck! (Feel free to add me if you like!)
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    I know this may sound like a pity party, so give the disclaimer right now! =-) I went to the doctor earlier this week for my monthly check up and was disappointed, ok crushed when I was told that I was doing such a great job if I keep up the good work then by the next visit I would “surely be out of the obese category.” I have lost 42 pounds and i am 5 foot 1 (in about 4 months) and I have worked my butt of literally no quick fixes, no crazy fad diets, or medical procedures. I have worked hard the good old fashion way by: watching my food intake, increasing my exercise/overall activity level, and really trying to focus on adopting this idea of a lifestyle change. My brain was just beginning to finally recognize in the mirror that changes were really taking place, I was feeling less winded going up stairs, and even feeling kind of cute when going shopping. But when he told me that my now comfortable size 10 body wasn’t even good enough to be NOT obese it really crushed me. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? How about mixed messages as I know I have plenty more to go but am already warned about “losing too much” by loved ones and friends. How do you handle feelings of disappointment around these issues?

    I know you may feel crushed, I am 5'4" and know how hard it is to not see the changes we expect, after focusing so much. The good news is...you are soooo much closer than you were! Maybe it is time to re-evaluate where you want end up. Or maybe better health will be something you will continue to strive for, even when weight loss is not the primary goal.

    The work you have done is AMAZING! Relish in that! Own that!
  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    just keep going! no reason to be crushed you just haven't hit your goals yet.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm overweight too according to BMI. My dr used to pull out a little chart and show me where I was on the BMI scale at every visit. I am 5'2 and I am not counting on ever being in the normal category. It's all about body fat for me.

    I want your "overweight" body! You look fabulous! I hate the BMI scale. It's just stupid, and it was never ever meant to be applied to individual people. People who apply it to individuals don't know what population demographics are for...populations not individuals.

    I get irritated when I hear people go on about BMI's. :( It was never meant for individual people. :/
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    42 pounds in 4 months is 10.5 pounds a month or 2.6 pounds a week. MOST doctors don't recommend losing over 2 pounds a week. It sounds like your doctor is a total jerk! My doctor would be doing the Snoopy happy dance if I lost that much weight in 4 months. As it is he's been very, very happy that I'm losing. I've lost 53.6 pound since September 20,2012. So 53.6 pounds in 11 months or approximately 1.2 pounds per week. I'm 5'4", diabetic, low thyroid, and still obese according to the BMI chart. I'm attempting to get down to 110. Keep doing what you're doing! You rock! Keep on doing what you're doing. I'd be telling your doctor where to stuff his charts. *HUGS*