A storm of questions in my head...Exercise, Proteins, Diet,

Hey All,

I have recently started my journey towards a better me… You can read more about me at:


I have been reading a lot about weight loss and fitness these days and I have a storm of questions in my mind… It will be of great help if you all can share your experience with me…

You can view my food and exercise diary here:


A brief about me:

Age: 29 yrs
Gender: Female
Current Weight: 106 kgs (233 lbs)
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (170 cms)
Body Type: Pear Shaped. Tendency to put on weight easily. PCOS. (My menstrual cycle is getting regular…Thanks to my regular fitness routine since past 2 months.)
Fat concentration: Lower body (Mainly Hips and Thighs)
Exercise: Mix of Cardio and Strength training. I work out in morning on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays else work out in evening..

Short Term Target: 99 kgs (217 lbs) [Its been over a decade since I have seen a two digit weight on the scale!!]

Long Term Target: 70 kgs (154 lbs)

Body Shape: Would love to have a toned body.. Less Pear Shaped..


1) I have been trying to get proteins from eggs and chicken but I think I need to start having protein shakes… There are millions of brands available… Which is the best protein shake for weight loss for women?

2) I read about Maxitone – Sculptress… Is it good???

3) When should I have my protein shake? Breakfast and After workouts?

4) How much protein and carbs should I take?

5) What changes would you suggest in my food diary.. Please have a look at my food diary and let me know if I am doing anything wrong.

6) Am I eating more than I should be ??

Thanks for all your help….

Luv n Hugs,

~ It's never too late to be what you might have been.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Hello! I am going to take a stab at the questions for you. :)

    1. Pick whichever brand you want that does not have a lot of fat or sugar in it. Some brands add fats and sugars to make them taste better, but this can help you to NOT lose weight. I prefer the ones from Max Muscle (www.maxmuscle.com) but you can find some other decent ones at other stores. Max Muscle has so many different flavors that I don't ever get bored with it which is why I like them so much.

    2. Not sure what those are...if they are pills, I would stay away from them. Fat loss is best accomplished by eating a balanced diet and exercising.

    3. Depending on how many calories are in your shake, you could have it as a meal replacement. I prefer to have mine either before or after my workout as a snack. I've been told that having it right after strength training workouts can help muscle fibers rebuild and reduce soreness, and this is actually what I am going to try next week. :)

    4. As far as how many proteins ans carbs, this is unfortunately going to be different for different people. I honestly believe and have seen from my experience that a good starting point for anyone wanting to lose weight is to stick to a ratio of 50-55% carbs, 30% protein, and 15-20% fat. You can plug those numbers into MFP manually once you decide how many calories you should be taking in.

    5. When I looked at your food diary, it looks as though you are not eating enough food. Somedays you are at 1100 calories or less which can send you into starvation mode (basically meaning that your metabolism will slow down, and any weight you may lose will most likely be your muscle mass and water instead of fat which is what our goal is.) I would try to increase to a bare minimum of 1200 calories a day, probably more. Most people's BMR is actually over the baseline 1200 mark, and you shouldn't go under that. I would personally start at 1400 calories, and then you can manually put in this number as well as the ratio above into MFP. When you do that, start adding foods to the diary until you have planned out one good, solid day of eating close to those goals and use that as an example of what you should be doing.

    6. Absolutely NOT. See above. :) Most people don't eat enough when they are trying to lose weight, because conventional thinking says that food makes us fat, less food makes us skinny. The truth is this: we feed the muscle with nutritious food and cut out bad "junk" food and this in turn helps us exercise better and it is the exercise, not the lack of food, that cause the fat loss.

    Good luck!
  • simply_healthy
    simply_healthy Posts: 175 Member
    Hey Lyadeia,

    Thanks so much for spending time on my diary and giving me so many tips. Really really really appreciated !!!

    I will surely make all the changes you have suggested and increase my food intake.. as well as choose on a protein shake after comparing its content with other competitors.... I shall surely keep you posted on my progress....It would be great if you can give me a helping hand while I toddle towards my goals..:smile: . I am bit new to fitness world and need to learn a lot about right food, nutrition and exercise....

    I cant express how happy I am to have found such amazing people here... I would have never imagined that there are such lovely people around who are ready to help me out so selflessly....

    Please do let me know if you think I should be changing anything in my workouts too...

    I would love to share happenings with you... would try to regularly blog and share my experiences too.....

    Stay in touch....See you around..Once again... Thanks a lot !!! . :flowerforyou:
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I use Precision engeneered protein powder...I get it from Puritan Pride a vitamin wholesale co online. They have specials like buy 1 get 2 free from time to time! I like it because it is mild...not artificially sweet.

    I go to a weight loss clinic and my DR has me on 110 grams of protein and 1400 calories. They did a BMR test when I began. It was way cool. It took all of 10 minutes of me breathing into a machine and it told me my basal metabolic rate. So now I know how many calories to stay below!