weight loss pills

anyone ever take adapex or phentermine?? good bad...???


  • Phentermine makes most people jittery, but even if it doesn't then you will quickly gain a tolerance to it and it won't be effective anymore. Whatever you lose while taking it you'll gain back when you stop, and it can cause heart problems.

    Adapex I dunno anything about :)
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Phentermine is FDA approved for weight loss - if your doctor is already suggesting it, its up to you - most people on these forums will bash weight loss pills/any adjuncts that get prescribed to aid in weight loss. That being said if you are just considering it, try without it first because most physicians will suggest life style modifications before orlistat or phentermine
  • I have taken Phentermine and it worked in the past as a kick start, and I am back on it. It helped, but I do not recommend it unless you are desperate to lose weight. I have to drop weight...not for any health reasons, but for the military. Because it helped before, I am willing to do it again, the key is to follow a good, healthy diet, exercise, and stick to it. Don't go back to your old ways or your old weight will come back too!
  • Tried it, Don't like it. And that is just my opinion. I felt jittery, which thats what it does and because I never had an apettite I always had bad headaches and was always angry.
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    I used it, lost, then gained, felt withdrawl symptoms after taking 3 months and stopping......VERY tired for weeks after stopping, also made mouth taste AWFUL!!!!
  • I used it in the past and it was awesome...tons of energy and wasn't hungry at all. Lost 50 lbs. Then I got pregnant and unfortunately gained weight. When I tried it a second time years later it wasn't effective at all! Good luck with your journey!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Step away from the pills.................

    Eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and you will lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way and be more likely to keep it off.

  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I was on phentermine for 4 weeks a few years ago. My GP prescribed it for me and he told me that it's only temporary to help curb my appetite while I change my eating habits and start exercising. I certainly worked as an appetite suppressant and I lost weight but I stopped taking it before I finished pills because I didn't like the side effects. I was a little jittery, like I'd had too much caffeine, and I remember sweating, a bitter taste in my mouth, and some nausea.

    It's certainly worth a shot if you're desperate and your doctor is willing to prescribe it but don't count on it as a miracle pill. I believe you're not allowed to take it for longer than 1 month. Use those few weeks on the pill to change your eating habits and develop a solid weight loss plan.
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
  • f1tforever
    f1tforever Posts: 39 Member
    I have tried so many diet pills. To be completely honest they work but then you end up gaining it back (most of the time). Very easy to become addicted to them to lose weight. Wish I never touched them in the first place, and feel so much better without them!
  • tylerjay7897
    tylerjay7897 Posts: 2 Member
    I was on Phentermine and it did help me lose 30lbs - quickly (like in 3 months). The problem is, I gained all of it right back. It's not the answer. I'm currently trying to lose those same 30lbs. I've already reached the 3 month mark and I'm down 15lbs. It's much slower, but it's much healthier. Eating right and exercise will make it happen - just slowly, but the chances of you keeping it off are much higher.
  • sweetheart312
    sweetheart312 Posts: 26 Member
    i been taking adapex since 01-01-13 and i love it and i have lost 26lbs so far in a month in a half i was jittery at first but it goes away within a week i started off at 206 and now im 180lbs i love i strongly recommend it for someone who needs to lose atleast 20-60 lbs
    i have 30 more lbs to lose and im at my goal weight of 150lbs the only downfall is you can only take it for 3 months but as long as you eat the same way as you do when on meds you will keep it off :love:
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    My doctor just prescribed this to me. I didn't want to take it at first, but I've tried just about everything I can and this is a last resort. I never had problems losing weight before if I needed to, but then four years ago, I had a rare knee surgery and was on crutches for four months. Then recovering for a year and a half. And then another knee surgery and an elbow surgery in the next two years. In that time since my first knee surgery, I guess my metabolism tanked and I gained 25 lbs.

    I've tried Weight Watchers, low carb, counting calories (from my lowering calories to 1500 and then raising calories gradually to around 2200), ...you name it, I've tried it. I also work out 5-6 days a week, doing Insanity, P90X, classes at the gym, etc. I have Celiac Disease and can't eat gluten, so most of my foods are fresh and I prepare all my meals myself. I get most of my sugar from fruit (and maybe a little dark chocolate every once in awhile) and eat tons of vegetables. I don't eat anything like pasta or rice, and usually only have sweet potatoes for starch. And in *four* years, I've lost 9 pounds. And that's mostly been recently. My measurements haven't really changed either. My doctor tested my thyroid and my levels came back normal, as did all my hormone levels, blood sugar, liver enzymes, and cholesterol. He prescribed just enough adipex to last for 3 weeks to see if it will jump start my metabolism. If it doesn't, I've resigned myself to that fact that maybe I just won't be able to lose this stubborn 25 lbs. (But I won't stop working out, even if the weight doesn't come off. I enjoy working out too much to quit.)

    I can't take a whole pill. I have to take half of one because a whole one makes my heart race and I feel jittery. With half of one, I just feel like I have tons of energy. I'm hoping this will jump start my metabolism and I can get off of these things. I don't even like to take ibuprofen if I don't have to, so I hate the fact that I've resorted to a diet pill. I know my diet won't change when I get off of them because my diet has been the same for quite some time, due to dietary restrictions. I guess I'll see how it goes....
  • i took adapex for 3 months, loved it couldnt wait to get up and get going for the day, and believe you me im not a morning person, i was in a great mood for those 3months, and was a wonderful person to be around and lost 36lbs in those 3 months, but once off i was back to the same ole slugg i was before, and put the weight plus some back on, so then i went and got the over the counter of adapex, which is called fastin, and it works the same way needing a new bottle now... watch your bp while taking...
  • sweetheart312
    sweetheart312 Posts: 26 Member
    i am now down 30 lbs i only have 20 more lbs to go yay me:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • jessbixl
    jessbixl Posts: 34
    I've been on phentermine several different times throughout the years. I honestly didn't really lose any weight (not enough in my opinion). It made me all mood swingy all the time..When I first started it, it would keep me up at night I couldn't sleep. It would also make me wake up really early like 5 or 6 am (I'm not a morning person). It gave me energy for a while, then my body grew a tolerance to it =( Then after I tried going back on it several different times throughout the years the effects it had on me when I first started it never came back. So basically I wasted my time trying to take it. And honestly I shouldn't be taking it because if you suffer from high blood pressure or heart issues (I do) then I shouldn't of even been prescribed it to take..My doctor at the time just handed it out like candy to me whenever I asked for it....And another thing..This diet pill can BE addicting. I grew addicted to it!! I no longer take it now, I choose not to for personal reasons and because it never worked the same for me again.
  • cls4800
    cls4800 Posts: 1
    I started taking Phentermine HCL 37.5 mg this morning. The pamphlet with the prescription says to let it dissolve on my tongue then follow with water. The tablet would not dissolve and had a very bitter unpleasant taste. I ended up swallowing the tablet whole. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone know if swallowing an ODT whole especially Phentermine is a bad thing?