1200 calories - grumpy???



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    i have increased my calories from 1200 to 1400 as i am doing a lot of exercise and feeling exhausted. I know i am not eating enough and could be going into starvation mode - scales havent moved in over a week and i have been eating better than i have ever eaten and exercising minimum 4 x a week.

    I know that 2% of fat has been turned to muscle but still the scales have not gone down and i really need them to.

    Has anyone else experienced this with just being on 1200 per day - plus it makes me very grumpy

    Is that 1200 Net or Total?
  • OsakanBandit
    i have approx 50lbs to lose - i would prefer to lose 2lbs per week but i understand that it maybe healthier to lose 1lb a week instead.

    Hi you don't know me, but I'm in the same boat as you, got 50 pounds total to lose. I'm 4 months into it, 26 pounds down!
    patience, dear. <3 Rome was not built in a day. it did not take you a week (or two) to get to where you are, it certainly isn't going to come off all at once.

    I know it can be frustrating to see that scale stall.. happened to me three weeks in a row.. one week I lost just one pound, the next two nothing. I was about to scream... but then I just stuck with it. I have a daily calorie intake of 1350, but when I work out I get an extra 800 calories, way more than I need to eat.

    I recommend banana chips, sometimes when I get really hungry they give me a boost and the extra energy is good.
    don't starve yourself and just keep at it. Good things take time!
    you can do it, I believe in you!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I eat anywhere between 1200 and 1450 calories a day. I agree that if you are grumpy, eat more. A 1200 calorie program isn't for everyone.

    I recorded a pound lost on Monday....the last pound lost I recorded was May 8th. THAT'S a plateau. :)

    Don't be impatient. I'm not....and I have a lot fewer years to live than you do. :)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Yeah, I wouldn't be able to stick to 1200 calories a day. Grumpy or not, I just wouldn't be able to stick to it ever.
  • MetamorphicButterfly
    first day of eating more and i feel 100% better - thanku to u all for helping me and the weight was down this morning yay
  • rev477
    rev477 Posts: 1
    You MUST eat 5 times a day .. your metabolism is probably at a crawl especially with so few calories !! Also it is probably eating your muscle which is what also causes you to burn calories .. so burning muscle causes you to burn fewer calories in the future .. if u have 50lbs to lose & are only eating 1200 calories & not losing weight then you are doing something wrong !! i have lost weight when i have eaten more .. if i have been too strict .. just like you when i thought i cheated .. my body actually said thank you & i lost weight !!

    Also, most important is WHAT you eat ... 100 calories of broccoli is NOT the same as 100 cal of white rice or potatoes ... insulin spikes is what causes weight gain .. so if you are eating 1200 calories of the wrong things that could be doing it too ... I would try eating 14-1500 cals ... include a walk at a different time than your workout ... & eat 5 times a day ... your snacks can be an apple/fruit & almonds
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Yes, 1200 calories makes me grumpy. Exercising more + eating more works much better.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You MUST eat 5 times a day .. your metabolism is probably at a crawl especially with so few calories !! Also it is probably eating your muscle which is what also causes you to burn calories .. so burning muscle causes you to burn fewer calories in the future .. if u have 50lbs to lose & are only eating 1200 calories & not losing weight then you are doing something wrong !! i have lost weight when i have eaten more .. if i have been too strict .. just like you when i thought i cheated .. my body actually said thank you & i lost weight !!

    Also, most important is WHAT you eat ... 100 calories of broccoli is NOT the same as 100 cal of white rice or potatoes ... insulin spikes is what causes weight gain .. so if you are eating 1200 calories of the wrong things that could be doing it too ... I would try eating 14-1500 cals ... include a walk at a different time than your workout ... & eat 5 times a day ... your snacks can be an apple/fruit & almonds

    No. A person does not have to eat 5 meals per day because meal timing is personal preference. Also, a calorie surplus is what causes weight gain (not because a person eats 100 calories of white rice or potatoes).
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    I started at around 1200-1400 and lost a bit quicker but was miserable. Grumpy, tired, shaky, dizzy (after a month or so at that level) so I did the TDEE calculation and adjusted to 1600 ( net). I add execise back most of the time. I have been losing an average of just over 4 pounds a month for about 6 months. It's going to take at least another 6 months to reach my goal, so there's no way I'm going to last if I starve all that time. I walk and do light weights, probably not as much exercise as you. I'm over 60 and it's working for me-- you look much younger, so presumably will get there faster. Remember that if you lose weight too quickly you may end up with sagging skin-- not worth it in my opinion. And you need time to integrate your new healthy habits and prevent rebound.

    See you're feeling better now -- well done!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    first day of eating more and i feel 100% better - thanku to u all for helping me and the weight was down this morning yay

    Thank you for reporting back to us!!! It's nice to hear that you're feeling better and the scale is moving again. Keep it up! :happy:
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    The amount of misinformation on these forums is staggering! Everyone is so scared of "starvation mode" and your body supposedly eating muscle instead of fat that it is sickening. If you are overweight and have fat to spare, then you are not in starvation mode, and you won't be in starvation mode until your fat store is used up. You could eat 0 calories a day for a while if your are 50 pounds overweight, and your body will get it's calories from your fat. That's not recommended though, because you need healthy nutrients in order to function properly. And yes, some muscle is lost when dieting down, but you can do things to prevent that like mixing in strength training with cardio and eating high quality proteins. Just listen to your body and ignore all of the dire warnings people spew here about starvation mode, and keep at it!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Open your diary.