fell off the diet wagon :(

I fell off the wagon so to speak yesterday, first time i went over that much since January i am not just looking at total calories for the day btw i am looking at the food i ate in general. i ate horribly the last two days pasta, McDonald's burger, snickers bar all in one day today was not much better bagel , pasta again, pizza... i could not believe how easy it was to slip back to that mess i called a diet once upon a time. i was standing in the grocery line and looking at all the candy bars again tonight and i reached for one thinking what the hell its one candy bar and then i thought back and i had said that before i got the burger at McD's yesterday and ate the bagel this morning and pizza earlier today. i realized for me that's how every diet i have ever started before this one ended though one bad decision led to another and another and before i know it i am back where i started. i was happy i pulled back though and realized it so fast and said to myself nope one bad day does not have to lead to regaining 20 pounds one bad day needs to just stay one bad day.

i felt a sad at how easy it was to slip back though and i have to wonder will i always be this way? will i always have to be so strict ? i had a busy day yesterday was out all day doctors apt in the city etc etc but how did that lead to sneaking a candy bar into my room when i went to bed so my kids don't see me eat it? will i get to the point where one busy day and eating crap food can just be that and does not lead me immediately to start regressing back to old habits?


  • bunnsangel
    bunnsangel Posts: 37 Member
    I am right there with you. I work in a school lunchroom and school just started back for us, but last week was a very hectic week. Our board of education bought lunch one day and then one day the PTO catered lunch. I really thought I was going to gain this week, but I lost 1.5 pounds. I am hoping it gets easier, to where we don't have to be so strict. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. Good luck and stay strong.
  • hrmom26
    hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
    thanks i requested you i am definitely looking for new friends to support and to help support me for anyone else who might be looking for some new buddy's lol add me!

    feeling like it was so easy to slip back there i think that's what got me down a bit thou i mean one day i ate some crap things and suddenly i am sneaking food to my room that was a bit scary to me.it had me thinking "am i really strong enough to keep this up" this is not temporary for me this is how i need to be forever
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You will not always be that way. Get back to it. Ditch the all-or-nothing thinking. This is life. You have a day where you pig out. No problem... choose healthy at the next meal. Choose foods that support your goals. We all have days like that. Some of us have them deliberately once we're at goal. As you get closer to your goal you need to lower your calorie deficit. Maybe it is time for you to take a break if you've been at a 2lbs/week goal for a long time. Bump it to maintenance for 1 week, eat all the calories. Then, the next week, switch your goal to lose 1 lb/week. Or if you're already at 1 lb/week, switch it to 1/2 a pound weekly.

    Eating at maintenance for a week here and there is good practice. It will allow you to fulfill some of those cravings so you don't totally go off the deep end and decide you just don't even care if you ever get healthy.

    You. Can. Do. This.

    I promise.