How Long did it Take For ppl to Notice Your Weight Loss?



  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    It really depends. I started watching my calories in late January or early February and when I went to my aunt's house for Easter, at the end of March, the first thing she said as I walked in the door was "have you lost weight?" At that point I had only lost about 10 pounds. Now I have almost lost an additional 10 pounds and I think the transformation is greater from 150-140 than 160-150. Hopefully when I see my family again in October I will be down an additional 5 pounds, which would be a total lost of almost 25 pounds. But when I went back to my job after the semester ended, I hadn't seen anyone in 4 months and was 15 pounds down and noticeably leaner and nobody said anything. So they may notice but not say anything
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    no one has said a word to me at 55 lost but I have sisters so go figure
  • mlindenmuth36
    mlindenmuth36 Posts: 35 Member
    I've lost 30lbs though I can't see it, I can feel it. No one has said anything to me and then my neighbor I haven't seen in a few months went out of her way to flag me down and tell me I look good. Honestly it made me feel better than if a good friend or family member said something because this lady had no clue. :) I know it shouldn't matter what other people think but hey I like a good pat on the back too.
  • keeper0499
    I'm at 20 and no one has said anything yet. I suspect when I see some people that I haven't seen in a month or so that I might get some remarks. The important thing is YOU know you are progressing
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    I think people notice, but don't always know what to say or if they should say anything.. I've read that at about 8 lbs or more is when it becomes noticeable on most people - even just a bit - they may notice but not really be sure and don't want to offend by asking. People who don't see you everyday will notice more and probably say something before those that see you every single day.
  • xpinkrockrx
    xpinkrockrx Posts: 48 Member
    Usually people notice around 10lbs for me.
    But it's never the girls complimenting me ;)
  • kelleyhelm1
    kelleyhelm1 Posts: 80 Member
    I have lost 30 pounds, no one has noticed or just haven't mentioned it to me. but part of me does not want them too. I think I might get a big head and stop working as hard.
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    15-20 lbs is usually the number for me. I lose in my face first, its very noticeable.
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    they say it takes four weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for family and friends and 12 weeks for everyone else. that's about how long it took for me
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I think that it depends on how much you have to lose, how you wear your clothes, and how comfortable they are in telling you that they have noticed it. I didn't hear any comments after losing 10 pounds, but after 20-25 pounds, my co-workers have asked me how much I have lost and how I did it. Sometimes, they'll say, "You look great?" or "your face looks thinner." Something like that.

    My girl friend told me that my clothes look baggy--kind of a backward compliment. ( Note to self, I need to donate my big girl's clothes). I needed to lose about 60 pounds, and have lost about 40-41 pounds.

    Say, I am also a nurse, and it is very hard to lose the weight when one works the off shift.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    I'd have the occasional person ask every once in a blue moon even during the 2 years I wasn't really trying and didn't own a working scale but based on doctor records I actually had casually lost 23 lbs. over about 3 years without really even trying so everyone who asked was right even if I didn't know it or care to know at that point. When I started trying last May, the first big reaction I got was at the family reunion in August (-23 lbs since May and -46 altogether) where I hadn't seen my parents since Christmas and everyone else, a few years or was and is all they could talk about and that gets annoying after awhile. After all, I'm not doing this for them and there's more to me than what I do or don't weigh. Some of my fitness buddies at church have encouraged and noticed progress all along this last year but it really took off when I was able to get an entirely new wardrobe for my birthday in January, thanks to my mom and dad and I wasn't stuck wearing all my old oversized clothes and trying to cinch up pants and skirts so they wouldn't fall off (and end up looking bulkier than ever). Now someone or several mention it everytime I go to church. I just smile and say thank you cause they are trying to be nice so no need to offend or be offended even if the topic gets old when you have the same conversation with 7 different people in a row -- but don't let it go to my head or hang my ego on it. This is so not about whether anyone notices or not!
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    I have a co-worker from a different department noticed my weight loss. It was major cos she didn't know I was actively exercising to achieve this. I lost about 5kg.

    My family and co-workers from the same department all know I visit the gym regularly. They see me daily so the change is hardly noticeable to them I