My last ever diet!

Hello everyone

I just started dieting again after 10 months. I've been on and off diets for the past 20 years. I've tried all kinds of madness including the cabbage soup diet, Atkins, 5:2, cambridge diet, liter life etc. I've tried raspberry ketones, adios and other such wonder drugs. And you know what? I have only ever PUT ON WEIGHT!!! I'm now at my largest - nearly 14 stone and I have had enough. I'm taking a stand! I am going to do my last ever diet and (fingers crossed) aim to lose at least 5 stone and get fit and healthy. I don't want to do anymore faddy diets - I just want to eat healthy and do some exercise and finally learn how to live normally.

Ok rant over lol! But in all seriousness I'm hoping to change my life by finally losing my weight and feel I cannot do this without your support. I have always tried to lose weight alone (as most of my friends and family are more or less in shape). I think this is where I have gone wrong and ended up being unsuccessful as I feel alone in my misery lol! So I'm so glad I have joined this site and now I'm lucky enough to be able to chat to other people who are on the same journey. So please feel free to add me as a friend and lean on me for support and motivation as I will also be needing support from YOU too!!!

Thanks for listening :)


  • hankrearden10
    hankrearden10 Posts: 3 Member
    Best of luck!
  • Scottttoct
    Good Luck! You can do it!
  • babicakegurl
    babicakegurl Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it!
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    I wish you all the best in your newfound journey! New habits take time and aren't always easy BUT they are worth it in the end. Look at is as a lifestyle change and not a diet... it's my new outlook lately and it's helped!
  • magurski
    magurski Posts: 45 Member
    The problem with how "diets" are perceived these days is they're seen as a short term fix, instead of a long term lifestyle. I applaud your outlook that this will be the last diet ever, as everyone's probably should... a sustainable way of eating for the rest of your life in a manner that keeps you happy, satisfied, and healthy.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Look at is as a lifestyle change and not a diet...


    Diet means what I consume on a daily basis. Not how I consume it or anything I'm adding/subtracting in order to achieve a certain goal.

    diet as a noun > diet as a verb.
  • Steph109876
    I have struggled with this as well, for about 10 years on and off diets, weight up and down. What I have found to work for me, is to just skip the "diet" attitude and just try to eat healthy and work out, and don't think about it. So simple yet so hard to do, because we want plans, goals, routines, but if you just have the mindset to eat healthy, workout, and just forget about your weight/goals, it is almost freeing, your life is not consumed, and the weight falls off naturally.