Losing Inches



  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    Unfortunately there are no simple answers....and evryone seems to have their own view. What I found worked for me is a combination:

    1 - eat at a calorie deficit, with careful attention to measuring and recording caloric input/output.
    2 - cardio at a heart rate high enough to burn fat; if you are fit enough, high intensity training for shorter time periods supposedly burns fat better than longer periods of steady cardio.
    3 - strength training to build muscle on alternate days; this works two ways, more muscles burn calories at a higher rate and do your workouts at a cardio rate (minimal rest between sets and reps).

    For all of these set both short term and long term goals. then add a dose of patience, planning and perserverence.

    Good luck!
  • itcanbedone13
    Thank you for all of the answers I received. I guess my question wasn't clear. I was looking for exercises that would help lose inches the quickest. An example is instead of doing arm curls I would do compound exercises instead.

    Definitely not looking for a quick fix just exercises that will help me tone faster I guess is how I should have put my question. Thank you though to those who helped.

    I'm new at this and am looking for some advice on how to get the most from my exercises. :smile:
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Depending on how much weight you want to lose / have to lose there are lots of different option for women of our age...
    I love the Jillian Michaels DVDs and have done 3 sets of 30DS and now do the Extreme Shed and Shred about 4/5 times a week. It helps me lose inches and tone. I also do lots of running which I have built up to slowly. Pilates and Yoga are supposed to be very good for toning too but I don't enjoy them!!
    Take time to try lots of things, you will find a lot of people on here telling you what will work for you but ultimately it's a bit of trial and error until you find something that fits into your life, you enjoy and works for you.
    Eat at a deficit, do some exercise and you'll see the changes...
    Good Luck Jules xx
  • katiekicks
    So far, the best results I've had losing inches wise is with the workout INSANITY. I am finishing up the second week and have lost an inch off my waist and hips so far. Hoping the losses continue through the rest of the 60-day program.
  • Vikkiiza
    Vikkiiza Posts: 13
    I am currently doing the 30 Day Shred and I could see/feel a difference after the first week. It's tough for me to get through it, but it's getting easier and it really does seem to produce results. Good Luck!!
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    I've found Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is working for me. I am 25 days into the 30 day shred and so far I've lost about 4.5 LBs and I've lost 2" in my chest, 1" in my upper arm, 2" in my waist and 1/2" in my hips so far. The inches are coming off. There is a 30 Day Shred group on here, go look at some before and afters, and see what 30 days could do for you.