Real weight loss

Does anyone else have this issue? I can lose gain up to 7 pounds in a week. If I eat very little one day I can be down 5 pounds and then eat something that bloats me and be back up 6 pounds the next. So when I say I've lost 5 pounds in a week it really isn't encouraging for me. And when the experts say to only lose 2 a week it seems odd.


  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    You can't gain 5 lbs of fat in 1 day. That would mean eating a serious surplus of calories. Likewise, your body can't shed 5 lbs of fat in one day.

    The reason experts say you shouldn't lose more than 2 lbs per week is because you need to fuel your body. The danger of losing too much weight in a short period is that it usually means eating at too great of a deficit. This leads to muscle and bone loss. Usually, when you drop a huge number in a day or two, you've mostly just let go of water weight. If you gain 6 lbs in one day, you probably need to chill out on the sodium and drink more water.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Does anyone else have this issue? I can lose gain up to 7 pounds in a week. If I eat very little one day I can be down 5 pounds and then eat something that bloats me and be back up 6 pounds the next. So when I say I've lost 5 pounds in a week it really isn't encouraging for me. And when the experts say to only lose 2 a week it seems odd.

    Weight fluctuation is normal, especially in females and water weight can mask the actual loss. What do you mean by "eat very little one day?"
  • Grumpyjoy
    Grumpyjoy Posts: 8 Member
    Ok I know it's not fat that I am losing. I know it's water weight. I guess I was just saying, is my body that sensitive to water weight? Am I the only one like this?
  • Grumpyjoy
    Grumpyjoy Posts: 8 Member
    There are days where I eat only supper. Usually only protein and veggies so the next day I will be down a large amount of weight. Just weird.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have had the same experience. I make myself drink more fluids. The more I drink the better it seems to be. Also keep a close eye on your sodium intake.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Ok I know it's not fat that I am losing. I know it's water weight. I guess I was just saying, is my body that sensitive to water weight? Am I the only one like this?

    I see, sorry. My weight jumps all over the place during the week (I know I eat too much sodium/not enough water). I've just accepted that I can really only get an accurate reading once a week or so. Plus, the day after I do a new or more strenuous workout, I usually gain a little weight. You just have to shrug it off, especially if you're still overall trending down.
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    3500 calories roughly equal 1 lbs of weight. When you have sudden weight spikes of 5 to 7 lbs, it would be impossible for you to consume that much in food. The most logically explanation would be water weight. This is usually caused by high volumes of sodium. Cut way back on sodium, stay within your proper calorie range and drink lots of water. The extra weight will go away within a few days.
  • Grumpyjoy
    Grumpyjoy Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have never watched my sodium intake. This must be the cause, and I do love salty food.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    There are days where I eat only supper. Usually only protein and veggies so the next day I will be down a large amount of weight. Just weird.

    What is your daily calorie goal? What are the calories in the protein and veggies? Any medical conditions? Do you log accurately? do you weigh your food? how long have you been trying to lose? i ask only because with the limited info provided, it is hard to give a straight answer.