NEW!!! 30 Day shred! Here I come!

New to the site and just starting the 30 day shred tomorrow. Wondering if anyone has feedback/reviews. Have you lost weight? Was it easy to stick with? Was it fun? Any comments are appreciated!!


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I started this almost a week ago. So far, it's only left me with sore muscles, but I did lose 2 lb since Sunday, so that could have factored into it. I really like it. It is very intense for my current activity level (read, I am VERY out of shape). Level one consists of a lot of jumping jacks, faux jumping rope, some sit ups, some reverse sit ups that for the life of me I cannot do and some leg burning exercises. It took me 3 tries before I could even complete the first level because I was so out of shape!! But I'm able to push myself farther every time I do it and I welcome the burn. I do like that she has her two backup people doing seperate things--one to follow if you need something a little easier, one to follow if you want something a little harder.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    LOVE IT! Because it is so short (only 26 minutes for level 1) it is easy to stick with. The first few days seemed like forever, but the more days I do it the easier it gets and the time just flies by.

    Let me know if you are looking for a friend for support!

    Oh and I lost 2.5 lbs my first week doing it. I've also been eating healthier and taking a few walks, but not much more than that.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Oops double post.
  • haylith
    I am new too, and just started 30 Day Shred on Monday. Some parts felt easy, and some hard, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right! But I am incredibly sore today, so it must be doing something. After the first two days, I put on my own music to drown out the unmotivating soundtrack, but not Jillian's instruction.

    I believe I will be able to stick with it, since it really is only about half an hour (plus the inevitable shower afterward when I'm sweating like crazy).

    I changed my diet and started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago, and I haven't lost very much weight, which is depressing. I picked up 30 Day Shred for sort of a jump start, I suppose.

    I hope it works for us both :)
  • OhyesIam
    That is great! I start tomorrow and am both nervouse and excited, I am def committed this time though! I would love to hear how you progress! Good luck!
  • kparrish56
    i have done the 30day shred. It made me feel so much better after doing it for a couple of weeks. it does work. I had hurt my back at work so I had to stop. But am ready to start again. It was hard the first couple of weeks and never made it to the 2nd level before i had to quit. Good luck.....
  • BBBjenny
    BBBjenny Posts: 8 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day shred now for a few days and can already see a difference in my body. My mid section feels smaller and so do my arms. My husband has also made a comment that I am looking more toned. I think it is definitely worth the 20ish minutes a day. Good luck with it!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I really enjoyed it. Its great for beginners, because it is challenging but easy to follow, and you can progress. I saw results. I like her No More Trouble Zones workout more, but 30 Day Shred is definitely great in my opinion. If you gain a pound or so the day after working out, don't let it bother you. Working your muscles like that can make them retain water for a while- it goes away. Also, do it every other day- it gives your muscles time to heal. Best of luck!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    So, it's not "fun", but it does gives you noticeable results for minimal time investment. I've done two rounds (so 60 days) and thought the visual physical results were great. Anyway, because the workouts are not fun you will have to force yourself to do it, but seriously do whatever it takes to make it to the full 30 days, because that's when you see the won't see much after a week (well you will become stronger, but you won't look much different). Also take before and after pics! That really helps you to see the changes. Once you get the hang of the level, turn down the volume and play some music or something to make it less boring. Lastly, for the best results you need to eat right as well, make sure you stay within whatever your daily calorie allowance is.
  • OhyesIam
    Thanks everyone for the awesome responses! It really is good to hear honest opinions. I am definitely looking forward to starting tomorrow! Just really want to stick with it! My goal is to get into the Halloween costume ( a cute and skimpy pirate wench costume) that I bought last year and didn't fit because it was too small. I know that it seems like a small petty thing but I get so few opportunities to be carefree and have fun that it really is a big deal for me.

    I think that the biggest challenge that I am going to face is eating right and being active throughout the day. I work a desk job and like most office environments there is ample access to junk food and lots of opportunities to eat. I am hoping that blogging and reading these suggestions during our slow times can help put a stop to the mindless munching! That and I am heading up the plans for the Halloween outing with all my friends/co-workers. It also happens to be almost exactly 30 days from when I start the shred tomorrow. IT WAS MEANT TO BE :bigsmile:
  • bjss05
    I am new here! Hopefully looking forward to some good motivation and some good results. I lovew Shred. I have done it off and on (more off) for 6 months or so. Started back this week. Very sore today. I am doing every other day Shred and 35 minutes on the elliptical. Good luck to all of you!
  • my2loves04and06
    I've done as much as 20 days worth (with only 3 days off in those days), but then got sidetracked with moving my family halfway across the country. In those 20 days I lost 12 lbs and 7.5" total. I just restarted yesterday on L1. Tomorrow will be day 3. Not fun, but it does work.
  • abby0077
    Hi, I'm new here too, I've been keeping track on myfitnesspal on my iphone and online for about a week, and started the 30 Day Shred a couple of days ago. I couldn't do a session the day after though because of sore muscles!

    I'm a Brit living in Italy so I'm using home dvds for workouts - currently the Davina McCall Superbody workout (which I like, but I find too long at the moment, I get bored too quickly), the 39 Day Shred and Darcey Bussell's Pilates for Life, which i LOVE, it's great for days when I want to do something a bit more relaxing, but i feel like I've done something afterwards. The music is so soothing too, ahhh!

    So far, I am loving the 30 Day Shred. It is tough, but the tough parts are over quickly, and you have to keep going which makes it seem like the time passes quicker.

    I've lost about a kg (what's that? about 2.2lbs?) so far tracking on here, but i've quite a way to go in a short space of time... I have to fit into my wedding dress by 8th December and it's currently about 2 dress sizes too small (and cannot be adjusted! horrors.)
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Day 10 of Level 1 is done!! Starting Level 2 tomorrow!! LOOOVE THE SHRED!!!!
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    Count me in! :bigsmile:

    I did day 2 of level 1 today. I'm a bit achey but not too bad. Just enough to know that I did something yesterday that was tough! I ate shortly before I did it yesterday and will never ever make that mistake again - I felt so nauseous and weak afterwards. Today I left eating until after my shower and felt much better. Was still a bit wobbly immediately afterwards but not as bad as day 1.

    I've heard it's pretty tough to master the levels further on, so I'm aiming to move onto each new level when I'm happy with how I'm doing and happy with how easy it is for me. If it takes 12 or 13 days instead of 10 then that's fine. Fingers crossed I'll have the whole lot finished by 30th October and be at full speed.

    I've an appointment to look at wedding dresses in a vintage wedding dress shop on the 30th Oct so that's my motivator. Our grannys had teeny tiny waistlines! I've lost 4 lbs since starting on here but my inches have stayed the same so I'm hoping this will help me out on that front.
  • abetter_me
    abetter_me Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on Day 4 today! I love it. Yesterday I had energy after level 1 and decided to do level 2 also. It was a great workout!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    It's amazing how different Level 2 is. . .Jillian just may be the devil!!! J/K. . .I'm loving that I'm getting such a good workout in only 20 minutes!!! Hope everyone has a good week!
  • turbojanem
    no experience with that program. but i'm here to cheer you on!
  • OhyesIam
    Was suppossed to start the 30 day shred this weekend but ( excuses...excuses...excuses!) All has been ironed out and I am ready to roll tonight ( no excuses!!) Keep posting your results, tips, complaints and praises! These all help out so much!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    30 day shred helped me get motivated to move on to P90X. I love the program, its not too difficult, but its not easy. You'll enjoy it especially if you don't have a lot of time to workout. I encourage you to start and finish it. You will thank yourself when you are done. No more excuses, just results. Good Luck