Giving up diet soda



  • dogpeeps
    dogpeeps Posts: 57 Member
    Give it up! Many have opinions about diet soda and artificial sweeteners, but I have lived the horrors of aspartame poisoning. Numbness of extremities (my rt arm & hand going numb), hair loss, muscle/joint pain (was popping narcotic pain killers to just function at a "manageable" pain level), thyroid quit, blurry vision along with troubles with my contacts, stomach/bowel problems (artificial sweeteners kill good bacteria in your gut), extreme mood swings (especially anger), messed up metabolism and weight gain to name the major ailments.

    Like I said in my opening statement, many have opinions, I have testimony. Go to for a very good article detailing the symptoms and components of that trash. I encourage anyone to research it.

    I spent thousands of dollars on hospital, neurologists, MRIs & CT scans, tests, and chiropractic without any relief or answers. Stopped eating and drinking anything artificially sweetened and ALL of the maladies (with the exception of thyroid) had disappeared within a week.
  • jedgarner11
    jedgarner11 Posts: 74 Member
    caffeine/sodium make you lose water faster and thereby you gain water weight

  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've never found a difference. I drink diet, my friend drinks plain. She's heavier than I am, does that makes diet soda better than plain? If you have no negative effects caused by excessive consumption then I don't see why you should stop.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Why no diet soda:
    aspartame makes you hungrier and damages DNA replication. And that means The Big C, Cancer. No thanks!
    caffeine/sodium make you lose water faster and thereby you gain water weight

    Why no carbonation 30 minutes before eating:
    bubbles in stomach impede nutrient absorption when it makes it through into your intestine with a meal and malnourishment = weight gain (because your body cannot efficiently burn away the excess fat)

    What I drink because I LOVE fizzy drinks too:

    seltzer water with 5 -10 drops of stevia sweet drops or other LIQUID stevia product in any flavor, vanilla creme, rootbeer, lemon, etc. Also make sure it is not a thirst quencher, drink water first and if that doesn't do the job and you really want something fizzy to help expand your stomach and get you away from hunger for awhile do this! Just don't eat food until the bubbles are belched.

    This is dangerous propaganda to be spreading. Do you have a SINGLE, scientific, source for this? The rest is just ridiculous.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I quit drinking diet pop about 2 weeks ago. I've lost the same amount of weight but I feel less bloated. I am still feeling the side effects, like fatigue, irritability, etc. But I was drinking a 2 liter a day. Now I add crystal light or Snapple packets into my water & its helped. Good luck!
  • CreepingBriar
    CreepingBriar Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't given up my beloved diet coke, and probably never will. I do try to limit myself to 3 cans a day for lunch/dinner/snack. I cut back on it to control my sodium intake (and thus my water weight). I used to drink a lot more though, so to help me cut back I've started keeping a large travel cup of ice water at my side at all times. At first it tasted bland and flat, but now I enjoy drinking it, and it helps me to have something to sip on while I'm at the computer, which was my main coke time previously.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Giving up a zero calorie beverage isn't going to help with weight loss. It will not harm weight loss either by continuing to drink it.

    lol - mage beat me to it

    I will add that every pound I have lost (probably 90 total) are drenched in coke zero - it fuels me :P