pleasee helpp newbie

ok so I've been working out for 1.5 weeks now. I lift weights 4 days a week for 20-30 minutes (im usually sore the next day). I do 20-30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. My weight is 160 and I am 5'5" and 24 years old. My bmr is about 1500. if Im sedentary it say I should be burning 1800. and if I factor in an activity factor of (1500 x 1.5) then I should be burning 2250 calories a day.

So should I eat my rmr of 1500 plus 300/workout day (assuming I burn 200 cals for a 30 minute cardio workout and 100 calories for a 30 minute weight training session)=1800 cals? Or am I supposed to add my workout calories to my sedentary BMR of 1800? I think that activity factor is overestimating the number of calories I burn. And the days I dont workout just 1500 calories because I heard the lowest I should go calorie wise is my rmr number.

In this last week and a half of working so hard I haven't lost any inches and I gained 3 lbs but I've been eating only 1200 calories so maybe im not eating enough but I don't really know how much I should be eating.Please help. This is so frustrating. Also, please give any suggestions as to what I should do?

I've always struggled with weight loss and always been a skinny fat 125-135lbs and have always eaten 1200 cals so I think my metabolism is shot. I had 2 babies in the last 3 years and I just want to lose weight the right way and be toned and thin this time around rather than skinny fat. Thank you in advance.
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  • sukaina12
    No one? I really need some help friends!
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    I would alternate the days that you lift and do cardio- don't lift on the days that you run and vice versa. Since you just recently started working out, the weight you've gained is probably water weight from your muscles swelling from the weight lifting. I recommend running or doing other cardio 3 days/week and lifting or doing other body weight workouts 3 days/week, and increase your calorie intake to 1400. Make sure you drink plenty of water- it helps to drink 8 to 16 oz as soon as you wake up. It might take a week to three weeks more for you to see results but, as long as you stay on track, you should see results. I also recommend taking a look at the kind of food you're eating. 1200 Calories of food from McDonald's is not the same as 1200 calories of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Try to reduce the amount of processed food you eat and increase the amount of whole, unprocessed foods in your diet.

    Hope this helps! I'll add you :)
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    I would probably point you to heybales spreadsheet for calculating calories, taking measurements etc. I would probably not eat back exercise calories at this point. I would keep it up and understand you are trying to make a long term lifestyle change. I happen to be an advocate of eating from the perimeter of the store.... you know, fresh and lean. Keep it up! You are going to make progress!
  • FreakoMarco
    I'll say don't worry about the weight gain and keep at it. 1200 calories sounds pretty damn low to me, maybe your body's counter reacting by trying to store all the fat it can in order to survive. Being consistent at it is the key, you have only been at it for a few weeks. It takes time, maybe a couple months or so.
  • oregonduckgirlie
    I studied dietetics for 4 years and did a dietetic internship, so I'm basing my response solely on those experiences.
    1. There is no such thing as a shot metabolism. With proper nutrition and healthy exercise, your metabolism can almost completely rebound in time.
    2. Eating under 1200 (net) calories puts your body into starvation mode (metabolism slows drastically, many of the functions in the body stop or operate at reduced output, stores nutrients as fat).
    3. If you BMR is really 1500 and you daily calorie burn with exercise is 1800, you should stay under 1800, though a lot under 1500 is not advisable (see above).
    4. Try switching from mainly cardio to a more strenght based exercise plan. Perhaps three days of strength and two of cardio. If you want to do both one the same day, ALWAYS do strength first. Strength builds muscle, which helps your body run more efficiently and also increases you metabolism (it takes more calories to maintain muscle). Also try to do at least 30 minutes of strength, focusing on one to two (max) parts of the body at each session.
    5. Finally, Fitness Pal is great at estimating you daily calorie needs, expenditure, and goals based on your weight loss per week goal. I would go back to settings and re-enter your information. Keep in mind when choosing activity level that if you are mainly sedentary when you are not working out, then your activity level is still sedentary. This will help you get more accurate feedback, which, at least for me, really helps you get the results you want.

    Hope this helps :)
  • sukaina12
    So shoudl I stick with 1500 calories a day on the days I workout and on the days that I dont workout?
  • sukaina12
    I would like to lose as fast as possible but without losing lean muscle. Is it ok to eat 1400 or should I eat 1500. The worst thing right now is that Im trying to get out of starvation mode so I'm planning to just not weigh myself for the next 3 weeks so I dont go into shock mode if I see the scale creeping up. I feel like I'm hopeless :(..but thanks for all the encouragement.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    The rmr calculators produce general guidelines so I would base your intake on what works for you.

    I think the best way to calculate this is trial and error. Weight yourself...set a calorie limit and follow it. See if you lose weight that week. If you gain some weight then obviously you need to cut back the calories or add exercise.

    I wouldn't totally depend on the calculators. I would find your "sweet spot" and use that as a guide. I'm trying to find mine now. The rmr calculators say 2600 but I think that's a little off. We shall see.