Weighting yourself to much

I've weighted myself about 4 times this week I've lost 4.4lbs in a week which is great but I need to stop doing it as if I'm not losing it will just get me down anyone else have this problem.


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I do every am after bathroom use. Don't do it more if u are trying to lose. Once a week to track a loss is better-
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Or, work on changing your understanding and perception of what the scale is telling you. I weigh every day, and a lot of people do, and it you don't let it upset you or frustrate you, then there's nothing wrong with that. I like to weigh every day because it has helped me to understand what makes my weight fluctuate. You absolutely can't expect to see a loss every time you get on the scales, but frequent weighing can help you understand why that's the case.

    Personally, I find that weighing once a week is more frustrating, because you could weigh one week when you are a bit dehydrated, so weighing a little less than normal. Then, the second week you could weigh the day after a heavy session at the gym and a high sodium meal. You might see a gain of 5 lbs and panic thinking you've gained fat. On the other hand, if you weigh every day you perhaps would have seen your weight go up slightly after the first day, come down gradually through the week, and then suddenly spike overnight. You would know why and not get upset.

    Remember, the scale is weighing your whole body and its contents, not just how much fat you have. Your weight will fluctuate as a result of more or less sodium than usual, more or less carbohydrate, dehydration, a greater or smaller volume of food/waste in your system, water retention from a new exercise programme, or an increase in intensity of exercise, as well as hormonal reasons.There's no reason to let those fluctuations get you down. Case in point - I ate (too much) chocolate cake and a Chinese takeaway on Thursday. Yesterday, I was up 3 lbs. Today, those 3 lbs have come off again. If I was a weekly weigher, I could be depressed all week about a 3 lb gain. Conversely, I know that if I drink a lot of alcohol, I will usually see the scale temporarily drop the next morning.

    The scale is a useful tool for measuring progress, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Make sure you're taking measurements and progress photos too, and pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. Use the scale, but don't give it too much power. Don't let it make or break your day.
  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    Once a week is good enough for me.
  • lambchoplewis
    I weigh every morning and use the data as a trend - not absolute. Yes, I like to see the number stay the same or go down but... I do not let the increase get me down if I am following the plan. I find this helps me stop shoving things into my mouth as I have to face the scale in the morning. I stopped this for a few months and voila - gained 10 lbs. I have started weighing again everyday. Not pleasant at first but... for me this works.

    If you get depressed about a gain when following your plan - this might not be for you. It works for me
  • b_stroke
    b_stroke Posts: 14 Member
    I Dont think theres anythign wrong with once a day in the morning. I however and very Obsessive when it comes to the scale, weighting myself every morning night, after each bathroom trip and before and after every workout
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Don't worry about it. I step on the scales every time I leave the bathroom.

    I look for fun, to see what happens during the day. I only log it once a week or so! As long as there is a downward trend over a month (my preferred timeframe) I don't really care about thee details. I am just nosy :)
  • Kitty7814
    I've been weighing myself every day for the past 4 weeks. I've seen it up and down, but it's down more often than it's up as long as I'm sticking to my routine. As was said, I don't think it's bad for you as long as you're taking from it what you should and don't let the increases freak you out. This is my second time around and this time I'm logging everything and weighing everyday and I think it's helping a lot. I think the habit of it keeps it front of mind, which last time between not logging "off" days and not weighing daily I let myself fall out of the routine. I think it's what works best for you.
  • M155y647
    M155y647 Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh myself every morning just to track how I'm doing. It's working well for me. Yesterday I ate very badly so I expected to be a little heavier this morning. When I stepped on the scale, I gained half a pound. Seeing this makes me wanna eat better today. I think about how horrible I feel eating the friend chicken from yesterday, so today I'm gonna make a conscious effort to get back on track and not feel horrible again :smooched:
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    I weigh every morning-it's my scoreboard
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I'm a daily weigher too. I know things will go up and down, but it helps me stay on track and stay mindful of my commitment.