Tired of giving up! NEED support and motivation

MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
Hi Friends(:
I have tried MFP and gave up. Also tried Herbal Life, gave up. Tried weight watcher, it was helping but started to get expensive, So gave that up. Now i am back at trying MFP wanting this to be the time i lose weight and to be the person i feel i am inside . I recently moved to a new city away from family and friends (hardly talk to my friends anymore). So it feels like i have no Support or Motivation. My husband is always working and never says anything about my weight (Isn't like i would want him to say anything lol) and my daughter (6yrs old) always tells me "mommy u got fat after having my little brother(2yrs old)" that isn't something i like to hear and makes me hate my body even more. I know that should be a motivation to lose weight, But it just stresses me out more. I honestly cant walk past a mirror without looking the opposite way, so i wont look at my refection. I'm sorry for this long post. Finally feels good 2 say something that has been bottled up for so long. I have been putting my weight on the back burner for 2yrs now and been acting like im still the size i was before i had my son. If you have any tips or anything that you think that can help me and others feel free to post and add me!


  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    If you want more MFP friends, please friend me. One of my MFP pals just posted this link, which I'll put in this post, too. It is such sane and totally workable advice for all of us.


    Good luck. You can do this, and there is a lot of support within the MFP community, as well as the usual assortment of crazy folks, as you would expect.
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    thank you and i will add you!
  • oregonduckgirlie
    I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I know how you feel with the lack o support. I recently moved and all my family are at least a state away. If you would like more support I would be glad to help you in any way I can :)

    I mainly use this site to stay on track, but whenever I get off track, there are certain things I do to get right back on.

    1. Review my normal routine. For instance I was driving to and from work daily, but it is only a 20 minute walk to get there, so I started walking instead. Same for groceries, bank, and laundry, though the last one is a little tricky.
    2. Block "thinspiration" sites. Those are terrible and only make you feel worse about yourself.
    3. Stayed away from gossip magazines (see above).
    4. Plan my meals and say no to seconds. Be reasonable; don't eat meals that are so small that you crack and end up eating everything in site at the end of the day.
    5. Call family. For me, being away from most of the people I love became an added obstacle on the road to healthy living. When I am struggling, I call one them. They remind of my worth, and that weight does not define me. They also keep me from setting unrealistic goals.

    Hope this helps :)
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Oh-h-h-h, don't give up . . .
    I have only been on this site for a couple of weeks, but you can really find some good support here.

    What are you finding to be the hardest part for you?
    Go ahead and friend me if you'd like.
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    Its very hard without family and friends.
    Im starting to know one of my motivations, Watching YouTube videos about weight loss.
    but its only been only 3 days since i started my journey. So i'm praying i stay motivated and i look back on my post and 6months from now loving myself again and actually b happy about the way i look. :wink:
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    What i am finding hard is eating bad food.
    i need to break that bad habit. and i always tell myself i can just have half and i'll be fine.
    also working out. But i have challenged myself to work out fort 21day. I hear it takes 21days to start a habit :smile:
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Good luck on your journey !!! :). It's hard but if you put your mind to it you can do it !!!! Mfp is awesome for support and motivation !!! :)
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you all for the reply backs & friend requests :drinker:
  • katbirdinpa
    baby steps. you cannot do a 180 over night. Just start with something you can manage to do and then add to your goals weekly.
    And most of all be kind to yourself.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    what I have found amazing about mfp is that it is not another diet. Its a way of life. I have learned how to have a friendship with food again, so to speak. A few years ago I joined ediets got down to 125 and then just stopped eating right and gained even more back. With MFP I sorta feel like its a game or a challenge. Logging in the food makes me responsible and lets me know when I need to stop or limit myself. I have learned about weighing my food and portion sizes. I can still eat my favorite food but now I appreciate it more and limit my intake. Having the option to log in my exercise is motivating. But the best thing about MFP is having control of my life again! doesnt matter what anyone thinks, I feel BETTER! Having friends on here telling me good job and keep it up is enough to keep me motivated. Add me as a friend if you would like. :)
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the comment! I have never really been kind 2 myself. I have always imagined after working out for a week or so I would magically wake up and be skinny. I know that isn't reality. So that being said I give up a lot! But like I said in a previous post I have challenged myself 2 work out for 21 days straight. This time im not giving up!! :cry:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Here's the thing kiddo. It really doesn't matter about the family, friends, or the support on MFP. The hard thing we have to realize is that it's all about YOU. What do you want? What are you willing to work for? How important are your goals to you?

    If you had something that your children needed for you to do - you would probably move heaven and earth to make it happen. Get going and make it happen for yourself. Everything you need is inside you. NO one else can motivate you to do it.

    When I faced this truth - the weight started coming off and I have continued my plan of eating healthy and exercising for the last 18 months. It can happen. Why not to you?
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    You've come back - that means you want it. you must learn to LOVE yourself, no matter what you think you look like. Stop looking in the mirror and hating what you see - start loving the person you are inside. This is what de-motivates you girlfriend. From your profile pic, I see a beautiful face. The rest of you is not horrible, and as for your kiddies comments, children tend to tell you the truth - and ok you've had babies. Do you expect your body to "snap back" into your pre-pregnancy shape? It just doesn't happen!! My pre-pregnancy willowy beautiful daughter is now a motherly shape, but just as beautiful.
    If you want to add me, then please send me a request and I will try to help.
    Most of all, don't do this because your child, husband, friend or whoever said something, or didn't say anything to you - do it for YOU. And do it because you want to be fitter, healthier, and live a long life. Thin-ness is not the be all and end all. Fitness is the goal you should strive for, and as you get fitter, then you will naturally get slimmer.
    Now man-up (or girl-up LOL) get your *kitten* into gear and start loving yourself. Begin now and you can so do this.
    We are all aware here of how hard this journey is, but that journey starts with a single step, and you have already taken that by coming back. Promise me you will look into your mirror every day of your life from now on and tell yourself "I am beautiful"
    Lots of love.
  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    That is the key is just to not give up! Even if you didn't loose a pound one week-even if you binged-even if you stopped exercising for a couple days..just don't say "oh well , i failed, might as well just quit this, I'll never be at the weight i was before." No quit that, just don't give up! Sorry if i sound like a drill Sargent, but that is one key thing I've learned. Just log in your calories every day, don't go over, and if your feeling unmotivated read success stories or talk to your friends on here. :)

    Maybe start a thread asking for friends that have similar weight loss goals as you and see they're progress, it will keep you focused and will help you not give up!

    Good Luck, you can do this!!!!!! :)
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    Beachlover317-Thank you! I don't know how to reply back to you. Its the truth and truth hurts.
    I have 2 be the one to change!
  • tcmom72
    tcmom72 Posts: 32
    Please add me if you want. You have verbalized every reason and feeling of why I started my back to health journey. I am a 41 year old mother of four and was 40 pounds overweight and couldn't stand looking in the mirror. Working full time and taking care of my family put me last on the list. I just moved and don't know many people here so it is difficult to get support. You will get support on MFP. I just started on MFP but most people have been very supportive and encouragement. I have lost 31 pounds as of this morning and believe me if I can do it then you can do it. I wish you all the best because you deserve to take care of yourself and feel good about yourself. I would love to encourage and support you during your journey to health. :)
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    I've just lost ten pounds of a seventy pound goal and I feel TERRIFIC!!! Take it one day at a time...I don't know how much weight you need to lose, but it is possible, no matter WHAT it is!!! Sometimes convincing OUTSELVES of the need to drop weight is the hardest thing...I have some minor health issues related to my weight, but I always made excuses...FINALLY, buying a full length mirror and seeing myself in it was my wake up call...You can do this!!! ADd me as as friend, if you'd like...

  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    tcmom72- Thanks for reading my post- i added you
  • MsLy3
    MsLy3 Posts: 164 Member
    REaan- im going to have to try buying a long length mirror.
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    The MFP is a great way to lose weight! I have tried things in the past as well, but I like having the motivation and support from other than my friends and family which sometimes re not so much support. I have found some wonderful people who share the same journey and we can all do it together, you can do this one step at a time, and try not to be discouraged it took me a month to lose .2 lbs, heck I though going to the bathroom could give me that (lol), but you can do it!! :flowerforyou: