Looking for MFP motivators

Been active in the site for almost 2 months but never looked into the community here. I've been using fitbit for that and used MFP for food entry only. Looking to lose about another 30 pounds and would like to run an obstacle course, so I'm looking for like minded motivators. Forty three years old and work in downtown Chicago and if your on fitbit feel free to add me there as well.


  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Welcome to the community. Like you, I was logging for a few months before I ventured over here. The community can be a place of great support, motivation, and yes, occasionally cattiness (just ignore that -- internet trolls are everywhere). In the time I've been here, I've made some amazing friendships with people literally around the world. Friends on 4 continents, a dozen countries. Learning about their families, their ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. I've been there for them as they have been there for me. Encouraging, laughing, occasionally kicking each other in the *kitten* when needed (or pulling each others' head out of our own *kitten* if need be).

    I'm a bit older than you (well a lot actually), not on fitbit, and certainly not going to do an obstacle course (my orthopedic surgeon would kill me, and he has scalpels), but look at my profile and if you'd like to add me as a friend, go ahead and send a request. Always looking for more motivated and motivating friends. Especially guys like us: over 40. We are in the minority around here.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • ArghMonday
    ArghMonday Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Lee. Very good information. Us guys over 40 are just seasoned anyway, never old. I believe your as old as you feel, and I was feeling like crap for a while but now that I've lost some weight I'm feeling much better and younger. Need to continue until I hit my goals.
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member

    I'm on FitBit and over 40yo looking to shred some fat and acquire some lean muscle. Feel free to add.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    I'm always up for mutual encouragement...anyone, feel free to add me!
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member

    I'm on FitBit and over 40yo looking to shred some fat and acquire some lean muscle. Feel free to add.

    You will definitely want to add hYpErDrOnE. He is a good one. Glad he is on my friends list.
  • Feel free to add me, very active on here and also in my forties :) Always looking for more motivating friends :)
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I'm active on here, have a fitbit and am somewhere near you all in age :tongue: . Any of you, please feel free to add me.
  • ChrisLole24
    ChrisLole24 Posts: 85 Member
    Hey! Glad to have you added to the community .I love to support my friends and be a motivator! You and anyone else may feel free to add me. Accountability is the key to success. Good luck!
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me:) I took a few weeks off from logging (due to vacation and an injury) but am jumping back in. The accountability and support I've found in this community really helped me reach some of my initial goals and is helping me figure out healthy new ones. At this point I'm trying to focus not so much on the number on the scale as much as gaining muscle and strength.

    I'm happy to offer support and motivation to you and of course always appreciate it in return:) Good luck to you!
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Been active in the site for almost 2 months but never looked into the community here. I've been using fitbit for that and used MFP for food entry only. Looking to lose about another 30 pounds and would like to run an obstacle course, so I'm looking for like minded motivators. Forty three years old and work in downtown Chicago and if your on fitbit feel free to add me there as well.

    I find that the more MFP friends I have the better. I haven't used fitbit yet but I have been not only tracking my food but water intake which I'm finding out is so important! I also started Jillian Michaels 30 DS and will be off level 1 and onto level 2 tomorrow along with working out at the gym.
    I have been able to stay motivated and also feel fortunate to have the support from others who are trying to reach their goal, whether it's to be healthy, more active, or weight loss...my scale is only going down and I refuse to quit until I've reached my goal!
    Take care and feel free to add me:smile:
  • Flip4chan
    Flip4chan Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone can add me too. I am kinda new to MFP. I have been working out on my own for a couple months and have lost some weight before joining MFP. I'm trying to lose weight and also training up for a mudrun in Oct. for a buddies wedding.
  • avdcruz
    avdcruz Posts: 5 Member
    I am a religious user of MFP and fitbit :) Very near 40... very near- but not quite there.
  • grewmullins
    grewmullins Posts: 16 Member
    I have a fitbit but never caught the bug but would love to start using it. I would really like some guidance on incorporating fitbit into my daily routine. Also, I'm 46 with 30 lbs to lose and would appreciate having a like minded buddy on this journey!
  • bosjewels
    bosjewels Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the community, not sure how this all works yet but i'm sure i'll catch on. I've lost 35 pds since April of this year. I hired a personal Trainer who really pushed me to the max! I have gained strength and endurance. My time with my trainer ended a bout 2 months ago.
    I realized that I relied on her for everything! She did my meal plans and training program. Now that i'm out on my own I realized how little i know about macros, meal plans, and even my workouts are not as intense.
    I just started using the Fitbit. about a week now. I linked it to MFP. I'm feeling re motivated and learning through MFP , hoping that i can learn my own macros so I can do my own meal plans.
    I still have 40 more pounds to lose.
    Hoping to have some accountability... makes all the difference. Keep up the good work fellow losers! (LOL) We will do this. Believe me, I never thought I would be at this place. Yet here I am! One thing I always tell myself is I've come to far and worked to hard to not see this through all the way. It's been a total life style change. and I'm loving it!!!
    Oh BTW I'm going to be 54 in Oct.