Running + Foot Tattoo?

Hey all,

This is a pretty specific question, but I'm hoping someone out there could possibly answer it...

So I really love to run. Like really, a lot. Generally 30-40 miles over 5-6 days per week.

I also really want to get a tattoo on my foot. Probably something fairly small (~2"x2" max).

My problem, is that I'm worried I won't be able to run for awhile after I get it. Any ideas? I've never had a tattoo before, so I have no idea how any of this works! If anyone has gotten one on their foot and runs a lot, please let me know how it worked out. Did you have to take time off from running? Just a few days? Or longer?

Thank you!


  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    A tattoo generally takes two weeks to heal, possibly 3. You definitely DO NOT want to run after getting a foot tattoo. A lot of ink will fall out that way and your tattoo would more than likely heal blotchy. I would take a break from running until it's fully healed.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks for the help! I honestly can't imagine taking 2+ weeks off from running at this point, but maybe right after I complete my first marathon in January.

    I wish there was somewhere else I wanted to get it, but there really isn't.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    I personally have a large tat on the top of my right foot. It swelled up so bad I couldn't get it in a shoe and I'd say for at least two weeks I couldn't wear much besides flip flops. It's definitely a longer healing process than my other 4 tats. I'd wait til after your marathon for sure.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Ditto. I have 2.5 hours of work on each foot and was swollen to the point of borrowing someones shoes two sizes up. If it's small you may be able to get away with it but your shoes and socks will probably rub it into healing poorly and just needing redone.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I have one, wear loose open shoes for about 2 weeks, do not, I repeat DO NOT let anything rub on it for those two weeks.

    After that you should be good to go. keep some lubriderm lotion on it for maybe a little longer than the two weeks, it just helps keep the skin moist and happy.

    Edit: I did not have any swelling on mine, it's about 2 inches squared.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My foot tattoo was pretty sensitive for a few weeks. I wore open topped shoes like flip flops or flats. You probably are going to need to avoid running for a few weeks.
  • I got a foot tattoo Friday and have ran the past two days with no problems...I'm an avid runner also. I slather it in aquaphor and cover lightly with gauze and then my socks. It is on the side of my foot/heel area. It took around 45 minutes to get, so maybe not as extensive as some of the other tattoos. I make sure to clean it as soon as I take my socks and shoes off and wear flip flops at all other times.
  • KittyKitty1991
    KittyKitty1991 Posts: 14 Member
    I got the entire top of my foot done last tuesday, I couldnt walk tuesday/wednesday however started doing some walking barefoot on the thursday. I'm still a little sore but i'm back to the gym in shoes and socks today. I would suggest not running for atleast a week.
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I had a slightly different problem to everyone else above as I had the soles of my feet tattooed (wouldn't recommend it they don't last long until they start fading and stretching out) , I refrained from doing my insanity workout for 2 weeks as by then they had healed.
    As everyone else has said, you are better off wearing flip flops for a week or two, as soon as any scabbing has come off you should then be able to carry on running.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I'm trying to remember back when I got mine. It's right on the top of my foot and I was very active at that time. I didn't take any time off and even after all these years, it looks great. I think I just covered it with gauze, so my socks weren't rubbing it and peeling the scabs off.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Yep my foot tattoo swelled up so much I couldn't tie my laces and I had a limp for about 4 days. Even after that I could t have run without pain for at least 2 weeks! As lovely as they are, foot tattoos are not a runners friend.