Women 45-50 with 20 lbs or less to lose

I'm 50 and have never been extremely overweight, just less than 20 lbs or so. I previously lost weight with Weight Watchers and got down to 145. Then I went through menopause and put on 20 lbs. Tried Weight Watchers again with no success this time. I had my metabolism tested and my BMR is only 1095! I was doing kickboxing and step aerobics 3-4 times a week with no movement on the scale. I recently switched to doing Body Pump twice a week and the elliptical for 40 minutes 3 times a week. I've started losing 1 lb a week but I have to really watch my intake. I'm trying to not have carbs in the evening and have cut back on having too much fruit.

I'd like to hear from women my age around my height (5'4'') who have been successful with getting rid of 20 lbs or so and what advice and tips you might have to offer. This is such a struggle, I just want to get back down to 140 or 145 and maintain that weight.


  • bartman4
    bartman4 Posts: 24
    Wrong gender. Right age. Similar weigh issue. Happy to help if I can. Friend me if you are so inclined. ;)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm 55 and started about 3 years ago at 140 lbs. I wanted to get back to my "good" weight of 115 and I'm 5'2". My BMR is about 1100 so I ate about 1200 calories a day, not restricting any foods or macros, just trying to eat with the most bang for my buck because the calories are so low. It worked for a bit and I lost about 15 lbs but the last 5 were stubborn. I took up running even though I had never done it before and the cardio got those last 10 lbs off.

    I've never eaten back exercise calories and I now maintain on about 1400 to 1500 calories a day. It sucks to be old and small!
  • callandert
    callandert Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 52...5'1"..and about 127 pounds. Still want to lose 5-10 lbs. I have been successful with trying to keep in and around 1200 calories but am astonished to learn that my maintenance calories (when I reach my goal) will only be 1400 calories! So this definitely is a long term commitment...as 200 more calories does not seem that much of a change! Yep, sucks to be small...LOL

    That is, old and small...LOL
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Well, I am a little older. 67 - but active - very active. I have never really been extremely overweight either, but could always stand to lose 10-20 lbs. - But always felt - well i am not that heavy! But - really always wanted to be thinner and look better.

    I have been active all my adult life. Tennis and cycling. Was in Senior Olympics 8 years ago in cycling time trials and lost about 12 lbs. before going to Nationals. Since then i have gradually put it back on and then a few more. Side lined from tennis last October with an torn ankle tendon, i decided to get back into cycling this past March or April. Then in May - started MFP at 159.4. Yesterday hit my first mini goal of 139 ! Happy day! My original goal was 130 - which i haven't seen for probably 40 years, but now i am considering a lower goal. I can do it!

    What i have done so far ~ Daily calories are set at 1200. I have almost always eaten 1200 and up to 1700, but usually around 1400-1500. But i do exercise. Having gotten back into cycling really helps. I now ride 20-30 miles almost everyday which will give me 800-1100 calories. I also have taken up gardening - which i have never been into before. I will spend an hour or more about 3-4 days a week weeding, cutting hedges. I also can hit a little tennis - so that comes in once or twice a week.
    I have cut out almost all bread, butter, and definitely no ice cream is in the house. (my weakness) I have discovered smoothies which i love and I am eating healthier with more organic food. I also save room for a treat each day - or two if i have exercised a lot, so i am not feeling deprived. I am sure i could fit icecream in - but its not needed. I plan to get into weight training soon also.

    Its been 3 1/2 months so its not a quick fix - so hoping it will be something that sticks. I haven't been this committed - Ever! MFP has helped immensely. Something about knowing i have to write down everything i eat - i think first - is it worthy? My son actually gave me the kickoff. He said to me back in early May - "Mom - there is no reason why you can't be back to the weight you were, when you were younger". Duh - i never thought about it like that. And he told me about this site. I got on and started the next day!

    I post occasionnally - like this time, but i don't do friends. I like reading what everyone says, but i am not a facebook type of person.
    So whatever this is worth - i hope it motivates you - as so many on here have motivated me just by reading their stories.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    Bump...in the same boat.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There's a great menopause group on here. Folks in the same boat as you. (Myself included!)
  • monchandler
    monchandler Posts: 25 Member
    If you don't mind me asking..where and how did you get your metabolism tested. I have hypothyroidism and would love to know my exact numbers!!
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    It was at a local wellness center. They tested it by putting some type of mask over your nose and mouth that measures your oxygen for about 20 minutes and then a machine gives you a reading.