Hi. I'm Suki and I'm a Weight Watcher.

For the third time I've joined Weight Watchers. For the third time, I've promised myself to never again join Weight Watchers. It's just not working for me. Any you know why? Because I'm only averaging 1000 calories a day on the plan. And because I find myself eating low-fat, high sugar processed JUNK way more than I normally would because it's low or no-point. :|

So I'm eating clean and working out and counting calories to make sure I'm getting enough - not to make sure I'm getting too many. No more dieting.


  • Tricia2433
    hi. i just joined this website and saw your post! i have tried weight watchers too and wonder if that was my problem on eating the low points, but full with sugar. what do you mean by eating clean? i thought about doing weight watchers again and working out too this time.
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I am a former WW person too. I thought about going back to it too but I love this website and would rather do something that's free. There's sooooo much support on here too! Good luck!!
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    I did Weight Watchers about 4 years ago, and it really worked for me. I lost 47 pounds, and I am a "lifetime" member now even though I have put every pound back on since quitting. (Don't quit!)

    It's important to make sure you eat ALL your points. I was eating all 24 of mine and losing every week, and my mom would only eat like 14 points thinking she would lose faster, and she didn't. She never even made it to goal doing that.

    I'm a big fan of Weight Watchers, and I know it works. I would bring my food diary to the meeting and ask the leader where you are going wrong.
  • scodymack
    Hi Suki. Ive tried nearly every type of proportioned meal diets out there. None of them have worked for me. The only one that showed anything was Nutrisystem. I lost 26 lbs on it, but the following month I was not on it because of the cost and I gained all 26 lbs plus more within that same month. I was a firm believer that there was some magical potion out there that I had not found yet that would make me lose 100 lbs fast. I am now a firm believer that its a lifestyle change... Not just eating habits. Im just beginning my journey to losing all this weight (about 100 lbs), and finding it easier and easier to eat healthier when its the only option. I stopped buying Little Debby cakes, hot pockets, and sodas. I had no choice but to eat fruit when I felt hungry. I had no choice but to cook with healthy ingredients and have a salad for dinner when I stopped buying the frozen Anytizers and bagelbites. I pulled my old cruiser bicycle out of the garage and began riding it every day for 30 minutes. My motivation is knowing that every 30 minute bike ride was burning 500 calories (my speed and weight increase the calories burned). Thats almost an entire meal! My lifestyle change has allowed me to lose 8 pounds in two weeks. I know thats a lot in a little time, but im not ignorant to the fact that I will not always lose that much that fast. Just from me cutting out sweets, sodas, fast food, eating out, and me pulling out my bike as allowed me to lose this weight. There is no magic potion out there, or magic food that will make you shed the pounds over night, believe me, Ive looked. its hard work and a lifestyle change. And once you reach your goal, you can brag about how you did it the old fashion way.

    I saw on the Doctors (TV show) that your brain hates to think. Once you can get into a routine, it becomes easier to stick with it. Logging on here and filling out my food diary has become natural. Riding my bike, looking at my calories, and measuring out my food has now become natural. Im excited. Ive never been this motivated to lose weight before and excited to work out. I hope it sticks, because Im tired of being fat, literally.
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    bump for later reply
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I saw on the Doctors (TV show) that your brain hates to think. Once you can get into a routine, it becomes easier to stick with it. Logging on here and filling out my food diary has become natural. Riding my bike, looking at my calories, and measuring out my food has now become natural. Im excited. Ive never been this motivated to lose weight before and excited to work out. I hope it sticks, because Im tired of being fat, literally.

    AHHHH! My brain hates to think! LOL!!! So true! I thought this would be why WW would work but it's the opposite, (for me anyway). I too was eating processed crap looking for low point counts then not eating all of my points and complaining I wasn't losing weight. It wasn't until I started MFP and eating (mostly) clean, (and saving the membership $) that I started to lose weight! It's totally natural for me to get on here and just plug away. I finally feel like I am diet free! I'm not trying to save and bank, if I want to eat more calories I earn them!
  • cakefarm
    Hi and thank you for all your comments!

    Weight Watchers has never worked for me. I've tried everything on it - eating all my Daily Points and none of my Weekly Points. Eating all my Daily and all me Weekly and none of my Activity Points. Eating all off everything... nothing has worked and I'm RELIGIOUS about tracking.

    My body definitely responds better to low carb - UNPROCESSED foods. I lose weight pretty easily when following a lower carb regimen. People respond differently to different diets but I think we can ALL benefit from eating clean. By eating clean I just mean no processed foods. Only real, whole foods.

    We'll see how this works out. I made sure I got in all of my calories today. I feel stuffed. :|