In serious need of motivation

I'm trying to lose weight again but already it feels incredibly overwhelming. I mean, it feels like I can't eat anything and I have to do the same thing day after day. The same two exercises non stop. I don't think it would be so bad if I had other things to do, but I can't get a job so I just sit home all day and I could really use some help getting motivated


  • jules777_us
    jules777_us Posts: 31 Member
    Don't sit home all day get up and out of there....take a walk.... Go for a run. Change up your day and your meals if its turning you off so much that your wanting to quit before you even begin. I tried the Groundhog Day routine and it seems like I get bored and end up quitting so this time I'm changing it all up. Experimenting with other foods rather than eating the se
    thing day after day. When I walk I take walks in areas I have never been in and I race myself against yesterday's times and calorie burn. Do you have any MFP friends? When I wake up and see friends in the UK have already burned 500-1000 calories it motivates me to get on the ball.
    Feel free to add me if you like:)
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    You can do it! Don't view it as a diet cos that can both feel depressing and indicates that the diet will end at some sarge. View it as a lifestyle stage. Try to enjoy a variety of different healthy foods, and some treats from time to time. There is more to healthy food than just lettuce. Maybe Google some recipes etc. Also I agree with the previous post a about doing walks in different areas. You can also make up yr own workouts at home using things from around yr house as weights; Google some exercises. Good luck!
  • monartlady
    Do you feel overwhelmed because you think you've too much to lose? If so, just break it down into manageable goals. If you're looking for some ideas for food, try looking through your friend's diaries. If you haven't enough friends, go look for them in the forums. Add me if you want to also.
    And I agree with trying to get out of the house. Walking will help with your mood, as well as your exercise. If it's raining, pick a room in your house and totally re-arrange it, or spring clean it. Hand wash your windows, your car. Work up a sweat doing it. You don't need to be in a gym. I noticed during the week that some of the TV channels have Fitness or work out classes on it.
    And believe me, we're all human here. We all have bad days, and bad weeks! We get stuck, we struggle. So read some of the blogs or forum status'. The stories can help.
    Best of luck.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    You can totally do it!

    I would be bored as heck and not workout if I only did two exercises, mix it up and do your first (even if its your only) workout with a start time before 6am. Get into the habit of getting up early.

    Get on the boards, see what others are doing that are in similar condition. Check out Jillians 30 shred that seems to work for many (I havent seen it) or check out free workout ideas from people like Zuzana Light (hardcore HIIT,)
  • wickedmessenger
    wickedmessenger Posts: 13 Member
    I've been where you are! I was out of work for close to 2 years. It's HARD!! I sat there and watched Netflix all day and ate pizza for a long time. Make up your mind to make it happen. It can be done. It's time to change your life :-)

    "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we soummon the will, they soon became inevitable." -Christopher Reeve
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Being out of work is a GREAT opportunity to get some cool workouts in! Many folks talk about time being a huge obstacle to working out. That's one less obstacle for you.

    Don't do the same thing day in and day out. Try some new things, mix it up. Find something you like and get it done.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    In a way I think you have it easier because you're not employed!

    You don't have to worry about scheduling work-out times before or after work, and you have all the time in the world to make healthy meals at home (or all the time you need to learn how to cook/bake those healthy meals if you can't cook very well right now). Those are huge positives!!! My sister who is only working part time at a grocery store goes to the gym twice a day sometimes and is always making homemade meals - it makes me incredibly jealous in a way because she has so much extra time to get herself back into shape and into a healthier lifestyle!

    I agree with what everyone has been suggesting so far - change up your routine as much as you can! If you have any money, perhaps register in a class at a local Recreation Centre or a fitness club of sorts where you can meet other people doing the same thing as yourself, and it will get you out of the house more. Even look on Youtube for free work out routines. Also, try and get out of your place as much as you possible can! I can imagine that the downside of not having a job is sitting at home all day and being bored and eating because you're bored - go for walks as much as possible to avoid those food cravings, and then you're getting exercise in!

    And I know for myself - I was the only one who could motivate myself to do this, and no one else. Having friends/family/strangers to back you up is always helpful, but if you're not mentally ready to make the commitment to a lifestyle change, then it probably won't happen anytime soon.

    Good luck!