calories gone

Those who had sucess what do you do if your still hungry and your at calories for the day how to overcome cravings


  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    I started to eat kale. Lots and lots of kale. Super filling.

    Broccoli is a good filling food too

    Minimal additional calories and lots of bulk to fill your stomach
  • martimarisol
    I actually read on line the other day because I have also been struggling with this issue that it's a good idea to always have bananas, apples or peppermint around and just by sniffing either one of these relieves hunger for a while since they trick you're mind into thinking you are actually eating them when you really aren't. Don't know if this is completely true but I've actually been trying with peppermint gum lately and it worked for me.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    I knit while I watch TV. When you are knitting you don't snack because 1) you would have to put down your knitting and 2) your fingers will get sticky or messy and you don't want that on your knitting. It keeps my hands busy so I don't nibble.