From failing at Weight Watchers to MFP

I tried WW for several years and never had huge success. The main reason was because they claim that you can eat what you want and still lose weight. While this program works for many people it never worked for me. The main problem that I had it didn't teach me to be better and stronger. It enabled me to eat good 70% of the time and splurge the 30% of the time. I changed to MFP and love that it doesn't cost anything. I invested a Fit Bit to help keep me active and protein shakes for the morning. I am going to recommit myself to relearning what I used to know. I think this time around I am just going to keep it simple. Weight loss I tend to make really hard and I am not going to do that anymore. I am going to get up at 5am and make sure I walk for 30 minutes before work. I am going to write in my calendar and make sure that I start a good gym plan. I look forward to meeting new people on MFP and the advice that I will receive.


  • mavis2014
    I followed the old WW plan in the past, and did pretty well with it. I don't agree with the new plan. To me it just appeared that they changed their plan because too many ppl were following the old plan on their own for free. From free fruit (which seems dangerous to an over eater) to making it complicated to compute the points on regular food.. I think mfp will be much easier. Can you explain the Fitbit in more detail?
  • beckynstensby
    beckynstensby Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined this sight last week and want to loose wait please give me your tips
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    I've never done Weight Watchers but I did do Light and Easy (meals are delivered to you according to your calorie needs) when I still had cash. The problem I had was that while I saw the portions were small, I didn't really get educated about calories and nutrition. The food was okay at first but I started to crave food that was according to my taste.

    MFP has so far been life changing to me. I'm learning about calories and what else is in the food I eat. And no one has to tell me what to eat or restrict my food for me, I do it myself. Case in point, I just started logging whatever I was eating and found regular chips from KFC are at 400 calories. I just stopped eating it as that was nearly 1/3 of my calorie allocation! Then I moved to low fat milk from regular milk because I wanted to "save more calories". And now I've seen that my yogurt has so much sugar so I'm looking for an alternative yogurt. It's so good because I'm making the changes myself, not told what I have to do.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I was on WW many times in the past. Although I liked the Momentum plan, I find the 360 plan is not for me. I don't like this zero fruit or free fruit idea. Yes, they are trying to impliment healthier food..... and people didn't get to WW because of fruits and veggies. I can see that.....but don't "lie" and say fruit is zero. It still has sugar. Plus I got tired of converting to points.

    I was not learning anything much from the meetings. I felt for me it was a waste of money. If I could be accountable for 6 days and 23 hours without the meetings....that one hour won't make the difference.

    To each their own....some people enjoy the meetings, and it's a way to communicate. That is great. I just personally didn't find them informative.
  • terridyment
    terridyment Posts: 52 Member
    I followed the old WW plan in the past, and did pretty well with it, lost a total of 50 pounds and manage to keep it off today. I didn't the the new plan aswell. Eat right and work hard you will see the result you want with the help of your MFP friends!!!:smile:
  • itismymoment
    I just wanted to give an update to my first week on My Fitness Pal. It went really well, I am down 5lbs and really excited about the future of my health. Today, was my first day that I went over my calorie limit, but it was by 300 calories. I just stopped the extra eating right there. It wasn't worth me to keep eating anymore and really try to focus on getting better. This week wasn't that hard at all because I just ate the same things for now. I just want to know what I eating and when I am exercising for the day. I will start my blog on this site and keep up in the community.
  • itismymoment
    @trackmyday The meetings were not motivating to me and I just kind of thought why I am paying for someone to teach me how to lose weight. Its great that it works for a lot of people, but I tried it so many times wanting it to work. I also disagree that they give every member free fruit and 49 extra points. This enables people to eat over there calorie limit and not lose as quickly. However, they are in the weight loss business. They want to make sure it takes a long time for each member to lose the weight so they collect the monthly fees.
  • dababydollmami
    dababydollmami Posts: 13 Member
    From what I have been told by others motivation and consistency are key to success you have to stay motivated to your plan and be consistent for it to work. Also you have to remember What you are doing in the process to lose weight you should be using to make life changes in your eating and exercise habits so you can maintain your weight after you are done losing it. Many people lose weight but find they gain it back once they start dieting because they fall back into their old eating habits.
  • Ariel_Almaguer
    I agree! I tried WW with not any exciting success unfortunately - It was a let down considering my mom lost 50lbs but then she gained it back. I love MFP - I haven't been on it long but I love having a website that is entirely dedicated to fitness. I feel like my FB friends are probably over my fitness transformation at this point. Anyways, I have been able to lose almost 40lbs through just changing my diet to a cleaner more consistent eating routine. My big 'ah ha' moment was figuring out how I got to that breaking point i the first place....aaah emotions. But I digress....I am now to my last 10lbs that I would like to lose, I would like to see myself gain some more muscle, and become a leaner stronger me. I work out pretty consistent (nothing crazy) about 5 days a week from 30 -60 minutes. Its a mixture for me of running, crossfit style exercise, mixed martial arts (SO FUN), and swimming. I have been supplementing my clean eating diet with Shaklee smoothies as a meal replacement and that has helped me a lot with my severe SUGAR cravings and just empowering me to stay on track better. Also has kept the weight off ... which everything else I did just seemed to creep back on (with its friends) if I ever stopped the diet.

    I would love to add new friends - hear more about you and have some people that actually want to hear about my success and failures (followed by triumphant comebacks!).

    Anyone looking for some laughs, help, support, or wants to support me as I tred through my journey please add me :D

  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    I find that most people don't understand the fruit concept. They see "free" or "0 pts" and immediately go into overload. If you look at the WW guidelines they say 3-5 servings of fruit or vegetables a day. My leader stressed that if your weight was stalled or you were gaining, the first thing to look at was your fruit intake. For some reason people put up blinders when it comes to the fruit at WW, lol!!

    Everyone has to find there own little nitch when it comes to weight loss. Some need those meetings and that weekly weigh-in; some do not. I often hear people say..."she lost on WW but then gained it all back; WW just doesn't work" worked, the person didn't. It is so important to find that "diet" that will give you the "for life" lifestyle change. With some people it's Atkins, some it's WW, some it's MFP. It'll be different for everyone!
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    I am an old WW devotee, and I even joined WW online. The problem is the dieting is too slow, and the expenses are too high. How often do you have to be told to eat healthy, watch your portion sizes and exercise. I find MFP to be the right price (free); you will figure out for yourself what you can and cannot eat. Moreover, you soon realize you must diet and exercise to see real results. Finally, we have to make lifestyle changes not just diet for life.

    Welcome aboard!!!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'll never go back to WW and I'm a free lifetime member. I really didn't feel any support and all it did was teach me to eat processed "diet" food.
  • sassy1grl
    sassy1grl Posts: 28 Member
    i've done ww twice before and with much success, but being that its based on points, you really don't learn anything from them. so here i am again and this time i am doing the calorie counting. i'm gonna be over today, but that's the added push to get to the gym so i don't go over. and i do see that my sugars are high and have been able to make decisions myself on how to lower those. haven't been doing mfp long, but i am learning :) welcome to the group, and add me as a friend if you would like