New here- looking for new friends :)

I'm a 23 year old female, just had my son on august 5th. So far I really like this app on my phone. I hope it will help me lose the baby weight and more! Been seeing the scale go up ever since high school when I used to weigh 125, I'm 5'8. Now I'm 182 and am hoping to get to 140. Wish me luck!! :)


  • fullboost
    fullboost Posts: 53 Member
    Good luck! I'll add you as a friend!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Good luck in your journey. I'll also request you as a friend.
  • cableknit
    You can do it! :D
  • Bosslady11611362
    Welcome to the site! You had your baby on my birthday :smile: Congratulations! Good luck on your journey!
  • Damage483
    Welcome to the site and your new group of friends. :) All the best to you on your journey.
  • bbanks43251
    hello my name is Betty im also new. last year this time I had a personal trainer he was really great i went from 210lbs to 150lbs within six months. however losing it was the easy part keeping it off is whats the killer.Unfortunately ive gained almost all of it back so this time im doing it on my own.I wish everyone good luck luck on your journey to a new you!!!
  • solice
    I joined today and also looking for friends. We ahve similar goals. I weigh 190 and would like to get to 145 lbs. Keep in touch and good luck !:smile:
  • Jess0218
    Welcome to MHP :) Im new this week too and have been on everyday. The support from everyone is great and congratulations on becoming a mommy! How great! Good luck on your journey to wellness :) God Bless! :smile:
  • megarina
    I have been "off the wagon" for the last week... going to hop back on tomorrow. I think having "friends" helps everyone stay honest. I had my second son in January. I am 5'8" as well and hope to get 15 pounds off. When I do, I will weigh less than when I got married. A healthy weight for me is 155. Adding just a little bit of exercise everyday really makes a difference. Love the phone app as well. Good luck!
  • jewahdenny
    Congrats on the new baby. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, its nice to have people that working toward the same goals. I am new to this sitealso.
  • BBBjenny
    BBBjenny Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on your baby! I just had a baby boy as well. My highest weight when I was pregnant was 217! 10 weeks later I am at 186. I would love to try to get down to 140. I will request you as a friend! Good Luck!
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Good luck!!! Add me if you'd like. Just take one day at a time and you'll make it :wink:
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    I'm new to MFP as well. I will add you as a friend. Good luck