Help with vitamin routine ?!?

I *try* to take daily vitamins. Omega 3, B&B12, and regular multi vitamin.
I know that's not a lot of vitamins really, but I forget a lot to take them. Sometimes I forget one day and just take 2 the next, but then I forget days in a row and that's really not helpful, and my body shows when I don't take my vitamins.

I've tried putting them on my night side table beside my glasses, so I see them daily and every night, but somehow I still forget.
Is there any type of drink mixes that I could add to water or milk that have a multi vitamin mix I could use? I'm always drinking (usually I add Mio, Disani water, ect )

Any tips?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Curious as to how your body shows when you don't take them?

    Set a recurring alarm/reminder on your phone.
  • siyah
    siyah Posts: 8
    ^ as said above set an alarm at a time you'll be home.. that's the way I take birth control pills and its worked for me for years
  • Michielynn222
    Michielynn222 Posts: 81 Member
    Well, when I don't take my omega 3 supplements, my hair gets brittle and dry, especially when I forget a few days. Its actually why I started taking them.

    I could never remember my birth control, that's why I ended up getting an IUD.
    Thanks! I'll try the phone reminder :)