Another State Heard From -- Hello from CA

Hi, I am new to MyFitnessPal. In fact, I just finished setting up my meals for the coming week.

I have diabetes and the doctor is emphatic that I loose weight! I

was trying to also get in excercse a few months ago. First time out I fell off my bike (for the first time in my life) and ended up breaking my ankle -- on both sides. I have been laid up all this time and will not be back in real shoes until next week.

All of my friends and family are convinced I should not try this again. Unfortunately I would rather do it as Ilike an exercise that is part of my daily routine and not something I drive to the gym for. I'll let you know how that works out.

The other new thing I am trying is steel cut oats instead of rolled oats. They take much longer to cook, but I have found a recipe (on-line) that uses a wide mouth thermos and the overnight method. I will start this on Wednesday. i have to wait for tomorrow to buy the thermos (payday) and then wait for Tuesday night to 'cook it thisnew way. Should be all set for breakast Wdnesday morning.

My other big change is to take my lunch to work more often -- just onthe days when I don't have a regular lunch date. Then on those days I plan to switch salads at CPK from BBQ chicken to all veggies,

I figure that is enogh change to start out with. I hope to lose a few pounds before seeing the doc again at the end of January.

I would like tohear from any other folks who are diabetic and in their fifties. I can't be the only one!


  • nwester
    Hi, I am new to MyFitnessPal. In fact, I just finished setting up my meals for the coming week.

    I have diabetes and the doctor is emphatic that I loose weight! I

    was trying to also get in excercse a few months ago. First time out I fell off my bike (for the first time in my life) and ended up breaking my ankle -- on both sides. I have been laid up all this time and will not be back in real shoes until next week.

    All of my friends and family are convinced I should not try this again. Unfortunately I would rather do it as Ilike an exercise that is part of my daily routine and not something I drive to the gym for. I'll let you know how that works out.

    The other new thing I am trying is steel cut oats instead of rolled oats. They take much longer to cook, but I have found a recipe (on-line) that uses a wide mouth thermos and the overnight method. I will start this on Wednesday. i have to wait for tomorrow to buy the thermos (payday) and then wait for Tuesday night to 'cook it thisnew way. Should be all set for breakast Wdnesday morning.

    My other big change is to take my lunch to work more often -- just onthe days when I don't have a regular lunch date. Then on those days I plan to switch salads at CPK from BBQ chicken to all veggies,

    I figure that is enogh change to start out with. I hope to lose a few pounds before seeing the doc again at the end of January.

    I would like tohear from any other folks who are diabetic and in their fifties. I can't be the only one!