New to MFP from NZ

Hi. Have been introduced to MFP by my trainer. I have a huge mountain to climb - or lose. I need to drop about 50kg and realise it will be a slow burn. This will only take me to the outside of the healthy weight range but really its about fitness not about being super skinny. At 44 I think I've given away any idea of being SS anyway!.

I'm a teacher, have 3 children (16, 12 and 9) two of whom are overactive and really skinny and one poor wee man who's like his mum! I've never been interested in physical activity and love food - it's my hobby - baking, cooking, cook books, cooking shows.

I have arthritis in my ankles and knees - mostly from being overweight. However I guess my dislike of alcohol has helped me avoid type 2 diabetes somehow. I have few other health concerns but being 120kg means I have limited time to get this right before I knacker my body.

Would love to connect to others in NZ, or Auckland.


  • Hi there

    well you have taken the best step to get your life back on track well done you. It would be really good if you have family and friends for support??? as this will take the pressure off you. A suggestion maybe this is a good time to get the kids involved with you and get them to help with the cooking, get rid of the baking books and look for the healthy option cook books, do some investigating on foods, sugars, oils,etc, I myself have been off sugar since March 2013 and feel great, i dont miss it at all, Ive done alot of reading about that poisonous substance, and also oils whats good and whats bad for you the best oil you can cook with is Coconut oil, have a google its a wonderful oil for all health benefits., there is a couple of books that i have purchased, I quit sugar and Toxic oil, these books are amazing. I read alot about foods good and bad so i can learn more and more and it has done wonders. i really hope you stick with this as it will change your life and make you a better person not just for you but your family and friends. I would like to talk to you more so if you would like to add me as a friend that would be great.
    take care

  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I'm from Christchurch :)
    I'm on here everyday, so I would be happy to keep in touch and offer help, motivation, ideas support if/when needed.
    We may be from slightly different walks of life, but all perspectives can be handy, and any support is good :)
    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • nagemda
    nagemda Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm 19 and a student.
    Have recently gained weight really quickly, and would like to lose around 10kg as this was the weight I was when I was 17 and I was really healthy and happy then.

    Very uncomfortable being a bit overweight, my clothes don't fit and I feel like crap- my once clear skin is breaking out everywhere, I'm lathargic and unfit!

    Need lots of support since I am in terrible binge eating cycles :(
  • Hi I am from N.Z. but now live in Australia. Feel free to add me if you wish. I am on here every day and would like to help even if it is just encouragement. We can all use that.