HELPP> I'm LOST!! Trying to gain weight..

Here's the deal,
I'm eating and eating and getting pretty near my goal of 2650 cal a day (to gain 1lb per week)
I'm currently 148-150 and I want to gain about 10lb for now.
I'd love to gain size because I've never felt comfortable being sooooo skinny..
I've come from 132lbs so I've gained a bit of weight by eating and doing some workouts..

Problem is I'm gaining weight around my stomach, and not arms or legs... I just look sloppy right now.. (see pics I just put up yesterday as Day 1)
I have gained a little in pec muscles, which I've never had before.. But still it seems I'm doing everything wrong..

I don't know what to eat.....
I've been packing a lot of protein, and I try to stay away from sugars and such but I'd really like some advice on meals/ routines to do..

Cardio or weights?

I have really got into Swimming, and think it will help me stay "muscular" looking (cut) however is this going to harm gaining size?

I also think I'm going to start running around 2-5 miles runs mon-wed-fri (I'm in the Army and I have to stay ready for the 2mi run)
will this be okay to implement with some sort of weight routine?

Look basically I need somebody to be like "dude, you need to eat this.. and you need to do this workout this day and do this workout the next"

ANY help I can get will totally be appreciated..
Thanks guys!!



  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    My experience is that a week without weight training results in either no weight gain or fat gain (depending on activity level and how much of what was eaten). So, this week, I haven't been lifting, but have been doing yard work. I'm still eating more than I need, and there is no weight gain happening. In other words, lifting is crucial for me to increase weight. Are you lifting often enough and is it challenging to you? Sometimes this is hard to tell. You can't go by whether you feel a burn after a set or DOMS the day after. It has nothing to do with whether you lifted hard enough.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Gaining weight is similar to losing weight in that it's guess work at first. You have to find what works for you, including diet and exercise. You definitely need to strength train to ensure the weight you do put on is not just fat. Heavy lifting will help. Have you tried Stronglifts 5x5 before? It's a really good starting program. The information is free on the internet, and he even made a few Youtube videos showing proper form, he takes you through the entire program. It's only 3 work outs each time, but they are full body compound workouts and progressive load so you'll gain a lot of strength. Swimming is a form of cardio, really, and if you enjoy it, that's great! You should do the exercises that you enjoy! Account for it and eat. You should eat the same things as usual. Except not the low cal, low fat, etc.. Lots of protein, lots of healthy fats. Running is fine too, and a great way to build your leg muscles. Again, account for it, and be sure you're eating enough calories to offset the burn. I'd suggest alternating days running with the Stronglifts 5x5. Swimming is low-impact enough that you can do it on either day, or on your rest day. Up to you. Just know that if it gets to be too much, it's more than ok to slow it down a bit.

    Once you get into a routine, and get used to lifting, you can start thinking about doing a bulk/cut cycle- bulk to put on the weight then cut to keep the gained muscle, lose the gained fat. But give this a go for 6-8 weeks first.
    Take a look here when you have time. And when you're ready for more info on cutting/bulking you can ask. Good luck!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    definitely do weights rather than cardio if you're trying to gain. If you're not stimulating your muscles to grow, then the weight you gain will be fat, not muscle. I second the recommendation for Stronglifts 5x5, or Starting Strength (which is similar, but better). Also ensure adequate protein intake.

    ETA: nothing wrong with doing cardio as well if you enjoy it... but make sure you're eating enough to compensate for it, because the danger with cardio is that you'll just use up all the calories you're eating for that, rather than gaining weight (i.e. it can make your calories be maintenance, rather than a surplus)
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    First, be decisive. You want to look cut or get bigger?
    You can't really do both at the same time.
    Swimming is an awesome exercise but not efficient at building muscle.
    Look up starting strength or strong lifts, both are programs for beginners that focus
    On progressive overload and compound lifts, BOTH which are needed for maximizing muscle growth.
    Follow the program and eat above your tdee. If you eat at a deficit then you won't gain muscle
    Other than a few newbie gains that aren't substantial.
    If you do cardio then eat back your exercise calories. Bottom line is
    Figure out your goal and follow a program to meet that goal.
    If "size and strength" lift and eat at a surplus.
    If "cut and lean" then lift and eat at a deficit to retain muscle.
    Good luck!
  • Dude, you need to lift weights. 1 pound a week is a moderately-paced bulk; if you're not lifting consistently, it's no wonder that the bodyweight is going to your stomach.

    Look up a beginner lifting routine and focus on doing compound lifts (bench press, deadlift, squat, etc.). Do cardio if you want, but lifting needs to be your primary focus. As for the diet, I've had good results eating 30% fats, 40% carbs, 30% protein (% of your daily calories, which you've already calculated).

    I was in your shoes about 5 years ago. Start hitting the weights like it's your religion and keep with the diet (or maybe drop down to 0.5 pounds a week gained). Just stick with it, and you'll eventually get the body that you want.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    1 pound per week is kind of aggressive for a bulk but if you are young and new to lifting is probably fine. If you are not lifting some serious weights though it is almost certainly all fat gain.

    Take the others peoples advice and start using Stronglifts 5X5 or Starting Strength and stick to it for around 6 months. If you must do the swimming and or running then you need to eat all those calories back. Just be aware that adding additional stress on the body can slow recovery and muscle gains.