How many pounds did you lose to drop pant sizes?

My 14's are really lose but I am not quite into my 12's yet. I carry most of my weight in my stomach. I have so many different sizes in pants and my goal is to be back into my size 8's which I was wearing when I at 140 when I lost my weight with weight watchers the first time.


  • 12lbs
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i believe 6-8lbs is a pant size. i think it also has to do with current weight. like someone whos in their upper 200s might have to lose more for a pant size, but since you 14s(i was there before) you'd have to lose 6-8lbs... depends on how loose/tight the pants are :))
    i went from a size 14/15 to a size 5/6 and lost about 40 lbs.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Well, I have lost 0 and still dropped a pant size so it really all depends.
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    I was wondering the same thing! My 11's are large, but 9 is too tight. I'd really like to fit back into my 5's, that's where I was before gaining weight. Not sure how much I need to lose to fit them though
    good luck :)
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I have to say that with each 10lbs loss you generally lose a size. However, everyone is different and it is not always true. In april my weight decreased 4lbs but I decreased all over my body by almost 8 inches. My waist was around a 2inch loss..

    I'd say it depends on a lot of things.. but the general thought is 10lbs to drop a size.
  • For me it has been every 10 lbs. I am 5'4" and I started at size 12 and now 29 lbs lost I am size 6.
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My 14's are loose but not quite into 12's yet. I'd also like to be in a size 8 when all is said and done. (Hopefully by Xmas). I've lost 7 lbs so far, but I think I've got another 8-10 before I'll be in a 12. Hang in there! 8-)
  • 12lbs
    This is about right for me too. I'd say 10-15. I've lost roughly 50 pounds / 4 pant sizes.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    7 lbs to go down the first size.
    then 10 lbs each size afterward
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    It really depends on 1) how tall you are/where you carry your weight and 2) where you're losing weight (inches)
    I now fit in a size 8 after losing 10 lbs (down from a size 10), and I'm 5'2" and carry most weight in my lower body (thighs and hips).
    Measurements are probably a better indication of when you'll go down the next size, although women's clothing sizes are pretty useless unless you get the brands in inches (I think CK jeans are done by waist/hip measurements).

    just enjoy the fact that your current clothes are not tight anymore, and eventually you'll put on that smaller size and be surprised!
  • Measurements are probably a better indication of when you'll go down the next size, although women's clothing sizes are pretty useless unless you get the brands in inches (I think CK jeans are done by waist/hip measurements).

    Try this:
    just enjoy the fact that your current clothes are not tight anymore, and eventually you'll put on that smaller size and be surprised!
    Good advice. :)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    for me it was about 8 initially then as i got more toned, it was more about inch loss to drop pant sizes
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm glad you asked the question, I was just wondering that myself and curious how much it varied from person to person. For me it used to be around 10 pounds before I could wear a smaller size, but as I've gotten older (and fatter) I have found that it is more like 12. I assume that if you just watched what you ate it might take more to get down a pant size than if you watched what you ate and exercised.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I'm def not an official on this, but I think it completely depends on the individual. Like where you carry your weight, height, build, etc. Not to mention the fact that clothing varys so much from brand to brand, even style/fit-wise. I only lost 26 lbs, but I went from a 10-12 to a 2-0 for one example. Just stay focused on your goals and take your'll get to that ideal pants size :)
  • My hips and butt are so big, I can lose over 20 lbs and still be in the same size jeans cause I don't ever lose the weight off there at first! I have been in a size 18 as long as I can remember! It's just either a very tight, bursting at the seams 18 or a loose and comfortable 18. The smallest I have ever been as an adult is a size 14.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I can't say how many pounds equals one size, but I can tell you that at 150lbs I was a size 9/10, and at 125lbs now, I am a size 3/4(sometimes a 1/2 depending on brand). So for me, 25lbs equals 3 sizes.
  • sexysweetnclassy
    sexysweetnclassy Posts: 4 Member
    Im down 17lbs so far and have only noticed going down a size in my pantys. Maybe b/c i like to wear stretch denims but i thought it would be more than that by now.

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  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    It really depends on 1) how tall you are/where you carry your weight and 2) where you're losing weight (inches)
    I now fit in a size 8 after losing 10 lbs (down from a size 10), and I'm 5'2" and carry most weight in my lower body (thighs and hips).
    Measurements are probably a better indication of when you'll go down the next size, although women's clothing sizes are pretty useless unless you get the brands in inches (I think CK jeans are done by waist/hip measurements).

    just enjoy the fact that your current clothes are not tight anymore, and eventually you'll put on that smaller size and be surprised!

    Exactly. I am over 5'10 and lost 42lbs and only seem to have dropped from a 14/16 to a 12/14. Crazy and a little depressing, but I always have carried it proportionally, so I have that in my favor.