Hey i'm new too :)

I've battled most of my life with my weight until 3 years ago i finally looked and felt good!! That person slowly disappeared due to health problems and depression but recently I found her again. I have a massive mountain to climb and 3 stones to lose, I've already lost 2 :) I've booked my holiday for next August and i'm determined to find the happy me again!! I recently got an iphone and found this application, I can't believe how much it's helped me! It's amazing. Now all i need are some new friends to work with on my journey because this is the last time I want to take this avenue in life!!

Tina :)


  • birdie88
    Hi Tina

    I'm new too. I'm not sure how much a 'stone' is... we don't use that measurement in Canada but I've got to lose 60 pounds or more... (kind of seeing what happens when I get down there)... We can be friends if you like.... I'm looking for friends as well...
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    I`ve only been here a couple of weeks myself and its worked wonders already.

    Good luck and please feel free to add me if you want a bit of support :smile:
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    HI GOOD LUCK bye the way there is 14 lb to a stone for anyone whos not too sure,
  • tinawharrison
    One day at a time indeed! Great motto. :)