Hello..From Canada

AngelMC Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
My Name is Angel. I live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I found this website, and though I would try it. It looks really good, and I really want to lose some weight,

I am looking to weigh about 110. right now I think I am about 150. I can't wait to get started. I even started with my water...just finished all that I need for the day!

I also want o wish everyone good luck. I am hopping for the best for all of us! And Happy New Years to ALL!


  • My Name is Angel. I live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I found this website, and though I would try it. It looks really good, and I really want to lose some weight,

    I am looking to weigh about 110. right now I think I am about 150. I can't wait to get started. I even started with my water...just finished all that I need for the day!

    I also want o wish everyone good luck. I am hopping for the best for all of us! And Happy New Years to ALL!
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