Staying Motivated

salazarm1974 Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am just starting (again) on my weight loss journey. I have 100 lbs to lose, but find it very hard to stay motivated. I know the ultimate motivation should be the weight loss and finally being healthy, but everyday seems to be a huge battle to stay on track.

What are your secrets for staying motivated to eat healthy, to exercise, to stay on track?


  • itsscottwilder
    My motivation isn't weigh loss.

    Weight loss is a tool to achieve my real goals.

    My motivation is my son. If I die at my dad's age of 62 (his dad died at 64), I'll barely live to see my son turn 30.

    Not acceptable. I want to see him grow into old age himself. This is the gold medal.

    Every time he jumps into my arms to give me a hug; that's motivation.
  • kellymbock
    kellymbock Posts: 25 Member
    Hello I have just started losing again. I have even lost weight on vacation. I am letting myself have things in moderation. I celebrate each small victory such as passing up a choclate bar during a campfire. I also really try to plan ahead and fit things
    i want to have in. Planning is key and makes me want to stay on track.
    as for exercise I have a pedometer that I use and it keeps track if the steps. I am more aware now of how many steps I am taking now good luck
  • wcugirl04
    wcugirl04 Posts: 26 Member
    My motivation is my children..I was way too over weight for way too long. This is something I have struggled with all of my life, but for the first time in years, I feel like I am finally in this for the long haul,,Praise the Lord!! Without Him, I would not have even began this journey.

    Another motivator is my mirror..I am not at my goal weight, but I can see changes, and I am down three pant sizes since January. I think staying motivated for me in the past was difficult because I always tried to deprive myself..I would always tell myself that I couldn't eat sweets or carbs or sugar, etc. Now of course I try not to overindulge, but I also don't deprive myself either. Hope this helps and good luck to u! :smile:
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    My motivation is feeling awesome!
    I'm so much stronger and more capable than I was at my heaviest weight. My knees no longer ache, and I no longer have to search the entire city to find a single pair of flattering pants that fit me.

    I didn't make any drastic changes. I just started exercising 30-45 minutes 4 or 5 days a week (mostly in the form of exercise videos), and I eat all the same foods that I ate before I started this journey. The only difference now is that I count my calories, I'm mindful of portion size, and I try to make healthy choices so that I'm eating a balanced diet. I still eat pizza, cake, beer, and whatever else I feel like. I just pay attention now. :smile:
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    My motivation is that I liked the way I feel when I was 40 lbs lighter. My office job has just made it more difficult for me to stay there. I also like to travel and really do want my photos to make me feel good about the experience. Nothing worse than looking at a pic of a stunning beach and all you can see is the balloon of your own thighs. It also gives me a measureable deadline to work towards. My next mini trip is in 32 days- I'd like to lose 15 but I will be happy with just enough to make my shirt not cling.

    I think that forgiveness is one of the most important things people forget in weightloss. Just dont use it as an excuse. You fail at your goal, pause and forgive yourself and start new. Dont say tomorrow, or next week, just start new.

    I plan for success. That is a big part of staying on track. I write in my whole day and adjust as necessary. I wanted chips after dinner last night so I skipped putting cheese on my chili. Then I counted out the portion before I started munching. Let me tell you- I enjoy each and every single bite. They were deliberate calories that I savoured. I try to avoid eating mindlessly. If chocolate bars are your thing then plan for them. Alot yourself one or two per week and either say enough when they are gone or pick two specific days and schedule them in. Food and eating can be a joyful experience that you should celebrate, not a balm.

    I also focus on portion and variety, not the calories. I use the calories as a guide for planning my day, yes, but calorie goals is not going to mean that your diet is healthy or balanced. I dont make drastic changes at the start but i do measure almost everything. Having salad- measure one portion of dressing on the salad. Dont guess.

    100 is a huge goal! Break it down and make it more achieveable. Do it in stages that are realistic. Reaching goals in itself is motivating so give yourself more opportunities to suceed. You can do it! It will take work but it will be worth it.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    Do you have any friends that can you can work out with? I met a friend at the gym that has really helped me with diet and exercise issues. I know I feel much better now that I am eating healthier and exercising.

    I started walking with a friend a couple of weeks ago and we do a 2 1/2 mile loop and when we're done I can't believe we have gone that far. We chat the entire time.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I am simply motivated from my desire to weigh a lot less than I do. Let’s face it, I WANT TO BE SEXY. I want it bad. I keep the end result in my mind and I have all the motivation I need. I daydream often of what I will look like (although I really don’t know, as I have been overweight my entire life) But that’s all I need for motivation. Also wanting to inspire others.
  • Terilyn623
    I feel the same way, motivation has always been a struggle for me. But I think I am ready to NOT use the scale as my goal or motivation. Like one of the other posters said, " losing weight is going to be a Tool" for me to reach my goal of Feeling good about myself. My goal (this time) is to finally be proud of who I am. I want to feel strong, empowered and free! Free of all the negativity I constantly put on myself. I hope that by reaching out to the MFP community, it will help me once and for all! :smile:
  • scottgobuck
    scottgobuck Posts: 36 Member
    You have to decide what motivates you, for me when I started it was to be around long enough to see my grandaughter grow up. Now 3 years later its as much for me as anything. I have become a competitve runner and duathlete so now this is what keeps me going.

    The first thing I would do if I were you is not look ahead to losing 100 pounds, that can be a huge hurdle for some to look at and say theres no way I can do this. Take baby steps, look at the next month and set a goal of losing 15-20 pounds something that you can accomplish. Set a goal of walking , running or whatever a certain time, miles or reps and work towards those goals.

    The days you dont feel like working out or doing something are the days you need to make sure you do it, this is a life style change for you so you cannot try to do too much too soon , again baby steps. It took me a little over a year to lose 115 pounds but I have maintained that even through a surgery and a couple injuries for alomost 2 years now. You can do it just dont make excuses for yourself, make a plan and stick to it.
  • rescue804
    I've had the same struggle. This summer, I committed to GO to a power yoga class at least one day per week. I've been trying to do yoga and walk at least 3 other days each week. Recently, I signed up for a 5k to be held in November (Yikes!). I'm no runner (wild bears might get me to run) - but my DIL installed a couch to 5k app on my phone - and I am actually excited about it! It's tough- but do-able.
  • fitb4fifty_kd
    When you look at a big number it can be overwhelming. Break it down into monthly and then weekly goals and focus on meeting those goals. I even wear a Nike Fuelband just to make sure I'm more active during the day and it makes me feel wonderful to see "GOAL" at the end of the day. Find what works for you. You can do it!

    "Always focus on far you've come rather than how far you have to go" and remember a little progress everyday adds up to big results over time.
  • ShannaAutry
    It's okay to have different things to motivate you.

    I am motivated by my family history of health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, you name it). I want to see my children grow up, live happy and healthy lives and watch them raise children of their own.

    I am motivated by my children in other ways too. I want to be able to run around with them, wrestle around, and play ball with them. I want them to grow up with a healthy relationship with food and body image.

    With that said, I am motivated by other things too. I want to feel sexy. I want to feel beautiful. I want to wear trendy clothes and feel confident.

    I no longer want to feel self conscious about stepping into a crowded elevator. I no longer want to feel self conscious about sitting in front of someone, wondering if my fat rolls are showing too much.

    It's ok to have "superficial" reasons to lose weight. We're only human.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I think it is as simple and as complicated as just deciding that now is the time, and then sticking with it. My reasons probably aren't as noble as being around for my children, since I don't have any. Mostly I just want to look and feel better.

    But I have looked at what has worked in the past and what has not worked in the past as far as me losing weight, and have set up a system, that now I think can't help but work. First, doing it with someone helps a lot. I started out by dragging my husband along with me. Now though he's found his own motivation, so we push each other.

    Secondly, I've made it pretty much my primary focus for awhile...of course I still go to work and do other things, but I think about weight loss a lot, maybe too much...what I can do exercise wise, new recipes, etc. For TV time now, we watch the Biggest Loser...not really for tips, but just to see that it is possible for people to change their lives. Along with that is being active on this site. I log into it 10-20 times a day probably.

    Finally, I have set up a system of accountability. I have told absolutely everyone in my life that is important to me that I am losing weight. I figure now that I have announced it, I can't quit, or everyone will know, and then I'll be embarrassed and feel like a failure. Before I have kept it pretty much to myself, and that makes it really easy to get out of the commitment.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My first goal, admittedly a vain one, was to get back into my pre pregnancy jeans. I didn't feel comfortable being bigger and I wanted to be back to where I looked good!

    Then those jeans started falling down, so I wanted to get back into my 'thin' clothes that I kept from years ago. So I did that :smile:

    I also want to be heathy for my children, and I need the fitness to be able to chase them around. We go out a lot, and they're damn fast, especially on their scooters.

    Another thing is I eat to avoid type 2 diabetes, which my dad has, and he mum had, so it runs in the family.

    I also really enjoy exercise and find that I get moody and stressy if I don't exercise for a couple of days!
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    I'm 46. I finished chemo in February for stage 4 colon/liver cancer ( surgery to resect both the colon and liver Aug 2012). states the 5 year survival rate is 6%.
    I have a husband and two sons ( the youngest being 13)
    I'm losing weight and getting healthy because I don't want to be a statistic.
  • 11656home
    11656home Posts: 1 Member
    I like your post! It was encouraging and realistic. I lost 50 lbs. on a low carb diet last year and now have put back all but 10 lbs. I did lose weight but I felt deprived alot. Nauturally when I changed my eating habits the weight came right back on. This time I want to just control the portions and make better choices but if I want something I can plan and have the treat. It may be slower but I think it will stay off. Thanks for taking the time to write your post.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I agree with other kids are my motivation. I want to be healthy and be around for them for as long as I can.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I'm 46. I finished chemo in February for stage 4 colon/liver cancer ( surgery to resect both the colon and liver Aug 2012). states the 5 year survival rate is 6%.
    I have a husband and two sons ( the youngest being 13)
    I'm losing weight and getting healthy because I don't want to be a statistic.

    Wow, I wish you all the best....good luck to you.
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Part of my motivation came from when I went in to get a full physical with lab work. When they told me that at 28 years old, I have bad cholesterol, and I was on the verge of being diabetic. The other part of my motivation was knowing that I have a child that looks up to me and I want him to be healthy. Also, I couldn't fit into cute clothes, and I was in a 3x shirt and size 24 jeans. I looked like a hot mess. I had zero confidence, and the only looks I got from men where looks of disgust. I wanted to feel sexy and confident. I wanted to be healthy and active. Even now when I'm feeling like I have no motivation to stay on track, I remember the way I was 6 months ago and have crappy I felt. I don't ever want to feel like that again.
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