
So I'm pretty new on here still and loving it... my question is after walking for 2 hours today and eating what i "normally" eat for the day I still have 1100 calories left for the day. I'm not hungry and worry that if i try to finish eating those calories I would fill it with junk food... Is it bad to not use all the calories alotted?


  • Lisatru62
    It should only be a problem is your caloric intake for the day is below 1200 calories. Generally after you enter all of the foods you eat for the day and all your exercise you can click on the complete this entry at the bottom of the food diary. There will be a message explaining what you should weigh after five weeks if your eating pattern continues. If you have not eaten enough calories for the day it will give you a warning that you may not be getting enough of the proper nutrients because it gets harder the less you eat.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It should only be a problem is your caloric intake for the day is below 1200 calories. Generally after you enter all of the foods you eat for the day and all your exercise you can click on the complete this entry at the bottom of the food diary. There will be a message explaining what you should weigh after five weeks if your eating pattern continues. If you have not eaten enough calories for the day it will give you a warning that you may not be getting enough of the proper nutrients because it gets harder the less you eat.

    This is completely false. It's bad if you're not eating all your calories because MFP has already figured out how much you need to eat to lose weight. When you exercise, you need to eat those back because they're extras that are not figured into what MFP has given you. If you leave too many calories, your body isn't getting enough fuel to energize and support your body, muscles, etc. and it can slow weight loss or make you gain. It happened to me, trust me on this one. A LOT of people will tell you the same thing.

    The best way to avoid having so many calories at the end of the day after exercise is to plan out how much you think you'll burn before you burn it. Put it in your log and then "spend" your calories throughout the day. It's a good way to keep yourself accountable to the exercise but also so you don't get to dinner and have a lot of calories to eat at once. Easy ways to eat up those extra calories are:

    almonds - 1/4 cup 190 calories
    natural PB - 2 tbsp 170-200 calories
    large banana - 100 calories
    protein shake POST work out (get whey and find one with low sugar and about 100 or so cals for 1 scoop and at least 20g protein) - this will help with soreness from working out as well as eating up cals (mix it with milk and add fruits, veggies, nuts, whatever you want), helping you meet your protein goal (which should be 20-30% of your diet), and help your muscles recover so they can grow and get strong.

    Hope this helps!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I do NOT eat my exercise calories. When it comes to eating (or not eating) exercise calories I've found its a very hot topic here.

    I have a nutritionist (who actally set me up on this site) and she told me not to count the exercise calories. Based on the amount of weight I have to loose my calorie goal is 1800 a day. And I try to eat a close to that as I can with healthy calories. On the days where I work out I especially try to make sure I eat 1800 and no less.

    Overall I would say listen to your body the best you can. On the days you work out, try to listen to your stomach - if your hungry have some extra calories in the from of healthier foods, like protein shakes, nuts, veggies etc. Its tough not to fill up those calories with chips - but there are some good websites out there with healthy options. Also look at other people's food diaries to get ideas. I'm just starting out as well and I'm constantly checking what other people ate to see who they "spend" their calories

    Hope that helps!
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    The other way to go is to take exercise into account in the daily calories and always eat that which sounds like what you are doing. The point is to eat enough. Not like eating 1000 Cals and exercising 2 hours a day.. To keep it healthy is all about keeping the daily deficit optimal, getting reasonable amount of exercise, and resting enough. There are very good reasons behind the recommended 1 lbs a week pace for losing weight. especially if you only have something like 10 lbs to lose.

    Thinking that you can speed things up by eating less than you need to is a lie and leads to ruin!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Well said!
  • Mplatt76
    Thank you so much for the information everyone! This has been really helpful, i have began looking at apps for my droid ally for easy but healthy recipes so that i dont eat out as often i think that once i cut that out i will lose more weight...