Hello Friends!

I just came across this site and it looks helpful. I look forward to getting support from people who are also trying to lose weight. I gained excessive weight after my during and after my pregnancy due to PCOS.


  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Add you, but let me give you a suggestion. Put up a photo. It doesn't have to be one of you if you don't want it can be of something you like. Just something that displays part of your personality, or a picture of your favorite inspirational quote. Any thing is better than nothing. Sounds silly but It will help you find more like minded friends. And that goes for your profile too. The more in there the easier it will be so you to relate with others. You dont have to bate your soul just post up the basics. Sure made a difference with me with the people that spacificly added me because they related to my profile. Those people day one tended to be in my corner more than the others.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Lol you added a picture as I typed the previous
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey,
    Thanks for the welcome note. I added this pic because it is the national flower of Bangladesh. I am from there.
    I don't feel comfortable putting up my pic because I am currently obese plus this site is totally public.
    Thanks again for becoming my friend in this journey!