Exercising through a migraine

leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
edited February 2 in Motivation and Support
Need some suggestions. Had one this morning. Only made it 1.5 miles running before puking and getting so freaking ill. Turned around and came back. Don't have them frequently but when I do, ugh. Any suggestions on homeopathic remedies. Even if I get rid of the pain, the nausea and sluggishness linger...

Oh, and while walking doesn't seem to set off the actual vomiting nearly so much, running is what I have to do to keep the weight off and the b/p even slightly in check. When I don't run I have to do at twice as many miles and it really stresses me. I don't even want to know how long it would take me to walk 10 miles. I just know it's not time I have in the day to spare.


  • Event_Horizon975
    Event_Horizon975 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm a long-time migraine sufferer (since I was 14 - and I'm 37 now). I get them so bad & frequently I have to take daily meds to help prevent them (which help a lot but I still get them) so while I can sypmathize, I cannot offer any real suggestions that will help you, in the way that you're asking for help.

    I have never found any homeopathic remedies that work for me. I've tried many - massage pressure points, green apple, keeping well hydrated, relaxation, etc. They help a little (like 5% of the way) but when one hits, I have to immediately take medication for any real improvement to occur and even then I am wiped out & my stomach is a wreck. (btw - mine are mainly with my female cycle - ain't life grand!)

    I would honestly recommend, if one is hitting you and you're not on meds, to try putting off the exercise until the symptoms subside enough for you to tolerate the run. I know how debilitating they are and I also fully understand the importance of continuing with normal routines & life despite them but the key is to try and not make them worse when they're at their worst. I hope you can find a remedy that works well for you! Good luck. xo
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I get migraines anywhere from 15-25 days out of the month. It's hard to workout with a migraine, but because I get them so frequently, I just suck it up and do it. Sometimes it makes them go away, other times it's makes them worse. I haven't found anything that works long term. I tried taking Migrelief and Feverfew, and that made a massive, life changing difference...for about 3 months. Then they came back. I take daily meds, they don't help.

    So I'm basically no help because I'm apparently doomed to a life of chronic pain and just have to push through them and do the best I can with workouts. My doctor said that vigorous exercise can make them worse, but if you exercise regularly, can make them better. Maybe just bring down the level of intensity when you have a migraine.
  • mkphotogirl
    mkphotogirl Posts: 55 Member
    sorry -- i get horrible migraines too but less frequent than i used to. for me they're debilitating, i don't think i could try to run through it. however, i've had migraines come on while out for a long run. my advice is to be sure to really stretch well before/after exercise if you're going to push through a migraine. exercise strains your muscles and that muscle tension can provoke or worsen the migraine. make sure your neck/back/shoulders are as relaxed as possible. i also find a cold/wet towel afterwards on my head/neck help.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Oh, I really feel for you. I've had two bad ones, ended up in A&E with them - I couldn't hold down water/food/medication, took me over a week to get over them. Thankfully, I haven't had any migranes in some years, at least none that fully developed so I can't help on exercising through one - I would never have been able to.

    BUT...I do/did suffer with headaches, about 2 a week. I went on a paleo/primal diet and found that they dissappeared. Seriously, I started to exercise more, changed my diet, primal which meant I gave up all processed food and wheat. I'm not saying I am/was perfect. But my headaches went. I was off on holidays and my 'diet' slipped and didn't exercise as much and sure enough headaches came back. I'm now a huge advocate of try something, if it doesn't work for you then change it.

    I've also had very bad headaches that were stress related. These were very strong pains behind my eyes, I went to a physio and she gave me stretches that essentially resolved them. I stll get them, but I know the cause and how to ease them.

    I suppose what I'm saying, is see if you can see what's causing them. Keep a very detailed diary, how you feel/sleep/how much water you take/when you get an attach and food/exercise off course. I'm not saying you can cure yourself from them for a moment, but you may be able to work out your triggers. I would struggle to do a work out with a headache, never mind a full blown migraine. When I got the migraines I was sick at the time, since I've had a couple of near misses, where I started to get one, but got migraleve in to me, it tended to be lack of sleep/not eating at regular times.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You don't need to exercise through a migraine. Missing a run or something because of an in-frequent migraine is not a big deal...you're not going to suddently become unfit or fat if you miss a run.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    Have you gone to a doctor to determine the source of your migraines? What have you taken for them? I use prescriptions to try and manage mine although it has weakened them a bit I still get them and many of mine last around 48 hours. If I have to take an imitrex it often makes me feel worse before I feel better so no exercise. Maybe you could use days when you have migraines as rest days and work your schedule around them.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    my advice is to be sure to really stretch well before/after exercise if you're going to push through a migraine. exercise strains your muscles and that muscle tension can provoke or worsen the migraine. make sure your neck/back/shoulders are as relaxed as possible. i also find a cold/wet towel afterwards on my head/neck help.
    Thanks for that, I think that might have been what killed me after my last run...
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    HOLY CRAP you're a tough cookie going for a run when you already have a migraine. I feel like a big sissy la-la now, since when I have a migraine I just take my Oheffitall pills and work out later.

    I wish I had some remedies to offer you, but since I don't... maybe try running earlier in the day before a migraine has a chance to set in? Mine usually strike mid-morning so working out in the a.m. helps me ensure that I've got my workout in. Once you've got one, though, I know they can hang around for days so that's no help.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Nope, if I get a migraine, a true one, it's lights out, dark silent room and a cold flannel over my face until the next day, there is no ability to function beyond that.

    Chromic or even acute headaches, sure, work through those, but migraines put you out for the count. Just rest up and get back at it when you're well again!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    Nope, if I get a migraine, a true one, it's lights out, dark silent room and a cold flannel over my face until the next day, there is no ability to function beyond that.

    Chromic or even acute headaches, sure, work through those, but migraines put you out for the count. Just rest up and get back at it when you're well again!
    This. I don't get them often, but when I do, exercise would just lead to more barfing. My goal is always: get home, get in the dark and quiet. And wait it out.
  • I have suffered through migraines for 20+ years. I cannot function, let alone exercise during one! You are very determined, which is good.

    For all of you migraine sufferers, I have been on tons of "daily meds." They helped at first, until my body became use to the medication. Then I would have to switch medicines. Prescription medicine from Imitrex to Relpax to Maxalt with up to 150mg of Topomax a day. I would get headaches daily, with migraines weekly or more. My memory became worse and found it was a side effect to the medications I have been taking.

    I have tried everything except Botox injections in my head. i had several friends that received them and had nothing but great things to say about being migraine free for years! I gave it a shot and had 48 injections in my head over 6 weeks ago. I am EXTREMELY proud to say I have been migraine free for 6+ weeks. No headaches. Nothing. I feel like I have my life back!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thank you to all who replied. I used to have cronic migraines and then I got a horrible case of bacterial Bronchitis and had to go on a long, strong regime of antibiotics. Voila - my cronic migraines were gone. The theory is that I had an infection the docs couldn't identify and the uber strong antibiotics I took for six weeks kicked the infection. Now I only get about one a month. There are few meds I can take due to allergies so I really have little recourse there. Yes, I have seen a doctor. Unfortunately after going through who knows how many tests, they still don't really know why I get them.

    There are 3 types of migraines I get. First type causes me to lose my vision and the pain comes later if at all. I tend to have issues with motor skills and I cannot drive. Scared the crap out of me the first time one set in. Amazingly a five minute eye exam later and the doc knew exactly what was going on.

    The second is the full blown, holy cow, my limbs are numb, my mouth won't work, the air conditioning coming through the vent is too loud, and my brain is trying to break out migraine. I cannot work out with these and I generally end up sleeping a day or two without eating and drinking minimal water. I throw up if I move and it's usually just best to wait them out.

    The third is the puking, sick to my stomach, why the heck can't I talk very well or understand people migraine. It also causes me to have issues processing things. I have to be very careful or I make about a 1000 errors at work and home. This one doesn't have as much pain and I can work. My head, neck, and shoulders generally hurt with this one. This is the only one I can work out through.

    Ah well, with sleep the migraine did go away and I only have what I call a "residual headache" today.
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