Anyone hit a "plateau" for 3+ months?

I'm brand new to posting here but not new to my fitness pal. I have been using it for a year along with a fitbit and the first two digits of my weight haven't changed in almost 4 months. I stick to my calories and have tried changing things but exercise is difficult with a bad knee. I do have a stationary bike to use. Is there anyone out there that has gone through a similar situation? Any suggestions? I would appreciate any and all comments!


  • That's ME! My husband says it is because I'm not as diligent about going to gym. I'm hoping now that the kids are back in school I'll start seeing results again. Frustrating. I'm interested to see what others say.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,178 Member
    Yes. I went from May 8th to August 19th without losing any weight....a little over 3 months. I couldn't really complain too much as I had been losing regularly before that. I tried increasing my calories....that didn't work. I tried changing my exercise....that didn't work, either. So I just kept at it and I figured things would move eventually....and they did. I used to have a timetable for my goal....I dont have that anymore. I know I will get there....its just going to take a little longer than I thought.

    I also have a stationary bike. But in the summer, I do water jogging. Great for knees. I will miss the pool when it closes next week.
  • kag1145
    kag1145 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been thinking about joining the local YMCA for the water classes but don't want to go by myself and with my two jobs its hard to find a time so I'm not sure if it would be worth it. I also had goals and I am gla to have kept the weight off for the most part, just ready for the scale to start going down again!
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    HI - I'm late to reply to this, but I am having the same frustration. I have been with MFP since June 2012. I have lost 26 - 28 lbs. (depends on the day!) and have 5 - 10 more to lose, depending on where I wish to stop. I have been on a plateau for 2 months and figure it will take at least another 6 to lose the rest of the weight, as it has slowed down to about 1 lb. a month. However, in the past two months= nothing. I am a gym addict - 5x/wk, cardio, weights, bands, whatever. I workout about an hour each time. I have goals set and I blog daily. I am really consistent about logging calories, even when I hate to admit what I have eaten. I would say that I am 95% on track with my food. I have tried eating back all my gym calories (sometimes 'way too much for me to do), working out and varying machines, exercises, etc. Nothing seems to make the weight move. I think I just have to keep on keeping on with all that I am doing, but would love any suggestions??
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    I stalled for 4 months late last year. Didn't change a thing, just kept going and then lost 2 lbs. Have been losing consistently ever since (aside from school summer holidays when I put on a few). I stalled at the weight I'd been for the majority of my adult life (168 lbs) so figured this was my "setpoint" weight - the weight my body naturally gravitated towards. But eventually my body got the message.
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    Hmmmm ... forgot about the set point concept. I have only been overweight for the last 10 years ... but I am at 142 (down from 168, 10 lbs. 3 years ago, the rest this past year and 3 months with MFP) and that would probably be the weight I have been at the most consistently. So what you are saying is hang in there ... my body is fighting to maintain the 142? That kind of makes sense, but sure is discouraging while it happens. In the last few months, I read the forums and researched and have also begun to eat back my gym calories ... could that have something to do with this? In other words, my body was used to very few calories (my fault and now, I realize, not good for me) and is struggling with extra? As for gym calories, my BMR is 1200 and I often earn 600 at the gym. I do my best to eat them all back, but often can't get them all in ... too much food for me.