How much did you lose before seeing/feeling any difference?

I have been dieting for about 2 months now,, and I have lost 15 pounds. I've been really happy about how much weight I have lost so far. I'm just feeling a little discouraged because I see next to no difference in my body, I even took a picture when I started and I took a picture recently, I still see no difference. My clothes I feel don't fit any differently, except for maybe a shirt or two that I look a little tiny bit slimmer in. I have had a few close people tell me I look a little thinner, but I usually I feel like they only say it because they know I'm dieting and I told them how much I have lost. I'm a little worried because I googled other people's stories about losing 15 pounds and seeing no difference, some people have said that they might be losing muscle and not fat. I'm 5'3 and I started at about 157 pounds and now I'm at 141 pounds. How long did it take for you and others to really tell for sure you were losing weight? Could I be doing anything wrong?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Really depends on your body type. And likely your friends do notice - I think it is harder for us to see the difference in ourselves. Don't give up - it will happen! I feel your frustration - my clothes fit the same still too. I wanted so badly to buy new summer clothes, but it just wasn't meant to be! If you've lost 15lbs you're likely not doing anything wrong. Just stick with it!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    It probably took 30. But sometimes I am even skeptical about that.

    But I will tell you something, I lost more weight during 2012. Nearly 50 pounds. And I regained about 20 of them (it looks like my thyroid was to blame). Since the begining of the year I have been trying unsuccessfully to move the scale.

    I have been having a tough time with the scale this year, and focusing on weight training too. Throughout my journey. I have lost about 4 pounds this year. Obviously it is frustrating, so I have been adding more strength goals to focus on NSVs. I have been feeling like nothing has changed at all.

    I spent most of my 20s and 30s at approximately the weight I am now. But I realize this time around I am about a size smaller than I was then. Must be extra muscle. I am fitting clothing that I only fit when I was 15-20 pounds lighter before.

    And then I looked at some pics at different stages around this weight. Low and behold, I actually look smaller at this weight than I did when I hit it last year. Marginally so. More amazing? How much smaller this weight looks now compared to my 20s.

    FYI: these two pics are the same weight, about 5 years apart

    That dress is now a little big in the bust, and I remember having to do the zipper wiggle on the night in the photo.

    Keep taking measurements. You never know where progress will show. I haven't made many changes on the scale over the past few months, but some other measurements are moving incrementally. I have shifted about an inch from the key measurement, and a whopping 3 from my belly button area. All while hardly seeing movement on the scale.

    And the pics are my pitch for weight lifting.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    It sounds like overall weight loss is not what should be your main goal. From the way you were talking you should be more concerned about your body fat percentage. Lift weights and you will start to feel very different about your body in just a matter of weeks. If you truly want to see major changes in your body then work on your muscles.

    "A smaller marshmallow is still a marshmallow”
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I could wear a smaller size after I'd lost about 20 pounds. I've now lost 42 pounds, and I *still* haven't had anyone spontaneously tell me that I look like I've lost weight! The people I've told have made positive comments, and I've gotten a few "you look good" comments, but no "hey, you look like you've lost weight" comments. Good thing I don't rely on that for my motivation.
  • cognita
    cognita Posts: 23
    I lost about 12lbs before i could notice. The first thing that i noticed was my jeans not fitting... gradually. I've lost almost 20lbs so far and people have only just started to notice, and i've only just started downsizing my clothes.

    dont get discouraged, you're doing great!!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    It took me about 25lbs to notice significant change. But once I hit that point, the weight loss dropped but the body fat still dropped.
  • KittyKitty1991
    KittyKitty1991 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm only just getting people mentioning my weight loss now and ive lost 21 lbs. I went from 166 lbs to 145 lbs at 5'7 so I didn't have THAT much weight to lose
    I think that people are hesitant to mention anything, whether it be jealousy or just feeling that it would be awkward
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    It really does depend on your body type and how you carry weight.

    I carry weight disproportionately around my waist so it is more noticeable when I change size (I also look pregnant when I gain weight which is no fun).

    I have lost 45lbs and 4 dress sizes. I also have about 50lbs left to lose and that will make me go down a maximum of 2 dress sizes from where I am now.
  • KatieBee8
    I personally started to notice after about 14-21lbs (baggier clothes and a slight difference in the pictures taken) but othes didn't start making comments until I'd lost over 28lbs. Definitely keep taking pictures and you will notice a difference soon. 14lbs is a lot of weight and it must have come from somewhere! :smile:
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    It will normally depend in part on how much you have to lose however you are quite small to begin with. Have you got a before and after photo to share on here as maybe you can't see it but we will? It not then it will come quite soon for you but maybe also look at doing strength or anything that will tighten up your body too (build muscle)
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I've lost nearly 30 pounds and I'm in the exact same position as you. My clothes are a little bigger, but only one person has commented on my weight loss (aside from people who know I'm working on it & are trying to be encouraging) and I don't look different.

    I do weight-training and I've noticed a bit better definition... but no really noticeable change. I'm trying to tell myself that if I stick with it, eventually I'll start literally seeing the results I'm "seeing" on the scale.