A question for all you students

Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'll be returning to college next semester to get my degree after taking a few years off. How are you able to squeeze your workouts in?

It's starting to make me a little nervous that I won't be able to keep up with my workouts when I start school and work full time and have to do homework too.


  • Basically.... you just do it. I work full time and in school also, its so hard! But if it matters to you, you find time!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hi! I'm a junior at college now and squeezing workouts in is hard. However, I treat it like a class and I work it into my schedule. Usually I go right after class so that I am already on campus. I also bought a locker for the year so that I can keep all of my clothes and my shoes in there and I don't have to lug them around in a backpack. That makes a big difference for me. I also try and go earlier or later so the gym isn't too busy and I don't feel like I need to rush to give people machines. I also like to work out on the weekends so that if I need a day off during the week if I have a busy homework/study schedule, I can take it then. Good luck!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I work full-time as a paralegal, and go to law school at night - I workout in the morning and on the weekends. There's nothing to it but to do it. :-)
  • I find it best for me to get mine in 1st thing in the morning. Even if I have to wake up early to get it in. Once my day starts or I get started on schoolwork....finding the time to stop & get a workout in is almost hopeless! I just get too busy. It depends on each person...just have to find what balance works for you, but it IS possible! Best wishes!!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I always try and get it done first thing in the morning as well. That way it is done and I can't "have something come up." I also get up earlier now to get it in sometimes.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I am a night work out person but to keep it from not getting done I like to break it up. if my goal is 45 min cardio then i will do 3 sessions at 15 minutes each as a study break. I also love the 30 day shred because it is a great work out for only 20 minutes. I balance what i can and can't do with diet and healthy snacks. it is not perfect but it does keep me moving.
  • ambercscott87
    ambercscott87 Posts: 11 Member
    WALK everywhere you go on campus. Well I am at the university of florida, large campus and plus I have to take the bus. I take stairs instead of using elevators, walk the long way if I have time, get off a bus stop or two before my normal stop.... just little ways like this can help you get more exercise without really realizing it!!
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    i go to school and am a new mom so i like doing at home work outs, right now i'm trying insanity. they are about 40 minutes long and a really good work out. or during breaks at work/school you can take a short walk :)
  • kathleenpenrod
    kathleenpenrod Posts: 34 Member
    Its tough but you just gotta do it. Start not minding that you look crazy, and start caring that you wanna make it work - at least that's what I had to tell myself. I tutor so when I get to the room and no one is there yet, I do a little yoga on the floor.

    I walk everywhere, do dips on my chair, run up the stairs a couple times and workout RIGHT when I get home. That's the toughest. If I don't do my workout right when I get home, I'm screwed because then it sinks in that I'm tired.

    You can do it!
  • It's a tough road -- working, going back to school, having time for family and working out. But -- you CAN do it! I'm just about done with an accounting degree (back to school after 20-some years). The key for me has been maximizing and prioritizing your time. For example, finding time to read the assignments in unconventional ways -- I road the metro to work and spent the time reading my assignments. Schedule exercise time in and hit it heavy on the weekends when you have more "free" time. Additionally, exercise is a great study break -- it clears the mind, so you can go back to learning refreshed. Combine rote tasks -- especially if you have to memorize something for class -- it's great to repeat what you need to remember while you're walking or doing crunches. Also, take every opportunity to walk -- I used to walk around the building during class breaks or if I arrive early to class. Just some thoughts...

    Good luck!
  • keep track of time u spend rushing between classes- it counts as working out. and you will burn more calories then u think! also if you have a little time to spear between classes spend it going up and down stares.
  • When I was in school I was an art major so there was precious little extra time to do anything. That's part of the reason I'm on MFP is cause I NEVER had time to cook and I would run out and get fast food and bring it back to eat while I worked on projects. That being said..there was one summer semester that I managed to squeeze in workouts between a studio class and the projects for that same class. You just got to go and do it! I would pack or wear my workout clothes to class and then after class, go to the gym. The biggest and best piece of advise I could give you is find someone that is kinda in your same boat about exercising and make a workout buddy! You can hold each other accountable for showing up! And if it's someone in your major that you share classes with then all the better! Good luck and don't forget to enjoy school a little! :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I work full time and have classes two nights a week for three hours.... most of my workouts are done on the weekends these days, and occasionally I may get a good run in the evenings on a day of the week I do not have class if I find the energy!

    I suppose if I REALLY wanted to, I could get up an hour early - but I guess I just don't really want to! (I am in maintenance mode though - not trying to lose)
  • becki101_4
    becki101_4 Posts: 47 Member
    I go in the early mornings before my classes (6:45 am). This way it doesn't matter how hectic my day is, because I've already done my workout before my day even starts. I also know I'll be far too exhausted to go at the end of the day.
  • It is tough but it is possible. If you can find time to squeeze tv into your day.....you have time for workouts, even if it is just for commercials. And honestly, everybody I know has time for at least 30 minutes of tv daily.
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    Just like everyone else said. I just do it. I have 2 kids, work part time and the rest of the time I'm in school. on the days I have school I get out at 4pm so I go straight to the gym on campus and run on the treadmill. the days I work, and get home at 6pm I do a short Jillian Michaels video. weekends I get up and take the kids for a run in the stroller. it's hard, but if you want it bad enough you'll find the time.
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    I work full time and go to school and it is hard to fit in a work out. I just do it whenever I can. If I have time to sit around I work out during those times. If I have time during the weekend, I get outside and bike or walk. I'm not a morning person so I usually work out in the evenings.
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