Running: whats wrong with competing against others?



  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    One of the most enjoyable things about my running group is there are a couple runners who are very close to my ability. Although we don't always run in the same races, we definitely compare our times. My nearest competitor and I have a running bet: A beer each time one of us beats the other guy's PR at a given distance. Currently, I've got him in the 5K and half marathon, he's got me in the 10K and full marathon. It's an awesome feeling to "beat" him, even if he's not running the same race as me.

    That said, sometimes "winning" an age group or a given race can be fairly hollow. If the race I entered just doesn't happen to have much competition, to me it's much more satisfying to get a PR than to win the race. I know there are 100+ guys in my region who can easily beat me; there are probably 20 or so in my age group who can give me a real run for my money. If none of them happen to show up at the race I'm at, what have I really won?
  • Nothing wrong with being competitive, one of the things I love about the body markings at a triathlon is that when I pass someone they know they've been passed by a 57 year old!

    I suspect, however, the true spirit behind competing against yourself is the constant striving for improvement. You can't control how others train or eat etc but you are in control of yourself.

    As a middle of the pack runner I don't take things too seriously.

    That is one of the most satisfying things with body marking at tri's when you can pass someone younger then you. Although I am pretty slow, the jets will come on when I see someone younger then me ahead, I just can not let the opportunity go by not to pass them...

    But then in Triathlon, the first place medal and the last place medal look the same!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    No problem competing in most races, but try that in a mud run where you need help to get over an obstacle (and not help someone else) and you're an a-hole.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    I think it's OK to race people in races, but you need to be wise about who you choose to race. If you're like me, a 25 minute 5 km'er, you aren't going to start at the front and race the guys and gals doing 5 km in 15 minutes or just won't keep pace with them for very long and you'll burn out fast and end up performing worse than you hoped.

    I always pick someone after about 5 minutes into the race when we've all spread out and I get a feel for how good the people around me are. I pick someone who is just a bit faster than me and I race them to the end. Always helps me improve my time.

    I just know better than to race a very experienced runner, especially in the first few minutes.
  • jerryvo
    jerryvo Posts: 66 Member
    It is a handicapping system for people who are not in the running elite. If you are able to finish in the top 1-5/10 places then yes you are racing against the other people in the race to win. Most of us are not in that category so when I finish in 357th place gauging my progress against others it irrelevant so you need something to reach for and that is beating your best time. That is not to say racing against the pack around you is not good motivation to push yourself to get in front of the 356th place person but at the end of the day who cares when you are that low in the rankings so you race against yourself to show progress.
  • I try to race to beat my own times, but I know that competing against others makes me go faster and placing is always fun.

    Also, not going to lie when I say I love seeing how many people I can beat and passing people, who sped on ahead at the start, in the second half is the best.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    I think if you don't like the idea of competition, you shouldn't participate in a competition.

    If you like the idea of competition, well, that's the while point of a competition right?

    And a race is a competition.
  • Holly_Lynn81
    Holly_Lynn81 Posts: 13 Member
    I mainly try to beat my own PR, but if there is someone near me I definitely feel the need to race them and push harder especially if they appear to be in my age/gender division :)
    Nothing wrong with competing as long as you are competing within your abilities!
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I think it's OK to race people in races, but you need to be wise about who you choose to race. If you're like me, a 25 minute 5 km'er, you aren't going to start at the front and race the guys and gals doing 5 km in 15 minutes or just won't keep pace with them for very long and you'll burn out fast and end up performing worse than you hoped.

    I always pick someone after about 5 minutes into the race when we've all spread out and I get a feel for how good the people around me are. I pick someone who is just a bit faster than me and I race them to the end. Always helps me improve my time.

    I just know better than to race a very experienced runner, especially in the first few minutes.

    This is pretty much what I do and I'm a 22-23 minute 5K'er. The person I'm trying to keep in sight is my 17 year old baby boy who normally beats me by 30 seconds to a minute! : ( A 9 year old boy I know beat me by 2 minutes last race. I do love seeing if I won or came in the top 3 in my age group, that is where my real competition is.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    In the world of adult running (5ks, marathons, triathlons, etc.) I often hear people say how you are only racing yourself and not to worry about what times other people are running. For me personally the only appeal of these types of races is to 'race' against the other people around me and see if I can catch that person just ahead of me and whatnot. Obviously I'm not going to take it too seriously if I finish 500th out of 800 or whatever, but I really enjoy racing the people who are around my same running level. I can't stand just running all by myself and only racing my personal time.

    The whole point of a race is to beat someone else.

    Crush em and drop em.