Dance DVD for kids/adults?

Red13 Posts: 287 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
My daughter loves to dance and I was curious if there are any good dancing dvds for families that would be a good workout for me too that we can do together. I would appreciate something relatively easy cause I'm not much of a dancer!


  • We love to play Wii - just dance and have alot of fun withit. I have just bought dance on broadway and played it a couple of times and is going to be fun:)
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    I sent you a message on the subject!
  • Lindsey_423
    Lindsey_423 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a few zumba DVDs. My 3 year old would jump around with me while I did them. :)
  • gourmetgaljenn
    gourmetgaljenn Posts: 2 Member
    "Just Dance" Wii game is super fun. And then you and your daughter can "compete" against each other, making you both work a little harder. ;) And you don't have to be a great dancer to play, just be willing to laugh your way through it. I personally also love Zumba, mega calorie burn and also very fun.
  • aww so there is a dance game for WII!! wow this makes me want to buy wii for that game!!

    Red13, It's hard to suggest a specific dance DVD. This also depends on what kind of dance you/your daughter likes? Hip-Hop? Jazz? Ballet?

    I have a couple of Dance DVDs for Hip-Hop and social dance. The first from Pick Up Dance(dot com) and the other from Learn Club Dance (dot com). But you should now that dance itself is not a workout. Dance need to be combined with a worm-out and stretch to muscle or body injuries. Stretch should never be done to cold muscles but you stretch after warming up your body with some cardio exercises such as running.
    I also suggest you try to find a "sample" of the DVD that you want to buy before paying money then finding it "useless". The Learn Dance Club website allow you to get a full refund of you did not like their DVD. However, I don't think these r the DVDs you want for your daughter

    good luck and always "Dance as though no one is watching you"!!
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