New wife ready to head into her husband's first deployment!

Hey, all!
My name is Tiffany and I'm an overweight Navy wife. Wow. That felt good to Anyway, here is a little about me. I'm 34 and just recently got married, in June, to an amazing man! The only problem is, even though he swears that he loves me the way I am (you know how they all say that..ha!), I just see all of the weight that I accumulated over my past marriage of 15 years. Definitely not pretty nor healthy in any way. I have finally have had enough and want to forget about the past and concentrate on being able to have many more years ahead of me to build a life and new memories with my new husband. Ok, with that being said, I have dropped 30 lbs since March because of him and I'm definitely on a mission to loose more. The only problem is that my support system, being him, is leaving on his first deployment next month, and I don't want to give up. It makes me want to try harder! He will be home by Thankgiving so I really want at least another 20 lbs gone. I would love others to join me in this mini goal! Believe me, it will feel much better to say, "Hi, I'm Tiffany and I'm a THIN Navy wife!"

Thank you for your support and have an awesome week!

Start date: Monday, Sept. 27
Beginning weight: 220 lbs
Goal weight: 200 by Thanksgiving but under would be incredible!!! Weigh in every Monday until Monday, November 25, 2010,
If you are interested, be sure to add me so we can keep pushing each other to our goals!! :)

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I know you will love this site. Good Luck on your journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I will be gald to help encourge you along the way.

    Take care
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    thats the best time to lose weight is when they are gone because you stay busy to help the time go by faster. I am an army wife and my husband is on his 4th tour we are on the last leg of this year deployment.
    Hit the gym and watch what you eat and you will lose the weight. Good luck
  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    Hey there Tiffany! You are a Navy wife, and I am a four year air force girlfriend!

    I totally understand him being your support system, and it's hard when they're gone for a couple of reasons. Your support system is gone, and frankly it just sucks!

    However, we are here for you to rely on and we will be your support system. Every time my boyfriend is gone, I use my working out as a way to distract myself, and end up losing weight!

    Just know that we're here for you! :)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    I definitely think you came to the right place. The support here is wonderful and I love the way people respond to any questions you have. The message boards have lots of help and information on them. There are some groups on the boards depending on what your goals are. I don't think I have had to ask a question on them yet since someone else has already but it doesn't matter. If you ask one that has been asked someone will respond to it anyway. Most of my MFP friends are from a group that needs to lose 100 pounds. You are welcome to friend me but I think you will find the friends, support , tools and information you need here. You may need to do a little customization on things but just ask if you need help. Welcome! I just started in August. Congratulations on your success so far and good fo you for looking for what you need to keep going. Good luck!
  • panda1968
    Welcome Tiffany and good luck on your weight loss you can do it just keep focused..
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Welcome to MFP! We have similar goals, and I KNOW we can get this done to together! Let's get to work! :-)
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi Tiffany!!! Welcome!! Congrats on your weight loss so far!! Keep going!!!
    Please tell your husband thank you for his service to our country. :flowerforyou:
  • TiffanyLaPlante
    Thank you so much for the help, everyone!! I only wish I would have known about this site years ago!!! :smile:
  • TiffanyLaPlante
    Tawny..I'll be sure to let him know and thank you! Good luck on your progress and goals as well!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    don't think of your support system being gone. their are still lines of communication to be able to talk to each other all the time. they just are supportive from further away.
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Hi Tiffany

    Sounds like you are doing great already but like everyone I suppose you need to watch out for the potential banana skins and I think by posting here you are doing just that.

    "trying to to shed the gained weight of a depressed, past life"

    This jumped out at me when i read your profile.

    I guess you need to be careful that hubby's time away doesn't lead you back to being depressed again.

    So plan ahead to deal with it. Spend time with friends, keep busy, keep active, put any extra free time in to hobbies. Chat here on MFP!

    You'll be fine and before you know it he'll be back home.

    Good luck.
    Ally :smile:
  • TiffanyLaPlante
    You couldn't be more right, Mrsyac..thank you for keeping that in perspective :) All I'm thinking about is him leaving and not the fact that he will still be by my side, more or less. You have made an incredible point. Thanks again!!!!

    And Ally, thank you, for your concern and support also. My new life is just that. New and beautiful. Even with him gone, it could never compare to the unhappiness of the past .Definitely no depression here!! I always look forward to the future now and know he won't be gone for too long when he is sent out. Thank you again for the wonderful reply!!!

  • AngieGayle
    Sounds like your doing a great job so far. I wish I could say the same. It seems like I've stuck at a certain weight for awhile and it's very frustrating but I believe I can do it. My husband supports me in my goals. I workout 5 days a week, an hour to an hour and a half and he doesn't mind that I don't get home until after 7:00 after working from 8-5. He knows I love working out. I do alot of zumba. Don't know if you've heard of it but it's an awesome workout. I've been doing it for over 2 years and am now burning about 800 calories in the one hour of dancing. Good luck on your journey and you can add me if you want.

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    You couldn't be more right, Mrsyac..thank you for keeping that in perspective :) All I'm thinking about is him leaving and not the fact that he will still be by my side, more or less. You have made an incredible point. Thanks again!!!!

    And Ally, thank you, for your concern and support also. My new life is just that. New and beautiful. Even with him gone, it could never compare to the unhappiness of the past .Definitely no depression here!! I always look forward to the future now and know he won't be gone for too long when he is sent out. Thank you again for the wonderful reply!!!


    He will be home by thanks giving thats a cake walk thats not even 60 days and he will be back. thats super fast, My guy leaves that long just for training. he will be home beofre you even know it.