Guys what's your favorite food while dieting ???



  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    When I was losing weight, my favorite food was hungry jack pancakes. I ate one serving everyday with a tbls of syrup and a .5 tbls of butter. Then I got tired of it and moved on to ice cream sandwiches.
  • vedoo
    vedoo Posts: 35 Member
    Hmmm...that's a tough one, since I haven't really* given up any foods. Portion control is key! The only thing I could say that I have* given up is chips (cheetos, to be more specific). I started eating almonds to give me the "crunch" that I don't get from chips anymore.

    good one
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    egg-whites with 1/4 cup of cheese and tapatio. Or, boneless chicken thighs with sauteed spinach
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    idk if anyone said this yet, but cauliflower brownies are the bommmmmmmmmmmb diggity!

  • Amen to that! I enjoy all types of food too much to restrict myself. Moderation is key!
  • Grilled Chicken Wraps. When we have them at home we wrap them in lettuce, but quite often I will grab one from McDonalds @400 Calories it is a delicious and filling meal.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    bacon and ice cream, sometimes together.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Ice cream, wine, protein bars, peanut butter, peanut butter smoothies, quinoa, brown rice.
  • jkos007
    jkos007 Posts: 7
    peaches and watermelon
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    then bacon

    then cheese

    then....well everything.
  • Natural Yoghurt....relatively low in calories and really satisfies my craving for something sweet and 'dessert-like' after dinner. :smile:
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    i like as well skimmed yogurt , i put it as dressing on the salad

    I definitely eat all different kinds of things, but I have discovered the same thing. Fat free yogurt is really good for dressing or instead of sour cream on certain things. I don't have a problem with a little dressing or sour cream, but the yogurt is a nice option.

    I also vote for chicken wings!

    Probably the most common "low-calorie" thing I eat is egg white and veggie omelets.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    peaches and watermelon

    Mmmm....together? For some reason, that sounds scrumptious right now. lol
  • BooBoo1264
    BooBoo1264 Posts: 164
    All of them. I am not dieting. I am living life with balance and control.

    Awesome attitude!
  • BooBoo1264
    BooBoo1264 Posts: 164
    Grape tomatos are my weakness!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Greek yogurt and blueberries.

    But I don't consider what I am doing a diet, it's a lifestyle makeover!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    All food is diet food. I don't understand the question.

    Of course you do.
    You just choose to make your own point this way.

    That's fine, but I am sure you know precisely what the op means.

    Yes, sometimes the game of semantics gets tiring. I do absolutely get the difference - and for the record, I am in the camp of 'eat a littler healthier, but also if I want it and it fits my goals, I'm gonna have it.'

    But I do know what the OP means and it's a good question and a chance to share some ideas. Whether your answer is bacon or spinach, it's all fine.
  • wyskeiacurry
    wyskeiacurry Posts: 6 Member
    Hello i'm new 2 the group I'm hoping 2 meet new ppl on here 2 help me stay on track im trying 2 lose 80lbs
    open 2 any advice
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Melons! Nectarines! Strawberries! Apples! I can eat it so much!

    I also eat a lot of cabbage and carrots, mixed with apples it make a great salad.

    Love tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers. If add some feta cheese and olives, it's a yummy salad too!

    Love tomatoes and mozzarella too :)

    Love turkey and chicken! Tuna and salmon, yummmmmmmmm! Crabs and mussels, and shrimps too!

    Also I like cream soups, like mushroom cream soup or veggies cream soup. :)
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Well, my favorite foods are always my favorite foods, but I think I know what you mean. My favorite low(er) calorie, keep em on track, type food is probably Flat Out brand wraps. Only 90-100 calories and I can stuff everything I typically put in a salad or regular sandwich in there. (I've always salads were such a pain to eat and you just can't stuff as many veggies between 2 slices of bread as you can in a wrap)

    Just got a funny visual of you stuffing a whole sandwich in a wrap. lol But yeah, good stuff. :)