Hit a plateau, any advice?

Ive been on MFP almost 3 months. Up until about 2 weeks ago I've been losing weight pretty steadily, 1-3lbs a week. My goal calories was/is 2200 calories a day (Im also breastfeeding, that's why it's a bit higher) and I lost 21lbs in about 2 months time. I log everything well, I exercise 3x a week (an hour of Zumba and then half hour of weight lifting SL5x5) and my heart rate monitor says I burn 800-1000cal each day I go to the gym. I eat most of my exercise calories. I dont believe anything has changed in the last two weeks, I guess my body has just hit a plateau. I've been trying to "switch things up", eating a bit more one day, then less the next, etc. but nothing seems to be helping. Should I change what I'm doing? Decrease my daily calories? Or just hang in there, dont change anything?



  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    keep doing what you're doing. 2 weeks is not a plateau. Sometimes the body just needs time to adjust and catch up to the amazing work you're doing.
  • cameronwheeler
    Change your exercises, that should help, just try something new. Also you might not see anything on the scale but you might still be losing inches off waist or neck or such, or something is going on that you cant see thats positive. Hang in there. I've hit plenty of plateaus and I either change exercises or i just wait it out and it all comes off eventually. But when it drops it will be a few extra pounds to make up for it usually, at least in my case. It could be that your retaining extra water weight. Either go to CVS or walgreens and buy OTC Diuretics, or definitely watch your sodium intake, more sodium = your body will hold on to unnecessary water. Good luck!
  • Winnick
    Winnick Posts: 11 Member
    Hi darlin, u seem to be doin wonderful. Congratulations on ur baby and ur AMAZING weight loss. Im currently plataued as well. Its discouraging.. Id just say for u, u recently had a baby and ur body is still ajusting. Ur bod will get back in the mode again soon. I am just gonna keep on keepen on. Im doin 1200 a day (no recent babies). Comgrats again!!!!
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I agree that two weeks is nothing. I've been on my plateau since the first of July. Its super frustrating, but I just keep on doing the right things. I have been mixing up my exercise because I think my body is beginning to expect an hour of elliptical every single morning. I bump my calories up by 300 every third day. I'm trying to be extra vigilant on hitting my calorie goal of 1,300 (net).

    Like you, the first 20 lbs just melted away. I weighed myself everyday because there was always a loss. Now I'm lucky if the scale doesn't go up by a half a pound. My goal is another 10 pounds, but really I would settle for 5. I'm wondering if my body just likes it at 155 lbs and that is as good as it is going to get.

    But for the time being I just keep on keepin on - if I stop logging I know I'll gain and I don't want that! I'm also focusing on weight training, getting more muscle (that reves up my metabolism) and the toned muscles sure look nice. I'm also trying lots of new things - different cardio machines at the gym, classes like Zumba and step and my favorite Pilates.
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    Well, it's hard for me to try new things in terms of exercising. I finally found something I like (a certain Zumba class with an awesome instructor) and Im just not one that can slave away on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical for an hour, lol. Also, I have to go during a time that the child care is open and 11am is a good time as its when my baby is happiest (right after his nap) and they wont call me back to get him, haha. So Im not sure what else I could do. Isn't the point that your heart rate gets high? Mine regularly gets to 165-175 while exercising so Im assuming that's burning a lot of calories, along with the weight lifting.

    Im not going to fall off the wagon anytime soon as it's pretty easy to stay within my calories and track and all that... Just frustrated! How long does a plateau usually last?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I wouldn't call 2 weeks a plateau. A plateau is for several weeks/months. Your body is probably just trying to adjust with the changes you've done. Also, weight loss isn't linear. You may not have losses every week. Some weeks may be more than others. Just keep doing what you're doing and don't get discouraged. Also, have you measured yourself? The scale might not be moving, but your inches may be.
  • cameronwheeler
    Well, it's hard for me to try new things in terms of exercising. I finally found something I like (a certain Zumba class with an awesome instructor) and Im just not one that can slave away on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical for an hour, lol. Also, I have to go during a time that the child care is open and 11am is a good time as its when my baby is happiest (right after his nap) and they wont call me back to get him, haha. So Im not sure what else I could do. Isn't the point that your heart rate gets high? Mine regularly gets to 165-175 while exercising so Im assuming that's burning a lot of calories, along with the weight lifting.

    Im not going to fall off the wagon anytime soon as it's pretty easy to stay within my calories and track and all that... Just frustrated! How long does a plateau usually last?

    When you keep doing the same exercises your body gets used to them also. i was stuck at 238-239 for about 2 weeks, and i changed my exercises and i changed what time of the day i was exercising and in just 5 days i'm down to 232.4. so thats my experience with changing, i understand your difficulty with childcare and time schedule and such. Just try and make something work for you thats not going to add any stress or anything. At least you haven't gained any weight, which is a good thing.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I wouldn't call 2 weeks a plateau. A plateau is for several weeks/months. Your body is probably just trying to adjust with the changes you've done. Also, weight loss isn't linear. You may not have losses every week. Some weeks may be more than others. Just keep doing what you're doing and don't get discouraged. Also, have you measured yourself? The scale might not be moving, but your inches may be.

    2 weeks isn't a plateau.