Quinoa - What's The Deal?



  • Event_Horizon975
    Event_Horizon975 Posts: 226 Member
    Here is a narrative of how Quinoa came into vogue

    Back at the headquarters of Men's Health, Self, etc.........

    Editor: Okay team, we need a real zinga for the front page (picture this guy talking like the guy with the tommy gun in home alone ya see. You can also sub the daily bugle editor from Tobey Maguire spiderman)

    Guy 1: Hmmmm, what about a superfood?

    Editor: Oh superfood, I like it. that sounds like a good idea, we haven't done that in a few months. What do ya got?

    Guy 2: We could do acai berry, spinach, kale,......

    Editor: No No no...We've done all that before...What else?

    Guy 1: I saw this food the other day...i don't know how to say it but its spelled Q-U-I-N-O-A

    Editor: Sounds like Quin-No-Ah. Sounds boring....I hate it!

    Guy 3: Actually sir, its pronounced Keen-Wah.

    Editor: Keen-Wah huh..I like that...Sounds fancy ya see! I love it! So what are the benefits of this Keen-Wah....Forget it I don't care..I love it!...I want Quinoa to be the superfood of superfoods...I want this spread across the nation and everytime somebody says Quinoa, I want a nickel ya see!

    There it is. Proof. Give it a cool name. You're golden.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It is gluten free, but so is rice, wild rice, corn, millet, buckwheat and several other grains (some prefer to think it's not a grain because it's not a cereal grain).
    It's higher in protein and fat than most other grains.
    It's trendy.
    And it's tasty. It's tasty, nutritious, and trendy.