Exercise Group (July 7-July 13)

kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
Okay friends! I'm starting a new thread! I want to post my exercise every week. And I thought that it would be great to start a new post each week and we can log in exercise each day that week. So...maybe since this is the first, we can share our goals and then go on from there. Here are my exercise goals:

Cardio for 1 hour 3 times a week=3 hours cardio
Weights for 1 hour 2 times a week=2 hours weights

So far I've done 45 minutes of cardio. (Last night I did a Step class at the gym. Tonight the plan is to run for a half hour and then take a 1 hour weight class. I will post success tomorrow.

Please join me friends! Let's keep up the exercise!!!!!:bigsmile:



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay friends! I'm starting a new thread! I want to post my exercise every week. And I thought that it would be great to start a new post each week and we can log in exercise each day that week. So...maybe since this is the first, we can share our goals and then go on from there. Here are my exercise goals:

    Cardio for 1 hour 3 times a week=3 hours cardio
    Weights for 1 hour 2 times a week=2 hours weights

    So far I've done 45 minutes of cardio. (Last night I did a Step class at the gym. Tonight the plan is to run for a half hour and then take a 1 hour weight class. I will post success tomorrow.

    Please join me friends! Let's keep up the exercise!!!!!:bigsmile:

  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Well today I ran for 2.6 miles and I plan to do Month 4 of the Shape Bikini Body Countdown (which I LOVE you can find it on shape.com)

    My goal for the week:

    Take 3 more runs, building me up to 2.9 miles!
    3 Sets of Bikini Body: One down (monday)
    10 push ups every morning and everynight (I'm in the challenge) to make 140: So far so good
    Swim for 30 minutes 2 times: haven't done it yet

    Happy Exercising
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning and happy Thursday! Okay...so last night I went to the gym and started running on the treadmill for the 1/2 hour I had planned...and by the end my legs were KILLING me! SO...instead of doing the 1 hour Body Pump (weight) class that I had planned on, I did some hill intervals on the treadmill for another 15 minutes. I decided that I will start incorporating my weight class back in next week (giving myself the rest of this week for my legs to get used to being sore again. So...here's where I am:

    Tuesday: 45 minute Step class=45 minutes cardio
    Wednesday: 30 minute running on treadmill and 15 minute hill intervals=45 minutes cardio

    The plan for tonight is another 45 minute Step class and I would like to stay for the 15 minute Ab session afterwards.

    meg0112: Good job with the push ups! That's something I should seriously start doing! My arms are SO weak! I thinking that on the days I don't do weights, I should do some push ups! Only problem is I always forget...seriously! I may have to make that I new goal...but I will figure out how many and what-not after starting my weight class again next week!

    So...meg0112 and anyone else who cares to join, good luck and yes, Happy Exercising!!!!:bigsmile:

  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Woke up this morning and didnt feel like going to the gym so I ran outdoors and it was really nice. Ran 30 minutes and then did my pushups and abs. I feel like i push myself more in the gym but the change was really nice. Wanted to get out and walk some today during work but dont think I will get a chance. Hopefully will work out AM and PM tomorrow and hike on Sat.

    I would LOVE to see some more movement on the scale!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good job mlillie! Keep it up! It sure is nice to change up the environment every once and a while. I find I'm good at going to the gym strait after work, but sometimes it's nice to come home and take the dogs for a run instead. But it's been too humid lately...so the gym it is! Hopefully I can do more outside sometime soon!

  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Thanks!! This morning I went to the gym and did some eliptical and then some weights, etc

    I finally went below 140- Which is hard for me to do. I am gonna try to really keep it moving downward toward my goal. It was such a relief to see some change on the scale!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    I plan to hike on Sat and run on Sunday and weights if I can work them in.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay mlillie! Keep at it and you will surely see that scale moving down! Last night I did my 45 minute Step class and I stayed for the 15 minute Ab session afterwards! YAY! Tonight is my night off (I usually try and go do the elliptical for like 30-45 minutes, but I have to take my cat to the vet). Tomorrow morning I'm planning on going to a 1 hour Spinning class. And Sunday's I also take off but it's my day to do laundry and LOTS of cleaning! I wish the humidity would go away...I would LOVE to take the dogs for a walk! But....good ole Iowa summer! Anyways...best of luck to ya girls! Keep up the GREAT work!!! :drinker:

  • AbbyIsWangsterful
    AbbyIsWangsterful Posts: 170 Member
    I want to join (:
    My goals are:
    Walk 2.5-2.6mph for one hour a day, do 50 pushups, do a waist whittler for 8-16mins a day holding cans, Lift two heavy Progresso Cans for 10-20 mins, and possibly do the 8minute aerobic exercises on youtube (8minute abs, 8minute legs, 8 minute arms, and 8 minute buns)
    Yesterday I did nothing so I feel bad but I'm going to try harder today :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...this morning I did a 1 hour spinning class...which was FABULOUS btw! And I just got back from taking the dogs on a quick 2 mile walk (after guiltily eating chocolate!:explode: ). SO...exercise-wise I'm doing pretty good! Got more than enough cardio in this week! Next week I plan on adding the 2-1 hour weight sessions. Since Sundays are my "off" days, here's the run-down for this past week:

    Mon--off...my 1 year wedding anniversary
    Tues--45 minute step class=45 minutes cardio
    Wed--30 minute running on treadmill and 15 minute walking intervals=45 minutes cardio
    Thurs--45 minute step class and 15 minute Ab workout=45 minutes cardio, 15 minutes calesthenics
    Fri--off (had to take one of my kittys to the vet)
    Sat--1 hour spin class and 45 minutes walking dogs=1 hour 45 minutes cardio
    Sun--cleaning and laundry!:grumble:

    So...this week was good! Hope it was for whoever else would like to share!!! I will start a new post again on Monday! Have a great rest of the weekend!
  • sewtoday123
    Well, my goal is to at least lose 1 to 2 pounds this week.
    Mon - I went to Curves for .5 hours.
    Tues - same
    Wed - same
    Thurs - walked for one hour
    Fri - walked for an hour and climbed the stairs up to the 3rd floor

    My eating habits were around 1400 cal. until last night. We went out for dinner. I blew that all to heck out of my diet last night, but today I plan on playing tennis on my Wii. I always lose the time whenever I play. Every looks like they are doing a great job.
  • ltsoccermom
    I'm trying to start logging my calories again. I am changing my diet plan to one that will concentrate on Fiber. Trying to get 35+g of fiber a day is REALLY tough. Since January I started my life change because my BP was way too high. I decided it was time for a change in exercise and eating habits instead of medication. I have not lost a lot and have not gone down a dress size yet but my cloths feel better. I can walk up stairs without being winded and my BP is getting closer to normal.

    For exercise I decided I wanted to ride my bike 5 miles a day 4-5 times a week. So I set my goal for the year at 1500 miles and here I am 6 months into the year and I am more than 1/2 way there. I am averaging 144 miles a month which is about 33 a week. These next few months will be challenging for a few reasons.

    1) The heat and humidity has created my asthma to resurface
    2) I am on a Grand Jury pulling 2-3 days a week 1/2 days in court
    3) I will start school again late Aug
    4) Some short trips but enough to get me out of my cycling

    So I am really pushing to ride as much as I can when I have time. This week I have only gone out twice but each time was 14 miles and over an hour riding. I will get a chance tomorrow and Monday as well. Then I will be in court the next few days early in the mornings. Since it is hot early morning is my preferred time to ride. So either I will have to go out in the heat or just not ride on those days. This past week I chose not to ride as many days. Riding 5 days a week 50-60 minutes is much better than riding 1 hour plus for 2-3 days a week. Right now I hope to keep my miles up no matter how I do it and then come fall try to settle back into a full routine.

    Thanks for hosting! Next time I will keep it shorter just wanted to give you background since I have not been on the site for awhile.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay! Glad to have you join ITsoccermom and sewtoday123! Good work! Keep it up!!!!:drinker:
  • sewtoday123
    Thank you so much. I want to add I played the Wii tennis for over 2 hours today. I am trying to find the WiiFit here in town, but no such luck. So we are going to order it online instead. Much better that way - saves gas. I like to use the Wii because of my fused or frozen ankle.
  • AbbyIsWangsterful
    AbbyIsWangsterful Posts: 170 Member
    Saturday- Walk 2.6mph for one hour, 50 crunches, 50 pushups, 50 elbows to knees (like a crunch) left, 50 elbows to knees right, 3 side crunches, waist whittler for about 3mins :D, and lift cans life a minute :D
  • independent_loss4
    Is there gonna be a new start of the week on monday?:happy:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Is there gonna be a new start of the week on monday?:happy:

    Yes...I will start a new thread on Monday!!! Hope to hear from you then!!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I didn't post this week - but I did all my exercise this week and more!! I will post again on Monday!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I took the dogs for a 2 mile walk today again! Yay! It was a BEAUTIFUL day! I couldn't resist!!! Look for the new post tomorrow fellow groupies!!:bigsmile:
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Sat- bug hike with boyfriend and about a 2 mile walk later. Didnt have wine that night or cheese- yay.
    Sunday- easy 1 hour walk with friend - did not log all my food but think I did ok. Stocked up for groceries for work lunches and I'll weight in tomorrow morning.

    off to bed- hope you all had a great weekend.