aboone211 Posts: 12
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey guys I'm 22 and I've lost a little over 50 pounds with roughly fifteen more to go. I've noticed my stomach is refusing to tone and I have lose skin, will this tighten up? Even though I've included weight training..and I lost the weight at a steady healthy 1-2 pds per week. I've considered getting a tummy tuck, what are your opinions on this any advice? I've worked extremely hard, and having this issue is frustrating. Not looking for a quick fix, just a thought. I've always carried 90% of my weight around my mid section due to pcos. I'm just not convinced that after I get to my goal weight it'll tighten up. I've been at a steady consistent weight for the past four years as well.

(I've posted this in another forum, but i'd like a few more opinions.)


  • dohmenb
    dohmenb Posts: 14 Member
    I am literally in the EXACT same boat. I am looking into breast augmentation but really want a tummy tuck as well. I work out 4-5 days a week. and am having NO luck getting rid of the extra skin look. It is very frustrating. I have lost 90lbs up and down over the last 9 years! Add me as a friend!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    As someone who has had both a tummy tuck and a lift, I would give one piece of advice....wait until after you have children (if you even want them in the future). I will be having both surgeries done all over again due to this issue. I am on my second baby since surgery and it caused all kinds of complications with nursing and I felt like my abdomen was tearing internally. Plus I got new weird stretch marks on my brand new tummy which really sucks....hope I have enough skin to have them removed when I have the procedure repeated. Just my two cents.....
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Just a word of advice from someone eventually considering both and having had my sister go through one and plan for the other:

    Wait until (1) you're done losing weight (or close to it) and (2) done having children (if you plan on it), especially for the tummy tuck. (The breast augmentation isn't a total no-no before having kids, but knowing what it can do to your breasts, I wouldn't want to have to have a revision later.) Your plastic surgeon will probably tell you this.

    I've had two babies and lost 82 lbs after the first using MFP. My formerly 36Ds were really, really sad, and I barely breastfed my first. Since I don't plan on having more kids, when I lose all the weight again I am definitely having an augmentation. I don't want huge boobs, just normal ones. A tummy tuck will depend on what my belly looks like when I get there. My belly wasn't too bad after the first, but I'm not sure how it'll look this time around when all is said and done.

    My sister lost 100 lbs after having kids, and her DDs basically lost all volume. In February she had a breast augmentation and is now a C-cup. They look awesome and very natural (clothed - I haven't seen them naked), and she has so much more confidence. She wants to get a tummy tuck, too, but she will do that later. She didn't want to deal with the recovery of both at once while she had two young kids to care for.

    But they made sure she was done having kids and done losing weight before doing the procedure. Her doctor said that 10-15 lbs in either direction can really mess up an otherwise lovely result.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    As someone who has had both a tummy tuck and a lift, I would give one piece of advice....wait until after you have children (if you even want them in the future). I will be having both surgeries done all over again due to this issue. I am on my second baby since surgery and it caused all kinds of complications with nursing and I felt like my abdomen was tearing internally. Plus I got new weird stretch marks on my brand new tummy which really sucks....hope I have enough skin to have them removed when I have the procedure repeated. Just my two cents.....

    Hehe, I was typing when you posted, but I totally agree! Mine says much of the same in many more words :)
  • kaleiangel
    kaleiangel Posts: 23 Member
    I am having a breast lift and tummy tuck in 71 days. My weight loss has slowed to a crawl and I am happy with the size I am now and shifting into maintenance. But I am NOT happy with the apron hanging around my stomach. And unless I "pick the girls up" you won't even notice I had a tummy tuck! I'm done having kids permanently and now if my time for me. Good luck!
  • aboone211
    I do want kids in the future, I never thought it from that that perspective! Thank You
  • chubber231
    chubber231 Posts: 41 Member
    As someone who has had both a tummy tuck and a lift, I would give one piece of advice....wait until after you have children (if you even want them in the future).

    Absolutely wait until after you've had children, if you plan on having them. Not only do they tighten your skin with an abdominoplasty, but the underlying abdominal muscle is tightened as well. You can feel it stretching even with a little weight gain.; I can't imagine how uncomfortable a post-surgery pregnancy would be.
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