C25k Starting Monday 9/27!

Julielynn83 Posts: 162 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am starting my first c25k in the morning! My friend and I are doing it and want to run a 5k in December! Anyone else starting it? Or does anyone have any advice!?


  • I haven't done it yet, but want to. A good friend just finished and is signed up for her first 5K. She is a 50 something year old mom of 12 children and is doing great. It really does work. The advice from many is do NOT jump ahead. Stay on track to prevent burnout or injury. Good Luck !!
  • i'm doing it, I just finished my 3rd day of week 1. My recommendation is to stick with it, and listen to your body. If you have not been a runner previously you may find yourself having to repeat a week. I have the C25K app on my ipod, and I hook it to my treadmill when I run so it's excellent, and if you do need to repeat a week you can just move backward. Once again, stick with it, breathe, drink your water, and you should be fine, plus you have your friend doing it with you so having a partner is motivating. It's kinda like being in competition secretly. Well goodluck on your journey.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I'm just finishing up week 9 and I love the program! At the beginning I could barely run 1/4th of a mile and now I'm running 3 miles. If you can get the app for your phone or iPod it really helps. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    hey i started C25k last week, i love it love it! just make sure u take five minutes to stretch before running. happy wogging(walking/jogging)!!!!
  • Julielynn83
    Julielynn83 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks everyone! I did download a app on my mp3 and I"m sooo glad I did! It helps so much! I def am out of shape but I'm going to stick with it!
  • I started yesterday. I've never (ever, ever) been a runner or jogger; I've always worked out doing other things so this is going to be a big test. I read someone downloaded an app...is that a C25k app? Are there more than one...if so, which is the best?

  • I started yesterday as well. I was really surprised I was able to complete the whole thing. I didn't think I would be able to do all the running even though it's only in spurts of 60 seconds. But I did it. Gonna rest today and do day 2 tomorrow. Good luck!
  • adobmeier
    adobmeier Posts: 20 Member
    I am going to start the C25K on monday 10/5. I wish I would have saw this group. I tried it before and stopped atter two weeks. I wasnt on MFP then.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I am doing week four at the moment. I recommend DJ Beatsmith's Podrunner Intervals.
    The podcast has all the timing set for you. Concentrate on walking and running in cadence with the beat. I am just now being able to walk at 130bpm. I am still having difficulty running at under 150bpm.
  • I completed WK1D2 yesterday. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it through the whole thing. After 2 intervals I was thinking, "I can't do this!" But the podcast I'm using is great. It came up and said I was halfway there and that gave me a renewed energy to keep going. I ran outside yesterday as opposed to the treadmill and it seemed a lot harder to me. My earbuds kept falling out of my ears and that was annoying. Not sure where I will run day 3. How is everyone else doing? Oh, I burned 616 calories per my HRM. And I would highly recommend checking out where I got my podcasts. I can't remember the exact website because I am at work, but if you google "ithinspire" you should be able to find it. It's a blog of a girl who had lapband, but she has links to some podcasts she made for C25K with prompts and I really love all the music!! It's great. And she encourages you along the way.

    E.T.A. I found the website: ithinspire.blogspot.com/
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I just finished W1D3. I think I'm going to repeat week 1, just because this is my third day, and only today was I able to finish the whole thing. My 5K is in April, so I have loads of time to practice. I wanted to give myself lots of time to ease into it, because I have really bad knees and ankles. But I'm loving it.

    I wondered if anyone else felt this, and maybe this is weird, but about halfway through my workout, it's like my body switches from, "Oh my God, I hate this," to, "Okay, this is GREAT!" It's this weird tingly sensation all through my body, and it's like I can't even tell I'm running anymore. I love it! The second half of the workout, I actually have to consciously stop myself at the one minute mark because I want to keep running.

    Anyway, good job to everyone! I think this is a GREAT program!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I really like Carli's podcasts from runningintoshape.com, good upbeat music and audio prompts. I did W1D2 yesterday and I thought I was going to die before I finished! I was only about to run about 3/4 of the running invervals and I felt like I was about to trip over my feet doing it. I have really short legs and it feels like I go the same pace whether walking or running, even though I know I have to be going faster because my HRM shows me going from 65-70% to 80-85%! I was running on a track and there were other people around and I felt self-conscious, so this weekend I think I'm going to give it a shot later in the evening when there's not so many people around.

    forgiven--Try regular headphones instead of earbuds, that's the only thing that works for me!

    I'll probably end up doing week 1 again, and hopefully by the end of next week I'll be able to graduate to week 2. It didn't help that it was almost 90 degrees out yesterday. This weekend should be high 70s, low 80s so it should be a more pleasant experience.
  • kelsy307
    kelsy307 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started C25K today. I had started it during the summer and couldn't get past week 6, so I decided to restart it. Day 1 was a lot easier this time around from when I first started it. I am definitely not a runner, so I really want to be able to run a 5k hopefully this winter. Also, last time I started it I did it all on a treadmill...then when I tried to run outside I could not even run half a mile. I would definitely suggest starting from the beginning outside or on a track because if you are preparing for a 5k it will be a big shock to go from a treadmill to outside on the day of the race. Good luck everyone!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I did WK1D3 last night. It's been 3 days since I did D2, so last night was a bit of a struggle for me. I had to do it on a treadmill again because of the time. I do agree that doing it outside is quite different than on a treadmill. I burn more calories outside even on a flat track.Today is a rest day and then Wednesday I am going to try to go back to the track for WK2D1. How is everyone else doing?
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    That crazy thats the same day I started! I just finish Day 1 of Week 2 and gosh I feel amazing :D I take my one dog and I just use the stop watch on my iPod. My best advice from just the week of doing it is Keep your head up while running. I noticed it today it makes me feel better and its kinda easier than staring at my feet :D Keep in touch everyone I want to see everyone progress :D:D:D
  • I completed WK2D1 last night. It really wasn't that hard, but I did injure myself. Well I think I pulled my groin muscle. It has been hurting since I got off the treadmill last night. I hope it feels better by tomorrow. How is everyone else doing with the program?
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Heyy everyone great job on all the progress and for those trying again, you're awesome!!! Today is Day 2 of Week 2. I am going to go after work probably around 5 pm. I prefer jogging in the mornings, but since I have to work, Im jogging at night probably for this week only. What are some songs that get you pumped? I def have these on my iPod:

    Like a G6 - Far east movement
    Right above it - Lil Wayne ft. Drake

    Give me a week and my songs will change but for now those two songs are what gets me going!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    I just finished Day 3 of Week 2. Man Im not gonna lie, with my allergies, going outside is suffering, but I feel better after I jog :D So I have to deal, Starting week 3 tommorow!
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    Today will be week 4, day 1 for me. ENJOY! WE CAN DO IT....
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Today will be week 4, day 1 for me. ENJOY! WE CAN DO IT....

    Great job :D:D

    I did Day 1 of Week 3 last night, I have to say that it felt amazing. I think I may jog at afternoon/night from now on, my allergies seem so much worse in the morning!
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