Roller Derby Name Suggestions?

ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
Just put my application in for the local roller derby league. I need a name!! Any suggestions?


  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    Ok, I am waaaay too out of shape to do derby and they would beat the crap out of me but. We have a local league too and I was thinking that if I did it I would have the name UnderTakeHer. I don't know if someone already has that one where you are or not. LOL!!!!:smile:
  • Katiekat1182
    Katiekat1182 Posts: 83 Member
    I have no really cool names, But I am so jealous!! I think it will be totally awesome to be a roller derby girl!
  • ninjacakegirl
    ninjacakegirl Posts: 26 Member
    Nice to know I'm not the only one trying to get in shape for derby!

    As far as names go, that's one of the harder aspects of getting started. I have friends in a few different leagues, and they all had a hard time deciding on their name. Your name should reflect something about you, whether it's your job or your favorite hobby, or an aspect of your personality. Don't forget to check the names you're thinking of against the Master Roster. If someone else has the name, it's likely to get rejected for you.

    Don't feel pressured to choose your name right off the bat. I'm sure the team will help you if you get too stuck. And it doesn't hurt to ask your closest friends for suggestions. Good luck! :)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am jealous too, I feel way too old to do that but I love to skate and do it around the blk! have fun
  • hlc1977
    hlc1977 Posts: 9 Member
    I feel your pain! Picking a derby name is crazy hard. I so wanted to be Bruise Willis..but it was taken. I'm thinking about Cyndi Lapper (an homage to my 80s childhood). I'm just starting out. The freshest of the fresh meat. Best of luck to you! I think its going to be AWESOME!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Fellow DerbyGirl! Whoot! Well done and GOOD LUCK! Keep practicing... The 90 day test is the killer, they expect so much! Names are tough (especially now that derby is so popular!). There is a website that lists all the names that are already in use: (This is the master roster).
    There are heaps of name generators out there to give you a headstart but taking something personal to you and twisting it or thinking of something catchy is the best way to find your derby name. You won't need to worry until you've done your 90 day test although it doesn't hurt to think about it!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    @StephDoobie: This was my aunt's (now deceased) nickname for me...not very aggressive but such fond sweet memories.
    @nrsevee: we're kinda low-key out here in the sticks...we still have to determine membership dues and team names!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    @StephDoobie: This was my aunt's (now deceased) nickname for me...not very aggressive but such fond sweet memories.
    @nrsevee: we're kinda low-key out here in the sticks...we still have to determine membership dues and team names!

    Maybe you could make it harsher like psycho jillybeans or poisonjillybeans :laugh:

    Nice memories of your aunt. I was close to my aunt too who is also passed. She nicknamed me Topanini or Nini for short. I miss her.
  • rikadee
    I play roller derby competitively w a banked track league and my advice on names is this:

    don't worry about it.
    we weren't allowed to pick skate names until 6+ weeks into fresh meat training and I think it was great because some girls dropped. For every girl who registers a name and drops, it takes a possible name away from a girl who really wants it.

    find your skating style (are you fast? are you powerful? are you just in it for fun?)

    Think about what you want your name to portray
    -What will others think when your name is announced? funny? creepy? scary?
    -How will your name make you feel? goofy? strong? bad *kitten*?)

    Like others have said before me, DEFINITELY check the national registry if you want to avoid pissing off other roller girls with "stealing" their name

    :) Let us know what you picked!

    Good Luck and go kick some *kitten*!!!
  • LizardIsANerd
    Two of my Roller Derby League mates are on here now with me, all of us are losing for derby.
    I'm Dread Pirate Robyn - an homage to the best movie of all time (The Princess Bride).

    We don't register our girls until after they have passed their 2nd skills test - those girls are the ones that are likely to stick with us.
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    Ladies, I haven't read all of the posts, but so many of you are getting into shape FOR rollerderby. Why don't get into shape WHILE playing rollerderby. When I first started derby, I was sooooo out of shape and I'd NEVER played a sport in my life. I thought I was going to die. But I didn't die. And I didn't give up. I ended up playing for about 2 years, played several bouts, and lost a ton of weight and my legs and butt were as hard as boulders. So, stop getting into shape to play and just do it. Otherwise, you'll never think you're good enough to get out there and just give it a try.